

16. marts 2020 af ayse04008210 - Niveau: A-niveau
Håber i kan/vil hjælpe med en opg!!
THUG chapters 9-10
Work sheet
1. Describe the atmosphere at the beginning of chapter 9. Give 5 examples from the text to substantiate your answer. COMMENT ON your examples ( “The example shows that…)
2. How do people in Garden Heights react to the troubling situation? Give examples from the text
3. Why is Starr’s father not at home to protect his family?
4. What is the cause of the riots?
5. What do hear about the news reports on the riots? Give examples. What are Starr’s reactions to these news reports?
6. What happens when Seven and Starr are playing basketball?
7. How do their parents react and what do you think of their reactions? Are they understandable? Why/why not?
8. What do we learn about the relationship between Starr and Chris? Why is the relationship complicated? Can you relate to Starr’s problems with having a white boyfriend? Substantiate your answer.
Chapter 10:
1. What do we learn about Starr’s father at the beginning of chapter 10? What do he and Starr talk about when they’re driving around in the car together? What is important for him in his raising his children? IN what way is Starr’s father different from her mother?
2. How is THUG to be understood? Why do you think Angie Thomas chose this to be the title of the novel?

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #1
16. marts 2020 af Stygotius (Slettet)

Du skal da bare sørge for at læse teksten. Så skulle opgaven ikke være særlig svær.

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #2
18. marts 2020 af mettemettemette

#0 Jeg har ingen ide om hvilken tekst det er du spørger om, så hvordan skulle jeg kunne hjælpe? Hvad er THUG? Er det en bog? Hvem er forfatteren?

Skriv et svar til: Engelsk

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