

06. oktober 2007 af Jensbojsen (Slettet)
Nogen som vil hjælpe med at rette den engelske version ud fra den danske.

Vores naboer, hr. og Fru Wye, har en søn, William, som er ti år gammel. De elsker ham, men jeg tror, de forkæler (spoil) ham. Han kommer tit og besøger os. Det har vi ikke noget imod (mind), men han stiller altid masse spørgsmål.
Hvorfor bor I i et rødt hus? Hvorfor er det ikke gult? Hvornår går du i seng? Ved din kone, hvordan man laver mad? Hvem bor i jeres kælder (basement)? Hvor bor Gud? Hvem var Jack the Ripper? Hvor mange kvinder dræbte han? Hvornår sket det? Vil du ikke fortælle, hvad du ved?
Ofte aner jeg ikke, hvad jeg skal svare. Og min stakkels hjerne kan ikke klare (take) det. Vi er begyndt at kalde ham for Willie Why, og vi overvejer at diskutere problemet med naboerne, for vi er bange for, at de ikke forstår, hvordan man skal opdrage (bring up) en lille dreng.

Our neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Wye, have a son William, who is 10 years old. They love him, but I belief, they spoil him. He often comes and visits us. We have nothing mind it, but he set always lots of questions.
Why do you live in a red house? Why is it not yellow? When do you go to bed? Do you wife knows, how you make food/dinner? Who lives in your basement? Where does God lives? Who is Jack the Ripper? How many woman´s kill her? When did it happen? Do you want to tell, what you knows?
Often I do not know what I have to answer. And my poor brain cannot take it. We are begun to call him Willie Why, and we think about to discuss the problem with the neighbors’, for we are afraid of that they did not understand, how you have to bring up the little boy.

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Svar #1
06. oktober 2007 af faha (Slettet)


Our Neighbours, Mr. and Mrs Wye have a son, William. They love him, but I believe that they spoil him. He often comes and visits us (eller: He often comes on a visit). We don't mind that but he always asks a lot of questions.

Does your wife know how to cook? Where does God live? Who was J.R.? How many women did he kill? Won't you tell what you know? (Eller. Will you not tell what you know?) We have started to call him W.W. and we consider to discuss the problem with the neighbours, because we are afraid that they do not understand how to (eller: one shall) bring up a little boy.



Svar #2
07. oktober 2007 af Jensbojsen (Slettet)


Så kommer det til at lyde:

Our Neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Wye have a son, William. They love him, but I believe that they spoil him. He often comes and visits us (eller: He often comes on a visit). We don't mind that but he always asks a lot of questions.

Why do you live in a red house? Why is it not yellow? When do you go to bed? Does your wife know how to cook? Where does God live? Who was Jack the Ripper? How many women did he kill? When did it happen? Won't you tell what you know? (Will you not tell what you know?) Often I do not know what I have to answer. And my poor brain cannot take it. We have started to call him Willie Why and we consider to discuss the problem with the neighbours, because we are afraid that they do not understand how to (one shall) bring up a little boy.

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Svar #3
07. oktober 2007 af faha (Slettet)

ja, ellers mangler der bare at du vælger at formulere nogle af sætningerne, som for eksempel, "...Visits us (Eller: He often comes on a visit) enten med den uden parantese eller med den i parantesen. Du skal vælge en af de to formuleringer, og det samme gælder for alle andre formuleringer i parantese.

Held og lykke^^

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Svar #4
07. oktober 2007 af -Zeta- (Slettet)

Mit bud:

Our neighbours, Mr and Mrs Wye, have a son, William, who is ten years old. They love him, however, I think they spoil him. He often comes and pays us a visit. We do not mind that, but he always asks a lot of questions.

Why do you live in a red house? Why is it not yellow? When do you go to bed? Does your wife know how to cook? Who lives in your basement? Where does God live? Who was Jack the Ripper? How many women did he kill? When did it happen? Will you not tell what you know? Frequently, I do not know what to answer. And my poor brain cannot take it. We have started calling him Willie Why and we consider discussing the problem with the neighbours, because we are afraid that they will not understand how to bring up a little boy.

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