
Rettelse af oversættelse

26. november 2007 af Frk-and (Slettet)
Hejsa :o)

En lille engelsk oversættelse, som jeg har brug for hjælp til..
Jeg har prøvet mig frem, men synes ikke rigtig det lyder som jeg gerne vil have det :P

Danmark – set ude fra.
Vi går som regel ud fra at udlændinge, når de udtaler sig om Danmark og danskerne, kun har lovord for vort smukke land, vort velordnede samfund og – ikke mindst – for det glade og venlige danske folk. Man hører dog også kritiske røster; ja, måske er der en tendens til at det sker tiere og tiere. Her er et par eksempler fra de seneste år:
”Jeg er efterhånden blevet klar over at jeg ikke hører hjemme her,” siger en ung afrikaner, der i 10 år har opholdt sig i landet. ”Det har noget at gøre med at danskerne er gennemsyret af materialisme, hvad der gør de fleste mennesker ensomme og bange for hinanden. Det er koldt her – og jeg taler ikke bare om klimaet.”
Denne opfattelse af os deles åbenbart af andre. En danskgift australier siger: ”Jeg blev meget hurtigt belært om at der var én gylden regel jeg frem for alt måtte overholde: Man skal passe sig selv.”

Denmark – Seen from the outside.
We usually always take it that foreigners, when they make a statement about Denmark and the Danes, only have words of praise to our beautiful country, our well-organized society and –and not at least – to the happy and kind Danish nation. One hears however also critical voices; yes, perhaps it is a tendency that it happens more and more often. Here are a couple of examples from the past few years:
“I am gradually become aware of that I not belong here,” says a young African, who has stayed in the country for 10 years. “It has something to do whit that the Danes are saturated of materialism, what makes most of the people lonely and afraid of each other. Here is cold – and I am not just talking about the climate”.
This opinion of us is obvious shared by others. A Danish married Australian says: “I very quickly became familiar with that there was one golden rule as I above all must observe: One has to mind its own business”.

Ville være rigtig glad for noget hjælp.. Tak ..

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Svar #1
26. november 2007 af tyra16 (Slettet)

We go out as a rule from that foreigners, when they make a statement about Denmark and the Danes, only have praises for our beautiful country, our well-ordered society and - not least - for the happy and friendly Danish people.

They however also listen to critical voices;

yes, maybe there is a tendency towards a situation where it happens more often and more often.

Here are a couple of examples from the last years:

"I have gradually become aware of that I do not hear at home here", says a young African, who has stayed for 10 years in the country.

"That has something to do with that the Danes are permeated by materialism, which frightens most human beings lonely and for each other.

It's cold here - and I speak about the climate not just."

This notion by us is divided apparently by others.

A Danish-married Australian says:

"I was very quickly instructed about that there was one golden rule I especially had to respect:

You has to be proper.

Svar #2
26. november 2007 af Frk-and (Slettet)

Ihh, tusind tak :D .. Det var virkelig en stor hjælp :o)

Mange mange tak :o)

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Svar #3
25. oktober 2014 af highlyeducatedforeigner (Slettet)

Actually, as a foreigner with English at a very high level as my mother tongue, I would suggest that the English version goes like this:

Denmark - seen from the outside

Our starting point is that, as a rule, when foreigners who have lived here speak of Denmark they have only good things to say about our beautiful land, our well-organized society and, not the least, the happy and friendly Danish people. One hears though, also, criticism and this appears to be happening more and more often. Here are a few examples from the last year:
"It is at least, in part, that Danes are totally materialistic, which is something that tends to make people lonely and afraid of each other. It is cold here, and I am not speaking about the weather." This impression of us is clearly shared by others. For example, an Australian married to a Dane said "I learned quickly that there is a golden rule in Denmark that controls all others which is, essentially, one must watch our for themselves (because no one else is going to offer help)". 

I know it is too late to be useful, but I wanted to clarify in case anyone else sees this.

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Svar #4
25. oktober 2014 af highlyeducatedforeigner (Slettet)

Sorry - this was somehow dropped while I was working on the rest of the translation: 
”Jeg er efterhånden blevet klar over at jeg ikke hører hjemme her,” siger en ung afrikaner, der i 10 år har opholdt sig i landet.
"In retrospect it is clear that I do not belong here", says a young African who, for ten years, has lived in Denmark. 

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Svar #5
26. oktober 2014 af Stygotius

Hmm, -this English rendering is not quite to the point.

Denmark -  as seen (from the) by an outsider

(Our starting point is that, as a rule, when) We usually take it for granted that foreigners (who have lived here speak) when commenting on (of) Denmark (they) only have (only good things to say) words of praise (about) for our beautiful (land) country, our well-organized society and, (not the)last, but not least, the happy and friendly Danish people. (One hears though, also,) Still, one also encounters some criticism and this (appears to be happening) occurs more and more often these days. Here are a few examples from (the) last year:

'I have learnt that I do not really belong here', says a young African, ten years a resident in this country. It's to do with Danes being rather materialist by nature. This makes most  people lonely and frightened of one another. This is a cold climate, -and I'm not just talking of the physical climate. People from other parts seem to share this opinion. One Australian, married to a Dane, said, 'I was quickly shown that there's an important lesson one had better learn: 'Mind your own business.' 
("It is at least, in part, that Danes are totally materialistic, which is something that tends to make people lonely and afraid of each other. It is cold here, and I am not speaking about the weather.") This impression of us is clearly shared by others. For example, an Australian married to a Dane said "I learned quickly that there is a golden rule in Denmark that controls all others which is, essentially, one must watch our for themselves (because no one else is going to offer help)". 

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