

25. juni 2009 af kokod (Slettet)

Jeg har lige modtaget min karakter for min engelske stil og den er en del lavere end den plejer at være, derfor ville jeg høre om der er nogle der ville se den igennem og måske komme med et bud på hvad karakteren skulle være, for jeg overvejer klage, men det kan selvfølgelig være at jeg har haft en dårlig dag. Håber nogen har tid til at hjælpe mig.

New communication and information technology
1. Give an outline of the use of information and communication technology as it is presented in text 1 and 2.
In both articles, ”Don’t Want to Talk About It? Order a Missed Call” and “Sex, Lies and the Internet”, deals with the issues of the new progress in technology and how we behave on the internet.
The first article is written by Matt Richtel, who mentions a new invention which is called Slydial, who makes it possible for callers to discreet leave a voice mail, without risking the phone being answered. The service of Slydial is free, but before entering a voicemail you have to listen to a few advertisements.
This new technology makes it possible for people to avoid one another, with Slydial we are released from unpleasant and unwanted calls. Alexis Gorman, a mid twenty woman, uses it to break up with guys she has been on a few dates with. Instead of leaving a text message, which is considered to be impersonal, she leaves a voice message and in that way she avoids drama. But just as Gorman, the rest of the people can now diminish the risk of being confronted with their actions.
In these times of blogging, emailing and text messaging, experts are threatening with the possible fact that it could turn people into egocentric persons, because of the extreme focus on sending out information, then having real relationships with other human beings.
The one way communication has grown to be very popular the last couple of years, websites as Facebook, Twitter and Radar.net are all based on sending out and getting updates from friend. But it is questioned if whether the supposed communication only is to be pretending to be communicating.
Because of its popularity it has lead to a revolution in the area. Now many small inventions that can be used to avoid situations we do not want for the rest of your life.
The second article, written by Andrew Keen, mainly focuses on how we tend to lie on the internet, because it is easier and you will not be confronted with it, because of the anonymity. To cases are mentioned to show how easy it is to deceive. A boy could easily pretend to be a woman without being questioned. Another person, a woman, posted on a website a lie about being raped and left humiliated and depressed. These cases are made possible because of the possibility of posting anonymous, and the missing rules about lying and deceiving on the internet.
2. What is Stuart Jeffries´ attitude to mobile phones and e-mail in text 3, and how does he express it? Illustrate your answers from the text.
Stuart Jeffries does not believe that the mobile phone and e-mail is necessary to be kept updated with the rest of the world. To illustrate his claims he mention a lot of important and powerful people as former presidents of the United States, who did not own a mobile phone nor had the skills to write or send an e-mail. He compares it with the Queen who is not carrying money, in the same way do really powerful people not use the cyberspace. Instead they a team of young techies to manage the technology, while they thing of everything else.
In latest election campaign in the United States, it was argued if Senator John McCain was out of touch with the modern world because of his lacking skills to use the internet, as a contrast to this was his rival, Barack Obama, who often was seen with at computer.
3. On the basic of the review of Marc Baurlein´s book “The Dumbest Generation”(text 4), discuss some appropriate ways of using the internet.
The internet can be very useful, when it is utilized in the right way. It can be an excellent way to seek information and draw on others knowledge. But in the latest couple of years popular social websites like Facebook and Myspace been a distraction for many people, and especially the young generation. The young generation does not consider the danger of these websites, when all their attention is drawn towards them. It is a shame, as Mark Bauerlein says, that in these times where the opportunities for education, political actions, and cultural activity is being overshadowed by the seductive websites.
You can not blame the young people, because of their youth they seek to be recognized by people around them, the social life which is tacking place on for instance on Facebook is no more then a place you where you can post updates on your status and share pictures. You can show how popular, active and important you are through these updates, pictures and number of friends. Therefore are these websites so easily to become additive for young people, and maybe also the reason why the sites will not disappear.
An alternative of fighting and banding the sites would maybe be to embrace them, and realize that the young people have some unfulfilled needs, they need to have covered. And then put some focus on other social activities, so they will not end up as egocentric people, whose only purpose is to update their status on Facebook.

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #1
27. juni 2009 af exatb

Jeg vil gætte på et nul. Du skriver ikke hvilket niveau det er på. Er det hf eller gym på A eller B niveau tror jeg ikke den er bestået

Brugbart svar (2)

Svar #2
05. juli 2009 af MissConduct (Slettet)

 Nu ved jeg ikke hvor mange undervisere der er herinde, men det er nok svært for andre studerende at vurdere hvilken karakter din opgave ligger til. Især når vi ikke ved hvilket klassetrin du går på. Dog kan jeg sige at der er en del stavefejl eksempelvis og ind imellem er sætningerne også ret rodede hvilket giver et forstyrrende billede af indholdet. 

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #3
03. november 2009 af reidun (Slettet)

Denne besvarelse er ikke bestået.

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #4
22. december 2011 af Frederik8924 (Slettet)

Der er en del fejl (f.eks. mange stavefejl). Jeg mener, at den ikke er bestået. 


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