
Engelsk Stil. Ret igennem?

29. september 2014 af NannaDanvel - Niveau: 8. klasse

What is a hero? Who are the people we make heroes? Why do we need heroes? That's the question we all ask for. It don't have to be a man with superpowers but a person who a willing  to do such thing, like sacrifices they're one life for another person that's in danger. There is thousands of ordinay people around the world that makes a different every single day. 
Now truth to be told, we all want to be heroes in some kind of way. We all want to make that difference in that moment of time that will dramatically impact the situation. To keep someone safe. And to keep other people safe. Stand up for what is right and justice. 
My hero is my parents. They kinda saved my life, and gave me a home. 
Before all that. Before the 14 years, I lived in a orphanage with other children's and needed a family who would take care of me. And that's when I I think they deserve the title ''Hero'' Because they kinda gave me a shelter. They gave me food, a bed and love in 14 years. I love them with all my heart, and I don't know what I would do without them.
What have we learned so far? There are different types of heroes. Heroes that, by example show us that anything is possible. Heroes that by their decisions, demonstrate a courage that is not common in the average populace and we see a hero that finds strength to overcome adversity and thrive. We have seen heroes that connect and unify when their unification is needed to stop or to mitigate the amount of death and destruction.

Det ville være en stor hjælp hvis i gad at rette min stil (Dog skal der være lidt mere, men bare som min start/plot.) Selve stilen skal handle om hvad en helt består af, og hvorfor man har valgt den helt. Tusinde tak! 

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Svar #1
02. oktober 2014 af Camolla117 (Slettet)

1. linje: That's the question we all aks for. - Der ville jeg have skrevet: That a question we all ask. *

2. linje: hele den sætning lyder lidt underlig, du har skrevet: "jeg jeg behøver ikke at være en mand med superkræfter men en person som er villig til gøre sådan ting, som ofre de er et liv for en anden person der er i fare". tag lige et kig til på den.

Linje 3. There is - there are*

linje 4. Det skal være difference*

Linje 9: det skal bare være children*

linje 11: du har skrevet I I men du kan nu altså nøjes med et enkelt I.

Anden sidste linje: connects* and unifies,* 

Der er lidt flere småfejl  som nogle kommaer, men tog bare lige dem jeg syntes var vigtigst. Håber det hjælper og ellers så tag lige og kig den igennem en gang, så er jeg sikker på du måske kan se nogle af de små fejl. Det hjælper tit mig lige at læse den højt. Så er det lettere at høre fejlene end at læse dem hvis du forstår. ;D

Håber det hjalp dig bare en smule : D

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Svar #2
02. oktober 2014 af Hansihh (Slettet)

#0 du kan sagtens rette disse stave -grammatisk fejl, prøv at læse stil igen grundigt

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