
Engelsk stil - rettelse

26. november 2014 af Nercs (Slettet) - Niveau: 9. klasse

Dear Pernille

Gossip is everywhere, at school, at work and of course somewhere between your friends. Words say a lot about hurting damage through gossip. Words have a power, a god but sometimes also hurtful power. People gossip about other people to feel better about themselves. There will come times in life, where some of your acquaintance will talk gossip rumors, which gives the person a “fake id” and the person becomes unreal and becomes fast your enemy. Some people ignore and accept it and think that life just is like that. I would say that they become victims. While other people fight for who they are and who they are not. If someone tells you something, be sure it is true, if not. Don’t tell it further to anyone ells, even though it is true. If your friend tells you a secret, don’t tell it to other people, it can still hurt the person it comes from. It is definitely essayer to gossip today, than from years back. You can plant rumors on the internet on the social networks and your friend’s friends also know about it. Don’t get busy with other people’s life. There is better ways to use your time Life too short for gossip. Gossip has a social function. If you’re told gossip and you continue to tell it, a social bond will be build. But I mean that we have to treat other people as you want to be regarded. Think if it was you in that situation. You have to think before you speak out loud. It is all about casual talk, gossip and at least to become more popular, but okay everyone has at least tried it once before. I will admit that I also have talked gossip, both positive and negative gossip. Stop talking negative about other people and don’t comment on negative gossip! Think before you speak! And ask yourself:
Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it fair? If not, do not repeat it? KEEP QUIET

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Svar #1
27. november 2014 af HHXmeister (Slettet)

Hvornår skal du aflevere den? 

Svar #2
27. november 2014 af Nercs (Slettet)

På mandag, hvorfor da?

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Svar #3
27. november 2014 af HHXmeister (Slettet)

Lavede den samme aflevering engang, jeg valgte bare et andet tema tror det hed "In thoughts of you"

Jeg kan nemt rette din aflevering for dig, hvis det er? :)

Svar #4
27. november 2014 af Nercs (Slettet)

Det må du meget gerne:)

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Svar #5
27. november 2014 af HHXmeister (Slettet)

Dear Pernille

Gossip is everywhere, at school, at work and of course somewhere between your friends. Words say a lot about hurting damage through gossip. Words have power, good, but sometimes also hurtful power. People gossip about other people to feel better about themselves. There will come times in life, where some of your acquaintance will talk gossip rumors, which gives the person a “fake identity” and the person becomes unreal and becomes fast your enemy. Some people ignore and accept it, and think that life just is like that. I would say that they become victims, while other people fight for who they are. If someone tells you something, be sure it is true, if not. Do not tell it further to anyone else, even though it is true. If your friend tells you a secret, do not tell it to other people, it can still hurt the person it comes from. It is definitely easier to gossip today, than it was for years ago. You can plant rumors on the internet, on the social networks and your all of your friends also know about it. Do not get busy with other people’s life, there is better ways to spend your time, and life is just too short for gossip. Gossip has a social function. If you are told gossip and you continue to tell it, a social bond will be build. But I mean that we have to treat other people as you want to be regarded. Think of it as you were in that situation. You have to think before you speak out loud. It is all about casual talk, gossip and at least to become more popular, but okay everyone has at least tried it once before. I will admit that I also have talked gossip, both positive and negative gossip. Stop talking negative about other people and do not comment on negative gossip! Think before you speak! And ask yourself;
Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it fair? If not, do not repeat it? KEEP QUIET

*Du kommer du til at lære, at man ikke bruger apostrof på gymnasiet, fordi det bruger man ikke i det almindelige engelske sprog :)

*Prøv at find nogle synonymer for svære ord :)

*Husk ting som "essayer" et essay = en stil, men det du ville skrive var "easier" de uregelmæssige ord, som sidder der efter nogle år 

Held og lykke, har ikke rettet alt, så du kan jo prøve at finde nogle synonymer ;)

Svar #6
27. november 2014 af Nercs (Slettet)

Tusind tak, alt hjælp er til nytte!
Og tak for ikke at rette ord i min stil, men skrive hvad jeg gør forkert så jeg lærer mere??
Thank you

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Svar #7
27. november 2014 af ShadH

Tjo... Apostroffer er alt sammen afhængigt at hvilken forudsætning der er blevet sat: Skal det være en opgave med talesprog eller neutralt engelsk? I talesprog kan man godt tillade sig at bruge apostroffer (f.eks "it's") mens man i neutralt engelsk nok vil undlade det og dele ordet op i to (f.eks "it is")

Man kan selvfølgelig bakke op #5 op ved at sige: "Jamen der bliver ikke uddelegeret speciel mange opgaver hvori, der skal benyttes talesprog (hvis overhovedet en eller to - det kan jeg ikke helt udtale mig om siden jeg stadig går i 2.g, men det er )".

At sige at vi slet ikke bruger apostrof i det engelske sprog er derfor ikke helt korrekt. Det handler alt sammen om den givende situation, ord og sætning. Du kan muligvis slå op om apostroffer og sætte dig lidt mere ind i det.

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