

21. oktober 2016 af Hejmeddig2132 (Slettet) - Niveau: A-niveau

Er der nogle, der kan hjælpe mig med oversættelsen er blevet lavet korrekt? 

Dansk: I USA er der folketælling hvert tiende år. Den første folketælling blev gennemført i 1790, og den seneste fandt sted i 2010. Ved folketællingen registrerer man blandt andet hver amerikaners køn, alder og bopæl, men amerikanerne bliver også bedt om at oplyse deres race og etniske baggrund. Alle familier i landet får tilsendt et spørgeskema, som familiens overhoved skal udfylde. Resultaterne af folketællingen bruges for eksempel til at afgøre, hvor mange medlemmer hver stat er berettiget til i Repræsentanternes Hus i Washington DC.

Engelsk: In the United States there is a population census every ten years. The first population census was carried out in 1790, and the last one held in 2010. By population census, it records, among other things every Americans gender, age and residence, but the Americans are also asked to state their racial and ethnic background. All the families in the country are sent a questionnaire as head of the family must complete. The results of the population census are used for example to determine the number of members each state is entitled to the House of Representatives in Washington DC. 

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Svar #1
21. oktober 2016 af Stygotius

In the United States (there is) a population census is held every ten years. The first (population) census was carried out in 1790, and the latest (last one) held in 2010. (By) A population census(, it) records(, among other things every Americans)  facts like gender, age and residence  of every American citizen, but (the Americans) people are also asked to state their racial and ethnic background. All the families in the country are sent a questionnaire (as) to be filled in by the head of the family (must complete). The results (of the population census) are used (for example) to determine, among other things, the number of members each state is entitled to send to the House of Representatives in Washington DC. 

Hvem er "the head of the family" ???

Svar #2
21. oktober 2016 af Hejmeddig2132 (Slettet)

Jeg har bare oversæt det fra: 
som familiens overhoved skal udfylde.

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Svar #3
21. oktober 2016 af Stygotius

Ja, men hvem er famlliens overhoved??

Hvem skal have  magten i en familie?   Skal nogen overhovedet?

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