

22. oktober 2016 af AlielaL (Slettet) - Niveau: Universitet/Videregående

Nogen derude, der kan hjælpe med at oversætte denne tekst. Jeg er desværre lidt lost :-( 

The state administration’s need to reform is made acute by a 2009 decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) that in effect requires BiH to change the ethnicity-based way it chooses its chief executive and part of its legislature. Existing proposals try to squeeze the constituent peoples into an ostensibly ethnicity-blind structure on top of which a complicated network of indirect elections would allow party leaders to choose the executive with as little democratic input as possible. The EU and the outside world support this tinkering with Dayton to satisfy the decision, though such proposals have manifestly failed. Bosnians need to rebuild their political structure from the bottom up.

There is no consensus on where to start, but Bosnia may have to break from its political system based on constituent peoples and their rights. Crisis Group has not reached this conclusion lightly. It reflects long experience and observation that no one has been able to frame a broadly attractive vision on the existing flawed basis. With stresses and frustrations accumulating in all communities, Bosnia must conceive new foundations to survive. Agreement may take years and much experimentation and debate, but the search should begin.

BiH is home to three political communities: those primarily loyal to the Bosnian state, usually but not always Bosniaks; those loyal to Republika Srpska (RS), usually Serbs; and those desirous of Croat self-government, usually Croats. Giving the Croats what they want, their own entity to make a three-entity Bosnia, is absolutely rejected by Bosniaks. Building virtual representative units for the three communities, possibly with new emphasis on municipalities as basic building blocks, is intellectually plausible but requires a leap of faith few seem ready to take. A purely civic state is inconceivable to Serbs and Croats.

Neither leaders nor civil society have deeply explored alternatives to three constituent peoples in two entities; any consensus would take time. Nevertheless, the goal should be clear. The head of state should reflect Bosnia’s diversity, something a collective does better than an individual. The same body could be the executive government. Some decisions should require consensus, others a majority. All three communities should be represented, not necessarily in equal numbers. There should be no ethnic quotas; representation should reflect self-defined regions and all their voters. Poorly performing, unnecessary state agencies and ministries should be slimmed or abolished, with powers reverting to the entities; but the state would need new ministries and agencies required for EU membership. The ten cantons in the larger of BiH’s two entities, the Federation (FBiH), are an underperforming, superfluous layer. They could be abolished, their powers divided between the municipalities and the entity government.

Political culture is part of the problem; an informal “Sextet” of party leaders in effect controls government and much of the economy. A multi-ethnic coalition persists, election to election, with only minor adjustments. Membership is earned by winning opaque intra-party competitions in which voters have little say. Change in this system can only come from within: Bosnians should join parties and participate in genuine leadership contests. Sextet power is further buttressed by control of hiring, investment and commercial decisions at state-owned firms, a situation that chokes private investment and growth.

Bosnia is unimaginable without the work of international officials who did much to shape political institutions and implement peace, but the international community has become more obstacle than help. BiH is trapped in a cycle of poorly thought-out, internationally-imposed tasks designed to show leaders’ readiness to take responsibility but that put that moment forever out of reach. The only way to encourage leaders to take responsibility is to treat the country normally, without extraneous tests or High Representatives. The EU could signal a new start by stating it will receive a membership application – the first of many steps on the long accession road. It should then be an engaged, not over-didactic partner in Bosnia’s search for a way to disentangle the constitutional knot.

På forhånd tak! 

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Svar #1
22. oktober 2016 af Stygotius

Nu er det jo ikke meningen med SP at man bare kan smide en opgave ind og få andre til at løse den for sig.

Hvad er det du har problemer med?

Svar #2
23. oktober 2016 af AlielaL (Slettet)

Først og fremmest er dette ikke en opgave. Skal blot bare have en kort forstårelse over hvad det er der præcist foregår. Dette er kun en LILLE del af teksten, hvor jeg er gået lidt i stå. 

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Svar #3
23. oktober 2016 af Stygotius

Det er ikke en opgave?? -og så vil du have at andre skal bruge tid og energi og viden på at gennemlæse og rette en alenlang tekst for dig  -ganske gratis??

Du må vist gå til et bureau og betale dem for at udføre denne opgave.

Svar #4
24. oktober 2016 af AlielaL (Slettet)

Tusinde tak for hjælpen. Du var da en kæmpe hjælp ;-) 
Igen, jeg bad om en kort forklaring, da jeg skal bruge dette stykke til et vigtigt projekt. Bad ikke om at nogen skulle til at oversætte hele teksten for mig og det har jeg bestemt heller ikke skrevet.

Dog bad jeg heller ikke om at nogen skulle "brokke" sig. 

Fortsat god aften. 

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Svar #5
24. oktober 2016 af Stygotius

Du har faktisk spurgt om nogen kunne hjælpe  med at oversætte denne tekst, men ok, så har du måske bare udtrykt dig lidt uklart.

Du burde nok have sagt hvad det er i teksten du har problemer med.

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #6
25. oktober 2016 af Therk


Tusinde tak for hjælpen. Du var da en kæmpe hjælp ;-) 
Igen, jeg bad om en kort forklaring, da jeg skal bruge dette stykke til et vigtigt projekt. Bad ikke om at nogen skulle til at oversætte hele teksten for mig og det har jeg bestemt heller ikke skrevet.


Nogen derude, der kan hjælpe med at oversætte denne tekst. Jeg er desværre lidt lost :-( 

The state [...]

Fremhævningerne er mine.

Husk at du har brug for hjælp og at gratis hjælp ikke er en service, men et gode. Din defensive ageren er unødvendig. Husk at hjælpere bruger deres fritid på at sætte sig ind i dit problem. Det betyder også at hvis du ikke viser at du har brugt tid/energi på problemfremstillingen, så er der lille chance for at andre har lyst til at bruge tid på at hjælpe dig.

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[...] Hvad er det du har problemer med?

Svar #7
25. oktober 2016 af AlielaL (Slettet)


Svar #8
25. oktober 2016 af AlielaL (Slettet)


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