
Notater til engelske tekster

05. juni 2005 af Conrad (Slettet)
Hej, jeg er på simpel notat rov!
Har engelsk på højniveau (3g, selvfølgelig)
Og har følgende pensa jeg blir eksamineret i:

Tema: American Values
Frandsen, Kaj og Gyland, Bjørn: E Pluribus Unum, Marko, 1987
Whitman, Walt: O Pioneers! O Pioneers! (1867) (Poesi) 4,3ns
Cather, Willa: O Pioneers! (Uddrag af roman) 7,7ns

Nørgård, Nina: American Voices, Values and Beliefs in the 90s, Munksgaard, 1998
Stephen King: The Man in the Black Suit (Novelle)19,7ns
p. 106 line 6....”If I had accepted this” – the rest of the story

Plougheld og Arildsen: Follow that dream, Gad 1997
The Economist: The land of the free (teo) 6,4 ns

De Crévecoeur, Michel Guillaume: Letters from an American Farmer (uddrag) 4,6ns
www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/treatise/ american_farmer/letters.htm - 8k - 13 Sep 2003

Short Stories
Hornby, Nick: Faith, Time Out Book of London Stories, Penguin,1993 (novelle) 9,9s
Greene, Graham: The Blue Film, 21 Stories, Viking Press, 1962 (novelle) 6,8ns

Shena Mackay: "Slaves to the Mushroom" (14,8 ns.) og Jean
Rhys: "Mannequin" (6,2 ns.). Begge er fra Susan Hill (ed.): "The
Book of Modern Women's Short Stories", Penguin Books 1990.

Pierre, DBC: Vernon God Little, Faber & Faber, 2003, 20ns
Kapitel 3 (s. 19-28)
Kapitel 24 (s. 253-262)
Shakespeare, William: Hamlet, Longman, 1968, 18,7ns
Act 1, scene 2, lines 129-159 (O, that this too....- ...For I must hold my tongue)
Act 1, scene 5, lines 9-57 (I am thy father’s spirit-...And prey on garbage)
Act 2, scene 2, lines 522-580 (Now I am alone.-....catch the conscience of the king)
Act 3, scene 1, lines 56-88 (To be or not to be..- the name of action)
Act 3, scene 1, lines 122-160 (Get thee to a nunnery...-...se what I have seen)
Act 3 scene 3, lines 35-98 (thanks, dear my lord.-...never to heaven go.)
Act 3, scene 4, lines 1-52 (He will come straight.-...is thought-sick at the act)
Act 3, scene 4, lines 89-105 (O Hamlet, speak no more.- A king of shreds and patches.)
Act 4, scene 5, lines 1-70
Act 4, scene 5, lines 150-194 (How now!-...God be wi’ you)
Act 5, scene 1, lines 106-197 (Let me see-...- Here comes the king)

teoretisk tekst om Shakespeare
P. C. Bayley: Studying Shakespeare (Afsnit om order + hierarchy) (teo) 4,3 ns
fra: P. C. Bayley An ABC of Shakespeare (York Handbooks, 1985)

Håber det bare er en smule overskueligt!
Hvis der er nogen der kan hjælpe med nogle noter eller andet spass, er jeg sikker på at jeg kan hjælpe med en anden ting til dig.
Jeg har trods alt 3 års noter liggende c¨,)

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