
FSA mundtl. engelsk

25. maj 2008 af MariamxD (Slettet)
Hej alle.

Jeg skal op i mundtligt engelsk her d. 7 juni, og er derfor begyndt at øve mit manuskript til selvvalgte emne. Jeg tænkte på om der var nogen der lige ville kigge det igennem for eventuelle fejl ;)

Jeg går stærkt efter 12, så i må meget gerne rette selv det mindste ;-)På forhånd tak.

Her er teksten:

1. Why did I choose this topic?

- I have chosen this subject, because of many reasons, but mostly because, it provokes me so much, how some people just think, that they have licence to kill other human beings.

I saw the film, Flatliners, which is about five young medical students, exploring life.
They try to find out what happens after you are dead, and they die, to be revived. [revaived]
The main question in that film is, ‘Is it our job, as human beings, to explore what happens when you are dead? Or will God tell us, when it is our time?’
Chasing Freedom is actually about asylum, but also has a story about Afghanistan. The main person tells us her story, and how they in some parts of the world can buy popcorn, to watch an execution. It is a real story.

Death penalty:

What is the death penalty?
- The death penalty is the ultimate punishment to a person, who has broken some of the most serious laws in a country.
What countries have the death penalty?
- In Denmark the death penalty has been abolished, but in other parts of the world, the death penalty is still used. Not only in countries, where the culture is very different from the Danish, like Asia but also in a country like the USA, where the culture is very similar with ours, in many other ways.
Where is the death penalty used?
- The death penalty can be used for many different kinds of crimes, depending on, which country and which culture is involved. In some countries the death penalty is only used for pre-meditated murder on another human being. In other countries the death penalty is also used to fight another kind of crime, for example drug dealing. In some countries divorce or betrayal is perceived as a crime, which results in the death penalty.
Which methods of capital punishment are there, and which have there been?
The most used is lethal injection and the electric chair.

My own point of view:
- I am against the death penalty 100 %. I really believe that no one in this world, has the right to ‘pretend’ to be God, and decide if a person has the right to live or not. I think it is an inhuman and degrading kind of punishment, which also hits innocent people. There has been at least 26 cases of that. Innocent people who spend 15 years in prison, and in some cases they got the death penalty, and it was later proven, that they were completely innocent.

I don’t think, that if a person commits murder, he or she should be allowed just to spend 5 years in prison, and that will be that. I think that they should be given a life sentence, and that really should be a life sentence, and not 25-30 years in prison. And I also think, that it is very sick-minded, when the officers ask the person, who is getting killed, if they want a last meal by choice, for example McDonald’s.
I think it is very superficial, when people try to be nice, and then kill them afterwards.

I personally also think, that it is much more of a punishment, if a person spends their whole life in prison, instead of being killed. That is NOT a punishment. That is the easy way. But if you wake up in the same prison bed for 65 years, eat the same prison food, thinking about WHY you are in prison, missing your family, or the green grass or thinking about how the world is continuing outside, and all the things you could be doing..
I really do think, that that is a much worse punishment.
(I know that there is one organization, which currently fights against the death penalty, and that is AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL)

Now I will continue, by telling you about Abortion:
What is abortion?

- An abortion is the removal or expulsion of an embryo from the uterus, resulting in its death. The spontaneous expulsion of an embryo before the 20th week of gestational age is commonly known as a miscarriage.

What reasons are there for abortion?

- There are a lot of reasons, all depending on age, society and culture. Some of the most common reasons are inability to support or care for a child, to end an unwanted pregnancy, and pregnancy resulting from rape or incest.

Is abortion legal every where?

- Free abortion became legal in Denmark in 1973, but it’s not 100 % legal in every country.
In some countries, it is considered as legal murder.

My own point of view.

- I think, that having an abortion is a very serious operation. Although, the actual procedure is not so serious, the decision and preparation are serious, and a lot of counseling should be obtained, to make sure, that it is the right decision for the individual. It is also very hard and difficult, after the abortion, and many people are seriously psychologically affected. One of my friends mother had an abortion, and told me about it. She was 16 years old when she became pregnant, and the reason she wanted an abortion was, that she was not ready to be a mother yet, and she couldn’t tell her parents. I think a situation like this is very dangerous, because she could have become seriously infected, and this could have left her with fertility problems in the future.
She had a long period, where she was down all the time, and she wouldn’t or couldn’t talk with anyone about it. She felt very guilty.

I really think, that it is very difficult, to answer if an abortion is murder or not. There are so many exceptions, and some reasons for abortions are truly right, but others are very wrong.

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #1
25. maj 2008 af Boggnasker2 (Slettet)

...d. 7. juni er en lørdag??

Svar #2
25. maj 2008 af MariamxD (Slettet)

Det er også fordi jeg har skrevet forkert dato :b
haha. den 6!

tak for svaret :D

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #3
25. maj 2008 af Mussy06 (Slettet)

Nu har jeg ikke tjekket den igennem, men bare det, at den er så lang, altså at du har et manuskript ville ikke være for smart, grundet at du kan blive stoppet når som helst, hvor som helst. Naturligvis kan du bruge det til at øve, men lad være med at bruge det 100% og vær sikker på, det er det, du har skrevet, du kommer til at sige, for hvis du pludselig er ude af stand til at følge proceduren, ville du blive nervøs osv.

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #4
26. maj 2008 af Bluestar (Slettet)

Det er næsten fejlfrit. lidt kedeligt, ensformigt sprog, men de få fejl indikerer at du trods det er meget sikker. Det ser godt ud.

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #5
29. maj 2008 af zgtaf (Slettet)

Jeg er meget uenig med dig i dine synspunkter vedr. dødstraf, men det ser meget godt ud :D Dog nogle komma-fejl, især i afsnittet om death penalty :)

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #6
30. maj 2008 af frk_lorenzen (Slettet)

Jeg er helt enig i dine synspunkter vedr. dødsstraf, men er tilgengæld også enig med #5 i, at du har alt for mange kommaer. Hvis det skal fremlægges mundtligt, er det dog ligemeget, da det kun er dig som skal se talepapiret. Jeg vil dog foreslå, at du laver dit talepapir på punktform i stedet, især hvor du udtrykker din egen mening til emnet. Det kan du nok godt gøre, uden alt for megen støtte:) Men det er godt at have fx. tal og årstal skrevet ned.

Svar #7
03. juni 2008 af MariamxD (Slettet)

Tusind tak for hjælpen allesammen.

Jamen, jeg må slet ikke have papiret med, så det er ligegyldigt med kommaer :)

Altså, det er noget jeg skal huske i hovedet, har kun min outline/disposition jo.

Men af ren nysgerrighed, hvad er det nogle af jer er uenige i?
Altså jeg har jo skrevet mine egne, ændrer dem selvf. ikke, men synes da det er lidt interessant :)

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #8
03. juni 2008 af cheer92 (Slettet)

hmm, du har 5 min til fremlæggelsen og de afbryder konstant så du når sket ikke alt det der..

Svar #9
07. juni 2008 af MariamxD (Slettet)

Jeg var oppe igår. og de afbrød overhovedet ikke.
De må jo først stille spørgsmål når jeg er færdig :-)

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #10
09. april 2014 af crillercraller (Slettet)

Hvordan gik det for dig? Hvilken karakter fik du så? :-))

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #11
29. marts 2016 af simon1379

hvilke links brugte du?

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #12
29. marts 2016 af Stygotius

zgtf (#5)

Hvad i alverden er så dine synspunkter om dødsstraf????????????????????

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #13
29. marts 2016 af Stygotius

1. Why did I choose this topic? 

- I have chosen this subject(, because of) for many reasons, but mostly because, it provokes me so much, how some people just think, that they (have licence) are free to kill other human beings. 

I saw the film, Flatliners, which is about five young medical students, exploring life. 
They try to find out what happens after you are dead, and they die, to be revived. [revaived] 
The main question in that film is, ‘Is it our job, as human beings, to explore what happens when you are dead? Or will God tell us, when it is our time?’ 
Chasing Freedom is actually about asylum, but also has a story about Afghanistan. The main person tells us her story, and how they in some parts of the world can buy popcorn, to watch??? an execution. It is a real story. 

Death penalty: 

What is the death penalty? 
- The death penalty is the ultimate punishment to a person, who has broken some of the most serious laws in a country. 
(What) Which countries have the death penalty? 
- In Denmark the death penalty has been abolished, but in other parts of the world, the death penalty is still used. Not only in (countries,) those parts of the world where the culture is very different from the Danish, like Asia but also in a country like the USA, where the culture is very similar with ours, in many other ways. 
Where is the death penalty used? 
- The death penalty can be used for many different kinds of crimes, depending on, which country and which culture is involved. In some countries the death penalty is only used for pre-meditated murder on another human being. In other countries the death penalty is also used to (fight) combat (another kind of crime) other crimes, like for example drug dealing. In some countries divorce or (betrayal) adultery is (perceived) seen as a crime, which (results in) may carry the death penalty. 
Which methods of capital punishment are there, and which have there been? 
The most used is lethal injection and the electric chair. 

My own point of view: 
- I am against the death penalty 100 %. I really believe that no one in this world, has the right to ‘pretend’ to be God, and decide if a person has the right to live or not. I think it is an inhuman and degrading kind of punishment, which also hits innocent people. There has been at least 26 cases of that. Innocent people who spend 15 years in prison, and in some cases they got the death penalty, and it was later proved(n), that they were completely innocent. 

I don’t think, that if a person commits murder, he or she should be allowed just to spend 5 years in prison, and that will be that. I think that they should be given a life sentence, and that (really) should really be a life sentence, and not 25-30 years in prison. (And) I also think, that it is very sick(-minded,) when the officers ask the person, who is getting killed, if (they) he or she wants a last meal by choice, for example McDonald’s. 
I think it is very superficial, when people try to be nice, and then kill them afterwards. 

I personally also think, that it is much more of a punishment, if a person spends their whole life in prison, instead of being killed. That is NOT a punishment. That is the easy way. But if you wake up in the same prison bed for 65 years, eat the same prison food, thinking about WHY you are in prison, missing your family, or the green grass or thinking about how the world is continuing outside, and all the things you could be doing.. 
I really do think, that that is a much worse punishment. 
(I know that there is one organization, which currently fights against the death penalty, and that is AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL) 

Now I will continue, by telling you about Abortion: 
What is abortion? 

- An abortion is the removal or expulsion of an embryo from the uterus, resulting in its death. The spontaneous expulsion of an embryo before the 20th week of gestational age is commonly known as a miscarriage. (miscarriage   bruges kun om en uprovokeret abort)

What reasons are there for abortion? 

- There are a lot of reasons, all depending on age, society and culture. Some of the most common reasons are inability to support or care for a child, to end an unwanted pregnancy, and pregnancy resulting from rape or incest. 

Is abortion legal every where? 

- Free abortion became legal in Denmark in 1973, but it’s not 100 % legal in every country. 
In some countries, it is considered (as legal) murder. 

My own point of view. 

- I think, that having an abortion is a very serious operation. Although, the actual (procedure) surgery is not (so serious) very risky, the decision and preparation are serious, and a lot of counselling should be obtained, to make sure, that it is the right decision for the individual. It is also very hard and difficult, after the abortion, and many people are seriously psychologically affected. (One) The mother of one of my friends (mother) had an abortion, and told me about it. She was 16 years old when she became pregnant, and the reason she wanted an abortion was, that she was not ready to be a mother yet, and she couldn’t tell her parents. I think a situation like this is very dangerous, because she could have become seriously infected, and this could have left her with fertility problems in the future. 
She had a long period, where she was down all the time, and she wouldn’t or couldn’t talk with anyone about it. She felt very guilty. 

I really think, that it is very difficult, to answer if an abortion is murder or not. There are so many exceptions, and some reasons for abortions are truly (right, but) sufficient while others are very wrong. 

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