
Analyser/noter til tekster, Engelsk STX

10. juni 2008 af hund (Slettet)
Hey studi.
Er igang med at læse op til min eksamen i mdtlig engelsk B på mandag (d. 16.). Tænkte om der var nogen, der lå inde med analyser/noter om følgende tekster?

Nick Danziger: Brixton - One Step Ahead of the Game (Tunnels and Bridges, ed. Lise Lotte Frederiksen, Susanne Munch; Gyldendal 1999))
Hanif Kureishi: We're Not Jews (Tunnels and Bridges)
Mike Benson: Room Full of Angels (Tunnels and Bridges)
Rose Tremain: John-Jin (Tunnels and Bridges)

Roger Dean Kiser: The Bully

Larry Watson: Montana 1948 (First Washington Square Press 1993) (Roman)
J. Edwards: Trail of Tears (The Sky's the Limit)
Buffy Sainte-Marie: My Country 'tis of Thy Country You're Dying

Frank O'Connor: Guests of the Nation, ss. 20-25 (Fra A Green and Orange Land)
Dervla Murphy: The Patriot (Fra A Green and Orange Land)
Bernard McClaverty: Walking the Dog.(Fra Green and Orange Land)

Anne Billson: Born Again (Fra Now and Zen)
Don DeLillo: Videotape (hans-out) The relationship between reality and film/video recording (Fra American Voices Munksgaard 1998).
Will Self: The North London Book of the Dead (Now and Zen)

Rupert Brooke: The Soldier & Roger McGough: Why patriots are a bit nuts ....
Hanif Kureishi: The Penis (fra British Premillennium Literature)
Paul Auster: auggie wren's christmas story (fra Crossroads 1)
Bernard Malamud: The Jewbird (American Scenes)
Arthur Miller: Broken Glass (drama) (Roman)

På forhånd mange tak!

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Svar #1
10. juni 2008 af sannesanne (Slettet)

guests of the nation: the war of the independence...Ireland & Britain. ( Irish men will throw English out) Englishmen hostigers…

Find indications in the text that implies the fate of the Englishman:
“They would have taken root there like a native weed.” p.39 l. 10 from the bottom
Weed is something you want to get rid of, and the fact that they are being compared is a sign that they share a similar fate. Also the verb “would” indicates that it could have happened, but never did.
“Took to the country.” p. 39 l. 8 from the bottom
It is a reference to the weed-thing. They feel attracted to the country and will, like the weed, grow even more roots. And the IRA is fighting for a free Ireland.

“He could not return the compliment, because our lads at that time did not dance foreign dances on principle.” p. 40 l. 7
At first the Irish don’t want to accept foreign stuff including dances, but later on with the shooting episode they dance the same dance as the English executers, hence the “at that time”.

“They had accents you could cut with a knife and wore khaki tunics and overcoats…” p. 40 l. 15
Again we have the weed problematic.

Quiet guy – Excellent card player – He has a feeling that something bad will happen – Forgives – Friendly towards the old lady – When something big happens you change. That’s why Belcher opens up at the very end

jeg fandt kun så lidt.. håber det kan bruges... ;)

Svar #2
11. juni 2008 af hund (Slettet)

Takker! Alt modtages med kyshånd.

Svar #3
13. juni 2008 af hund (Slettet)


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Svar #4
17. juni 2009 af UCB (Slettet)

Hvordan gik det så? Jeg skal op i teksten af Don Delillo- videotape imorgen, har du nogle guldkorn til denne ?


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