
can anybody help me??

30. august 2009 af juleman (Slettet) - Niveau: 9. klasse

jeg har en stil jeg ville have rettet og den handler om Apartheid: vær så venlige at rette den jeg vil så gerne have et 10 tal :D


Apartheid is a Dutch word, which means separateness. It was a system, of legal racial segregation.
And that’s where the whole thing started, in South Africa. In South Africa it was such, a place where the race are divided, into several classes. The races were divided, so that Whites had the best opportunities. That means that, they could be educated as they imagined, and they can live where they want, when they want. The blacks rights was just the opposite, none of the blacks could have a education, and the whites wouldn’t give them permission to sit at benches, to be cinemas, beaches and they had even separated schools, restaurant. And imagine that in the busses no blacks could sit in the front, the black could only sit in the back of the busses. The black people didn’t have good relation with the whites. They were mistreated by the whites. White people suppressed everyone by themselves. And as the movie I saw “Goodbye Bafana” the whites weren’t interested in hearing their opinion. The movie, I think is so good that it is as if I’m in the movie. But equal rights were the only thing the blacks wanted. The blacks fought for their rights till that they would have their equality. They fought a long trial even if they sometimes felled themselves offended. The white people responded excessively, just because the blacks appearance they invented apartheid. When the black’s future looks awful, on the other side, the whites had secured their future. Also people in the government were white. Some white people actually disagreed, with the apartheid system but it was only some few. And there was a man called Nelson Mandela which was the leader of the blacks, he who was fighting for his people. After being banned for decades in South Africa, Nelson Mandela was elected president of the ANC, (the abbreviation of African National Congress).Before Nelson Mandela was elected as a president, he did rebel the unacceptable rule of apartheid, the separation of black Africans and whites. And that’s the reason to why he became in prison, and it lasted 28 years before he came out. He was a man who would, fight for his dreams which was wishes that he want to become true. The thing was that, he was fighting for his people even that he couldn’t, see his wife and daughter for a long time. In the movie you could also see a woman who weren’t wearing her pass, so they punished and enforced her at the same time. And her baby was also taking away from her. That showed me how difficult it could be for the citizens. Know every race has the same rights, and that is the thing that’s doing our community a lot better. It was at that time a strict race discrimination system, that the white couldn’t be married with none-whites or other races. They couldn’t even kiss each other. The odd thing was that a person could not be considered white if one of his or her parents were non-white, and that made the whites racist.
And in 1951 the Bantu Authorities established in African reserves” homeland”. Homeland was the independent states which each African was assigned by the government. The right to vote was even something they couldn’t. It was only the white people who could vote and they didn’t have to carry a pass all the time. But the black people had to carry the pass all the time anywhere.

Hvis i kan så må i meget gerne rette den i en word document, som er lagt ned her :D

på forhånd tak

Vedhæftet fil: Apartheid.docx

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #1
30. august 2009 af Merit-HB (Slettet)

Fordi jeg kan lide din stil og dit emne er godt vil jeg prøve at rette, det er sent på natten og jeg skal tidligt op så jeg vil rette hvad jeg kan nå og der er nogle af sætningerne der ikke er grammatisk forkerte men blot skal omformuleres lidt tror jeg.

opdatering: jeg har prøvet at kopiere din tekst og sætte den ind i min svar box men svar boxen flipper ud og mit mus ikon bliver ved med at blive flyttet til toppen, jeg er virkeligt træt men imorgen vil jeg kigge dit essay/stil her igennem og rette den!

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #2
31. august 2009 af RasH (Slettet)

Jeg har ikke læst det hele igennem og bør måske derfor ikke kommentere. Men lad mig blot sige: det af det, jeg har læst, ser umiddelbart fint ud - bortset fra kommateringen. Få styr på dine kommaer, og du vil formentlig klare dig en del bedre i skriftilig engelsk. Bare et godt råd. ;)

Svar #3
31. august 2009 af juleman (Slettet)


Brugbart svar (4)

Svar #4
31. august 2009 af Stygotius


Du vil ikke have hjælp. Du vil udnytte andre groft.

Du er i virkeligheden ikke spor interesseret i få hjælp til at lære noget som helst. Du vil bare slippe helt gratis over dine opgaver.

Tror du at du bare kan beordre andre til at gøre dit arbejde for dig fordi du ikke selv gider ??

Skulle andre bruge megen tid og kræfter på at udarbejde en af dine meget lange tekster fordi du vil have et 10-tal for noget som andre har lavet ?

Du bruger et arrogant og forlangende  sprog i din henvendelse.

Du opfører dig som et lille, forkælet, krævende barn.

Svar #5
03. september 2009 af juleman (Slettet)

Altså det var ikke for at kræve:

Men hvis nogen kunne forklare mig, hvad der var forkert, så ville jeg kunne se mine fejl. Og jeg tror altså, at du overdriver den for, det var bare hvis nogen kunne se et par fejl, og lige ville fortælle mig hvad jeg kunne for at gøre det bedre . Og hvis det er at du ikke gider, at bare nævne et par fejl, for mig jamen så er det ikke fordi du er nødt til det, og jeg er en tålmodig person, og ved at, jeg ikke skal blive sur på dig bare, fordi du har misforstået mig.

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