

23. september 2010 af idabambida (Slettet)

Er der nogen som måske har tid til lige hurtigt at kigge min opgave igennem, engelsk er bestemt ikke min stærke side! ;)


Think we should legalize drugs?


It is common known that drugs are bad, and it is a job for the government and police to keep it away, from us normal people. We lean about it in school, and they tell us that drugs, of all kinds, are dangerous and addictive. But can you not be addicted to a lot of things? What about those who need to drink their coffee every morning, or those who smoke every thirty minutes? Do not walk around telling me either of those two thing are healthy. Tobacco kills 650.000 people in europe, every year. That is 1780, 82 human being every singe day! Passive smoking kills 19.000 innocent people, who have never even touched a cigarette in their entire life, each year, all over europe. 2000 of them are Danish.

I really do not care wether drugs are legal or illegal, I would not use them anyways. Though I can not see why, it should be a problem if they were legal. The only drug-related death, besides an overdose, of course, is destroyed heart valves, and that is not really something that effects other people than the actual drug abuser, in contrast to smoking, as I mentioned above, that is an addiction, which harms everyone around the person who is actually smoking. Also known as passive smoking. Exposure to second hand tobacco causes disease, disability and death, so why not make that illegal?

If the politicians do legalize drugs, we might even be able to collect it all at one place, in the different cities, and then actually keep it away form the public. If they provide the cities money, to build a house where the different drug abusers can all “do their thing”, young innocent kids, would not go around and sting themselves on the needles, they leave around at parks, beaches and other places. At this moment, no one can't really build that kind of house, since it would invite the addicts to do drugs. Or at least so they say. On top of that, if Denmark could hurry up just a little bit, we could as one of the only countries, whom allow some sorts of drugs, serve a fortune on tourists coming here doing drugs legal.

If you ask me, the government should pull themselves together, look at what kills the most innocent people and make drugs legal, but tobacco illegal, and then tell me how a safe society we all live in.


Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #1
24. september 2010 af TheTank (Slettet)

Vælger at hjælpe dig med det jeg synes er værst.

"It is commonly known" eller "it is common knowledge"

"we learned about it in school" (husk datid plus så lavede du en tastefejl der)

"would not go around and inject themselves with needles"

"At this moment, no one can really build that kind of house"

"we could be one of the only countries that allow some sort of drugs, and earn a fortune on tourists coming here to do drugs legally."

"And then tell me how a safe society we all live in" ??? forstår det ikke.

Prøv at skrive kortere sætninger og brug færrere kommaer, da man sjældent bruger det i engelsk. derudover så skal du passe på dit brug af talesprog.

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #2
24. september 2010 af Stygotius

 3.  "would not go about injecting themselves......"

5.  "We could be one of a small number of countries that.................-and make a fortune......" At tjene(penge) hedder "make money" og "earn money " hvis man vil lægge vægt på at "gøre sig fortjent til".

6.  Måske menes der: "And then tell men how safe the society we live in is" 


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