
the spectre bride

26. april 2010 af YodawgYowwwwwww - Niveau: B-niveau

Historien er her: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Spectre_Bride

Det jeg prøver at finde ud af er hvem er denne mørke/onde 'spirit'? Jeg tror at det er en person der har noget med kristendommen at gøre, måske Judas der forrådte Jesus. Hvad mener i? Der er givet lidt information om ham i dele af historien..

Her er nogen uddrag der måske hjælper. Forhistorien i linket, som jeg forstår den, er at denne 'spirit' har lokket en pige til at gifte sig med ham, og nu kyler han hende ned i helvedes flammer.. Men først afslører han hvem han er.. og det så det jeg ikke forstår helt.. Hvem er han egentlig?

Uddrag 1.

"I am the undying spirit of the wretch who curst his Saviour on the cross. He looked at me in the closing hour of his existence, and that look hath not yet passed away, for I am curst above all on earth. I am eternally condemned to hell and I must cater for my master's taste till the world is parched as is a scroll, and the heavens and the earth have passed away. I am he of whom thou may'st have read, and of whose feats thou may'st have heard. A million souls has my master condemned me to ensnare, and then my penance is accomplished, and I may know the repose of the grave. Thou art the thousandth soul that I have damned. I saw thee in thine hour of purity, and I marked thee at once for my home."

Uddrag 2.

This was but the impulse of a moment; again he grasped her in his arms, dashed her from him with fury; and as her last parting glance was cast in kindness on his face, shouted aloud, 'not mine is the crime, but the religion that thou professest; for is it not said that there is a fire of eternity prepared for the souls of the wicked; and hast not thou incurred its torments?' She, poor girl, heard not, heeded not the shouts of the blasphemer. Her delicate form bounded from rock to rock, over billow, and over foam; as she fell, the ocean lashed itself as it were in triumph to receive her soul, and as she sunk deep in the burning pit, ten thousand voices reverberated from the bottomless abyss, 'Spirit of evil! here indeed is an eternity of torments prepared for thee; for here the worm never dies, and the fire is never quenched.'

Nogen der ved det?


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