Studieretningsprojekt/-opgave (SRP/SRO)

SRP - Vurdering

14. december 2010 af frksorensen (Slettet) - Niveau: A-niveau

 En af mine problemstillinger i min problemformulering er:

- Der ønskes en vurdering af nedenstående citat fra et interview med André Brink

* Given your background, what led you to turn against apartheid?

--I grew up in a very conservative Afrikaner family. My father was a magistrate, one of those grey eminences who are the powers behind the throne in South Africa because they implement the official policies. In his case it was done with a real sense of justice; most of the others were bigots. I know, because throughout my childhood and adolescence I was surrounded by such people, the pillars of an evil ideology. The opportunity never arose for me to question apartheid because I didn't have anything to compare it with. I needed to see my country in perspective, and that only happened when I was living in Paris, between 1959 and 1961, at the time of the Sharpeville massacre. Sharpeville was the shock that forced me to see what was happening in my country, with the clarity that distance can provide.

At the same time I made another discovery. For the first time, I had the opportunity to meet black people on equal terms. The only black people I had met in South Africa had been workers or domestic servants. I'd never even imagined that there could be black lawyers, teachers or students

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Svar #1
14. december 2010 af cidney (Slettet)

Vurdering iflg SRPbogen fra sidste år:

Vurdér... eller tag stilling til...
Taksonomisk niveau: vurderende (bruge og producere viden).
Stillingtagen til et emne eller en problemstilling, hvor det er
vigtigt, at du meget præcist angiver, hvilke kriterier du lægger
til grund for din vurdering.
 F.eks. skal du nøje angive, hvilke særlige træk ved en tekst, der
gør, at den passer til karakteristikken romantisk, eller hvilke
elementer ved en lovgivning der gør den effektiv eller

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