
Kort stil

15. august 2017 af modul33 - Niveau: 9. klasse

Halløj, jeg mangler lige en venlig sjæl som hurtigt vil kaste et blik på de sidste 300 ord af en kort stil, og hjælpe mig med de største fejl, og gerne lige hjælpe med hvad jeg skal være mere fokuseret på. 

Tusinde tak på forhånd:

We arrived to the house tuesday, and started with high spirits. But gradually we found more and more things in the house that didn’t worked, for example my bed cracked three times the first night, and four of the lamps in the house didn’t worked. Wednesday we spent at the house, us kids chilled in the pool, and the adults were talking to the owners of the house, and helped getting all the messed up things fixed. The two following days we just stayed home and chilled at the pool, and we all were in the supermarket, which is one of the best things about holidays. In the intervening time Sofie, Camilla and I met our French neighbors Florian and Corentin, and we spent some time with them at the night. Friday we were in Pula to see Pula Arena, and to get our shopaholic satisfied. We ate lunch in Pula, and had a great taste experience with the local croatian food. Saturday we spent in Rovinj by getting a walk in the old town and ate some croatian seafood. The rest of the holiday we just had fun at the tennis court and our pool, and had some cocy late nights all of us together. We packed our things at the afternoon monday, and drove to the neighbouring town Fazana to get the last dinner at the holiday, and we had the greatest view over the port from the restaurant.

Tuesday we got awake early, so we could start our road trip home to Denmark.  

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #1
15. august 2017 af jp0000

Ved hurtig gennemlæsning:

Når du anvender do-omskrivning skal det følges af en infinitiv. Eks: Didn't worken -> did not work.

Derudover bør du undlade at anvende sammentrækninger fx didn't.

Ugedagene skrives altid? med stort.

Nationalitetsadjektiver skrives altid? med stort.

Ret cocy til cosy

Om (fx) mandagen hedder on Monday på engelsk.

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #2
16. august 2017 af Stygotius

Hvorfor i alverden "bør man undlade" at anvende sammentrækninger??

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