
grammatik Engels

16. november 2008 af Meandmy1 (Slettet)

Hay rettes for sproglig og stavefejl. Det er et resume af filmen "The Patriot"

The movie is about a farmer called Benjamin Martin, who lives in South Carolina with his children and some black colonists that work at his farm. Benjamin Martin was as young an entirely in the war against the French and Indians, but now he want to live in peaceful live with his children. When the independence war breaks out against the British emery. He was asked to take part but he refused, Benjamin Martin wants nothing more to do with such things, he preferring the simple life of a farmer. He said that he has seven children and their mother is dead and he will not leave them too. But meanwhile, his two eldest sons, Gabriel and Thomas, can't wait to go out and kill some British soldiers. When South Carolina decides to go to war with Britain, Gabriel immediately signs up to fight without his father's permission. But soon, a British solder infamous for his brutal tactics, captures Gabriel and sentences him to be hanged. As Gabriel is taken away, Thomas tries to free him, only to be killed by the British officer, in front of Benjamin. British officer murders his son. Burned his house. Now, when it affected his family, he organizes his own small but effective militia army seeking revenge for his son's death, Benjamin leaves behind his 5 other children to bring independence to the colonies. And to riving his sons death. He went to the bethel with his oldest son in his army. And killed many British solders and officers. And the British army they killed woman and children . Under a battle Benjamin los anther of his sons the oldest one. He were killed by the same officer who had killed his first son. Many of the soldiers who where in Benjamin’s army losing their family. Because they where killed by British soldiers. In the last battle against British empery. They got help from France. And in the final battle, Benjamin got his raving he killed the office which was the murder of his sons. And in last with the help from the France the win the American war of Independence. Benjamin Martin wined back to South Carolina with his family.

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Svar #1
16. november 2008 af Los-Kinderæg (Slettet)

"...was a young entirely in the war ... " hvad mener du med det?

Du skifter mellem nutid og datid.

He wants to live a peaceful life..

hvad mener du med ordet emery? - det betyder en slags smøremiddel??!!

he's preferring eller he prefers .. kommer an på hvilken tid du vil skrive i.

"a British solder infamous for his brutal tactics, captures Gabriel and sentences him to be hanged." - man kan godt forstå hvad du mener, men der mangler lige et par ord.. som når vi på dansk siger, som er (berygtet for ....)

British officer murders his son. Burned his house. igen - der mangler noget og du skifter tid.

Riving - mener du revenge?

I hele det sidste stykke er du meget uklar i dine formuleringer og du laver alt for korte sætninger.

Prøv at ret det og læg det ind igen.. :) Håber du kan bruge det.


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