
Mundtlig oplæg

09. september 2010 af IReallyNeedHelp (Slettet) - Niveau: 9. klasse

Jeg går i 9. klasse og er igang med at forbedrede et mundtligt oplæg på 5 minutter, som er 100% uden noter. Men her er det jeg har skrevet, som jeg øver mig på at kunne uden ad. Men ville lige hører hvilket nivau teksten ligger på? Hvilken karakter ville den ca. give hvis jeg siger at jeg læser meget tydeligt og med en meget makeret british engelsk accent? (OBS den er ikke færdig endnu!, vil blive forlænget en smule + jeg improviserer rigtig meget!)

A mosque near Ground Zero?
The State of Manhattan struggles against a religious and political organization which provided of the government to erect a new and exorbitant centre with a mosque near Ground Zero earlier World Trade Centre. It has created a huge explosion between the inhabitants in New York City, the rest of America and the American Muslims.
The cardinal number of members against the Israeli organization has increased by 36% since the start of August, preciously the 8th August. The contemporary and old building gets an expansion with around 7 floors, a smaller and religious looking swimming bath and, more important, an enormous and well-decorated mosque.
The first black and current president of the United States, Barack Obama, supports the religious mosque, (quote begins): As citizen and as president I mean, that Muslims have the same rights as any other to practise their religion in this country (Quote end). The president Barack Obama got a lot of criticism by making the statement about the building. New York’s inhabitants, some of the politicians and the rest of America’s inhabitants where offended by his remark to the mosque-project – they think it is impudent to the victims and their relatives.
The current authorities of New York had permitted to the building and all the usefully and criticisable draws. Now the Israeli organisation needs to get a great deal of money, before the mosque-project goes on. The new mosque-project costs around 100 million dollars and the building would contain near 500 people. The mosque-project will start probably about 3 to 5 years, in our future. But there are accusations about where the moneys come from – for example: someone means they come from extremists Muslim-groups in the Middle East.
Many of the inhabitants in New York City, especially them on Manhattan think or say, that the black president, Barack Obama’s support to the religious mosque-project is because Barack Obama secretly is a Muslim. The black president declines their new and unrealistic rumour blank. Now they direct the anger against the mayor, the well-known Michael Bloomberg, of New York City preciously the stocky and busy island Manhattan.
As a last and non-racial discrimination possibility, the inhabitants against the mosque-project, tried to list the building, which is from the last part of the 18th century. The authorities of New York City took 4 hours to approve the project with 29 votes for the project. The project will support against and work with Muslims extremism and baptizes Cordoba House.
Some Europeans mean, that the Americans, who are against the mosque-project are very racist over for the Muslims. Now there are reputations about, that the building suite should change direction and erect in an another place instead of that ground near Ground Zero – This reputation declines Sharif el-Gamal, director of Soho, to a Israeli newspaper.


Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #1
09. september 2010 af Stygotius

 Der er alt for meget Danglish (også kaldet Valby-engelsk) i denne tekst.

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #2
10. september 2010 af Andersen11 (Slettet)

Jeg har markeret nogle steder, hvor der er noget galt i teksten, enten grammatisk eller faktuelt.

A mosque near Ground Zero?
The State of Manhattan [Manhattan is not a state] struggles against a religious and political organization which provided of the government to erect a new and exorbitant centre with a mosque near Ground Zero earlier World Trade Centre. It has created a huge explosion between the inhabitants in New York City, the rest of America and the American Muslims.
The cardinal number of members against the Israeli organization has increased by 36% since the start of August, preciously the 8th August. The contemporary and old building gets an expansion with around 7 floors, a smaller and religious looking swimming bath and, more important, an enormous and well-decorated mosque.
The first black and current president of the United States, Barack Obama, supports the religious mosque, (quote begins): As citizen and as president I mean, that Muslims have the same rights as any other to practise their religion in this country (Quote end) [if you go to the trouble of quoting, do it right]. The president Barack Obama got a lot of criticism by making the statement about the building. New York’s inhabitants, some of the politicians and the rest of America’s inhabitants where offended by his remark to the mosque-project – they think it is impudent to the victims and their relatives.
The current authorities of New York had permitted to the building and all the usefully and criticisable draws. Now the Israeli organisation needs to get a great deal of money, before the mosque-project goes on. The new mosque-project costs around 100 million dollars and the building would contain near 500 people. The mosque-project will start probably about 3 to 5 years, in our future. But there are accusations about where the moneys come from – for example: someone means they come from extremists Muslim-groups in the Middle East.
Many of the inhabitants in New York City, especially them on Manhattan think or say, that the black president, Barack Obama’s support to the religious mosque-project is because Barack Obama secretly is a Muslim. The black president declines their new and unrealistic rumour blank. Now they direct the anger against the mayor, the well-known Michael Bloomberg, of New York City preciously the stocky and busy island Manhattan.
As a last and non-racial discrimination possibility, the inhabitants against the mosque-project, tried to list the building, which is from the last part of the 18th [19th] century. The authorities of New York City took 4 hours to approve the project with 29 votes for the project. The project will support against and work with Muslims extremism and baptizes Cordoba House.
Some Europeans mean, that the Americans, who are against the mosque-project are very racist over for the Muslims. Now there are reputations about, that the building suite should change direction and erect in an another place instead of that ground near Ground Zero – This reputation declines Sharif el-Gamal, director of Soho, to a Israeli newspaper.

Det lyder, som om en Israelsk organisation står bag planerne om opførelsen af denne moske.

Der er forskel på mean (mener: betyder) og believe (tror).

Ordet reputation betyder rygte: omdømme, mens rumor betyder rygte: forlydende .

Ordet decline betyder afslå, mens deny betyder nægte.

Du bruger preciously et par steder, hvor betydningen er noget andet end precious , måske particularly, especially.

Svar #3
10. september 2010 af IReallyNeedHelp (Slettet)


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