

03. december 2011 af gizzy

Jeg vil gerne vide om mine sætninger er skrevet ordentlig. i må rette i den så meget som muligt det vil være en stor hjælp! tak på forhånd :)

Musik i undergrundsbanen
Det er en efterårsmorgen i london og begyndelsen af en ny arbejdsdag for taiken Mikkola. Sammen med millioner af andre mennesker går den 18 årige finne ned i undergrundsbane for at begynde på dagens arbejde. Men ligeså snart Mikkola er kommet ned på undergrundsbanen perron, trækker han en trompet frem og er allerede på arbejde. Det er hårdt at arbejde både for fødderne og stoltheden, men Mikkolas humør synes ikke at tage skade. ”Londan er det bedste sted” siger han idet han betragter passagerernes ansigter. Man kan ikke tjene penge i New yorks eller Paris undergrundsbaner, men londonernes holdning til de unge er meget venlig. På en 10 timers arbejdsdag kan Mikkola tjene så meget som £30. ideen er ikke bare Mikkolas. For at kunne overleve og hver dag være i stand til at koble lidt brød hos bageren og lidt kød hos slagteren, spiller mere end 500 unge musikanter fra hele verden i lodons undergrundsbane. De spiller alt fra guitar til harps. Mikkola og mange af disse udlændinge tilbringer årets kolde måneder i undergrundsbanens varme. Men det er ikke nok at kunne synge og spille. Man skal have en skuespillers evne til at se uskyldig ud, hvis betjentene dukker op.
Taiken Mikkola har besluttet at blive i England i tre år, derefter ved han ikke hvad han skal lave. Det er mange unge menneskers situation idag. På grund af arbejds løshed føler de sig rastløse og uden fremtid.

Music in the underground
It is autumn morning in London and the beginning of a new work day for Taiken Mikkola.  Together with millions of other people the fine 18 year old is going down in the underground to begin the day’s work.  But as soon Mikkola has come down to the underground platform, he pulls a trumpet up and already is at work. It is hard to work at the feed and pride, but Mikkolas mood does not seem to be damaged. “London is the best place” he says as he sees the passenger’s faces. You cannot make money in New York or Paris undergrounds, but London attitudes towards young people are very friendly. On a 10 hour day can Mikkola earn as much as £ 30 the idea is not just Mikkolas. To survive and every day be able to relax a little bread at the bakery and some meat from the butcher´s, play more than 500 young musicians from around the world in London´s undergrounds. They play everything from guitar to harp. Mikkola and many of these foreigners spend the cold months in the undergrounds warm. But it is not enough to sing and play. You need an actor´s ability to look innocent when cops show up. 
Taiken Mikkola has decided to stay in England for three years, and then he does not know what to do. This is many of the young people situations today. Because of the unemployed, they feel restless and without a future.

Svar #1
03. december 2011 af gizzy

hjæææælp ? :(

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Svar #2
03. december 2011 af ManonW (Slettet)



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Svar #3
03. december 2011 af ManonW (Slettet)

Music in the underground
It is an autumn morning in London, and the beginning of a new work day for Taiken Mikkola. Along millions of other people, the (fine(?)) 18 year-old is going down in the underground to begin the work of the day. But as soon Mikkola  came to the underground platform, he pulls out his trumpet and is already at work. It is hard to work at the (feed(?)) and pride, but Mikkola's mood does not seem to be damaged. “London is the best place” he says as he sees the passengers faces. You cannot make money in New York, or Paris's undergrounds, but Londons attitudes towards young people, is very friendly. On a 10 hour work day, can Mikkola earn as much as £ 30, (the idea is not just Mikkolas.(?)) To be able to survive, and be able to pay for a bit of (?) bread at the bakery and some meat from the butcher. More than 500 young musicians from around the world plays in Londons undergrounds. They play everything from guitar to harps. Mikkola, and many of these foreigners, spend the cold months in the undergrounds warm. But it is not enough to sing and play, you need an actors ability to look innocent when cops shows up.

Taiken Mikkola has decided to stay in England for three years, and aftewards he's not sure what to do. Many of the young people situations is like that today. Because of the unemployment, they feel restless and with no future.


Din tekst giver somme tider ikke mening. Et godt råd er ikke først at lave teksten på dansk, og så oversætte til engelsk, det gør ofte at teksten kommer til at lyde meget dansk. Har du brugt google translate? Fordi det er bare spild af alles tid:)

Håber jeg kunne hjælpe:)



Svar #4
05. december 2011 af gizzy

jo tak for hjælpen:)

men er der nogle der kan hjælpe med genitiv (ejefald) specielt i teksten? altså -s, ´s ´ eller of?

Svar #5
05. december 2011 af gizzy

Music in the underground
It is an autumn morning in London and the beginning of a new work day for Taiken Mikkola.  Along millions of other people the 18 year old is going down in the underground to begin the work of the day.  But as soon Mikkola came down to the underground platform, he pulls out his trumpet and is already at work. It is hard to work on the feeds and his pride, but Mikkola´s mood does not seem to be damaged. “London is the best place” he says as he sees the passenger’s faces. You cannot make money in New York or Paris undergrounds, but London attitudes towards young people are very friendly. On a 10 hours’ work day, can Mikkola earn as much as £ 30. The idea is not just Mikkola´s. To be able to survive and every day be able to pay for a bit of bread from the bakery and some meat from the butcher, more than 500 young musicians´ from around the world plays´ in London´s undergrounds. They play everything from guitar to harp. Mikkola and many of these foreigners spend the cold months in the undergrounds warm. But it is not enough to sing and play. You need an actor´s ability to look innocent when cops show up. 
Taiken Mikkola has decided to stay in England for three years, and afterwards´ he does not know what to do. Many of the young people situations are like that today. Because of the unemployment, they feel restless and with no future.

kan i evetuelt fortælle mig hvor der er fejl osv med hensyn til genitiv?


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