
Analyse af The Triumph of English, Engelsk A

28. oktober 2010 af Littleprincess - Niveau: A-niveau

Nogle, der tilfældigvis har læst ovenstående artikel fra 2001 i The Economist?

I så tilfælde, er jeg blevet bedt om (som introduktionsopgave) at skrive et 300 ord langt essay om førnævnte, samt suppleringsstoffet Danglish, Anyone? (Artikel i Politiken, 2005.) og The British (serves 60 million), digt af Bejamin Zephaniah.

Jeg har så valgt at lægge ud med et digt! (Er det nu jeg skal sige oops?!)

Anyways, here it goes:

I have chosen to express my essay as a poem.

Do we speak English? Yes, indeed we do!
How come? Good question. Is it because of its lightness and simplicity to our linguistic tongue? Is it of ethnographic reasons? Out of historical reasons? Or is it at last – but not at least – an expression of randomness?

English is offhand effortless
It might seem effortless, but the grammar is tough business, as the verbs tend to be irregular
English has history
We know other languages with a greater history than Britain
English has a background of a land with great colonization, an empire
We know other empires such as France and Germany
English is this day a language, in which many foreigners are proficient in
True that is, well spoken – but what about Spanish, i.e.
English is used in many cultures’ educational associations
I will have to say Esparanto again
English is the common language on the Internet
Then what about the Bible? The most common language of the Book is Latin. Furthermore, what about the IKEA-magazine? Was it not written originally in Swedish? Indeed it is the most published book/magazine
English is a culture
Is it? We believe that English has been Americanized to a great extend

Is English a triumph? The new world language seems to be good for everyone – but it is a dubious triumph. However, it is an extraordinary development seeing the world corporate in an international language – featuring globalization as number one - all this said as the count is tilled.

Mine spørgsmål er: Er jeg helt forkert på den? I så fald, hvordan ville din punktoversigt se ud? Husk på, jeg har kun ca. 300 ord :)

På forhånd tak!

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