

03. november 2010 af spørg mig (Slettet)

hej alle sammen jeg er meget i tvivl om jeg har lavet min opgave rigtig så vil i ikke være sød at tjekke om jeg har lavet det rigtig? :)

opgave beskrivelsen: Give an account of Sumita's development, and characterize her as she appears in the end of the text.

og her er så den tekst jeg har skrevet:

The place of action starts in India, but later on we move to USA and stays there till the end. For Sumita India is this whole safety point, she got her friends who she have known her whole life. The environment in USA is new, people speak different, people look different, and things are just different. And that could maybe be a little harsh for an Indian girl in the states. I think the atmosphere changes when she moves to USA, but it’s hard to say what it is. It just feels different.
Sumita is not very old I guess around the twenties, she comes from India where she lives with her family which she has a nice relationship with. She doesn’t really have a job besides cooking and washing. She isn’t educated in anything and she only speaks India. In the whole story I think that Through the story, Sumitas character and personality changes, in the start she is very depended of other people, but as the story goes on and nearly comes to the end she is a grown and responsible woman in her best age. In the beginning she is living all Indian. She is following the Indian rules and she is wearing the traditional Indian clothes, called Saris. She’s afraid that, when she moves to America she will lose her Indian roots, and that she will never see her family again.
We hear in the last part of the story that she takes ordinary USA clothes on, she would rather be an American girl than an Indian girl. She wants to wear the same clothes as the American people, and she wants to stay in America.. And I think that’s the sign that she has changed from the Indian girl she was to the new woman who lives in USA. And after her husband’s death, she decides to take over the shop and stay in USA.
In the end of the story When Sumita is wearing the American clothes she feels American, and begins getting dreams of her own. Dreams she wasn’t allowed to have, when she was just an Indian girl, because it was not the Indian way. The Indians believed that a wife belonged to her husband and her in-laws.

på forhånd tusind tak :)

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Svar #1
04. november 2010 af Stygotius (Slettet)

The place of action starts in India "  er rent vrøvl.

Du må nok se at få styr på verbernes  3.persons -s

Svar #2
04. november 2010 af spørg mig (Slettet)

men er det en account?... jeg har ikke rettet den endnu :)

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Svar #3
04. november 2010 af Stygotius (Slettet)

 Jeg ved ikke hvad du mener.

"An account" betyder en beretning eller en redegørelse.

Svar #4
04. november 2010 af spørg mig (Slettet)

det jeg mener er om den "stil" jeg har lavet er en redegørelse? for har kun prøvet at lave en redegørelse en gang og er ret usikker på det, synes det var svært at skælne mellem redegørelse og referat :)... og hey tak igen fordi du tager dig tid til at hjælpe mig :)

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