
The history of slavery in America

21. august 2021 af Holmermaui - Niveau: 9. klasse

Jeg skulle lave et resumé af tidslinjen History of Slavery in America

Jeg ville bare spørge om det lyder sammenhængende.

The history of slavery in America

The oceanic slave trade began when the Spanish and Portuguese began colonizing for the "newer world". Slaves from Africa were put to work almost the moment they arrived to promote the imperial project. The Spanish brought slaves extremely far to bring them to the Spanish territories, which has now become the United States. Just consider all this started for approx. 520 years ago (15th century).

The first slave ship was spotted off the coast as early as the month of August 1619. The first Africans started as servants of the rich, it’s only later that they became what we today call slaves.

In 1640, probably the most crucial thing that happened to the slaves and their legal status in the colonies back in time was when an African servant (John Punchs ) tried to get out of his service life along with two white Europeans. All three were captured. The two Europeans were sentenced to an extra year in the life of a servant each. Whereas the African was sentenced to life. 

After the Dutch lost their North American values ??in the treaty of Westminster, they released all their slaves on the continent. It provided an environment of free black people in New York. Which gave a benefit to the future society.

Throughout the 1700s, the population of slaves continued to grow in the British colonies. A Revolutionary War started in the later half of the century. In 1787 slavery was made illegal in the North Territory. They then say that congress might not make the slave trade illegal until 1808. In the years were slaves impatiently waited for the slave trade to be illegal, people started “collecting” slaves before it became illegal to import and export them. Some people did not go by the laws and continued to import and export. The war was still in action, but on June 19th, 1865 slavery in the U.S ended when 250,000 slaves in the state of Texas finally got the news that the war had ended. Now that slavery was forbidden and made illegal the states came up with other ways of showing that white people come before other “races” such as underpaid black labor, but the Slavery period was over. 

(377 words)

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #1
03. september 2021 af Stygotius

Der er da bestemt en del ting der skal rettes, men jeg synes bestemt at din tekst både er sammenhængende og   -i begtragtning af at den er skrevet af en elev i 9.klasse-  ret god og varieret. Du kan afgjort være lidt stolt af den. Du skal nok blive rigtig god til engelsk hvis du arbejder med det. Du er helt klart inde på det rette spor.

Du har meget få slemme fejl, og du bruger flere rigtig gode udtryk.

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