
Biografi af Sherlock Holmes

18. maj 2010 af Amals (Slettet) - Niveau: 8. klasse

hej det er er min biografi af Sherlock Holmes, jeg håber virkelig på at der er nogen der gider at rette den igennem og komme med gode ide'er:)

The world –famous legend Sherlock Holmes, was born on January the 6th 1884.
When Arthur Conan Doyle first introduced Sherlock Holmes to the reading public in 1887, he had no idea that he had created a character, who was about to be the most famous fictive detective in the whole world. Sherlock Holmes became so famous that when Arthur in 1893 tried to kill Sherlock Holmes, many people started a protest.
Sherlock Holmes was a genius, whose skill at reasoning was unrivaled. His special reasoning skill helped him to solve very complicated cases, and that made him a very successful detective and the most famous detective in English literature.
The unforgettable Sherlock Holmes had a big brother named Mycroft Holmes, who appeared in 4 short stories.
According to the stories and novels written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes lived at 221b Baker Street between 1881-1904 with his friend and colleague Doctor John H. Watson.
In 1887 the first novel of four about Holmes appeared. The character grew heavily in popularity when the 56 brilliant short stories appeared in the strand magazine from 1880-1914. These published adventures have been translated to over 100 different languages. Sherlock Holmes has also appeared on-stage and in films.
A very famous idiom of Sherlock Holmes is “the temptation to form premature theories upon insufficient data is the bane of our profession.”

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Svar #1
20. maj 2010 af Stygotius (Slettet)

Hvis Amals virkelig er 14 år, skal hun søreme have en stor kompliment for sit engelske. Det er smaddergodt.

Du skal nok til at soignere din kommasætning.

The world (–)famous legend Sherlock Holmes, was born on January the 6th 1884. (Nu mest alm. med "on 6 Jan.)

When Arthur Conan Doyle first introduced Sherlock Holmes to the reading public in 1887(,) he had no idea that he had created a character(,) who was (about) to become the most famous (fictive) fictitious detective in the whole world. Sherlock Holmes became so famous that when in 1893 Arthur (in 1893) tried to kill him off (Sherlock Holmes,) many people started a protest.

Sherlock Holmes was a genius(,) whose skill at reasoning was unrivalled. His (special) brilliant reasoning (skill) helped him to solve very complicated cases, and that made him a very successful detective and the most famous (detective) one in English literature.
The unforgettable Sherlock Holmes had a big brother named Mycroft Holmes, who appeared in (4) four short stories. 
According to the stories and novels written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle(,) Sherlock Holmes lived at 221b Baker Street between 1881(-) and 1904 with his friend and colleague Doctor John H. Watson. 
In 1887 the first (novel) out of four novels about Holmes appeared. The character (grew heavily) increased dramatically in popularity when the 56 brilliant short stories appeared in the (s)Strand (m)Magazine from 1880(-) to1914. These published adventures have been translated into over 100 different languages. Sherlock Holmes has also appeared on(-) stage and in films.
A very famous idiom of Sherlock Holmes' is “the temptation to form premature theories upon insufficient data is the bane of our profession.” 

Svar #2
05. januar 2011 af Amals (Slettet)

undskyld jeg først har set dit svar nu, men jeg takker mange gange for svaret og rettelserne;)

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