Engelsk hjælp
"stilen" i disse anmeldelses uddrag? (Jeg skal skrive svarene på dansk og komme med eksempler)
1: "Waters "bomb story" does not read at all like a piece of fiction. It reads as utterly new and fresh and urgent. Both in what it says and the way it says it. It´s a work of great beauty and imagination"
- Jenny Turner, London Review of Books.
2: "The Night watch is sharply and compassionately observed, richly couloured, and compelling to read"
- Michele Roberts, The Independent
3: "The trick, as her fans has realised, is to relax, to let yourself be caught up in the current of her story and bob along breathless to the end"
- Mary Wakefield, Sunday Telegraph
4 " Waters takes us back in time, gradually sifting through these lives like an archaeologist on a dig, trying to reconstruct the past. Its a clever divece, efficiently accomplished, intriguing the reader so that you find yourself turning the pages as if in a thriller, your mind racing to solve the puzzles that Waters has devised"
- Katie Chisholm, Spectator
På forhånd tak
Svar #1
01. november 2011 af Stygotius (Slettet)
Sætningen i nr.1" .......does not read at all like a piece of fiction. It reads as utterly new and fresh and urgent "
er nogen værre nonsens.
Svar #4
02. november 2011 af Stygotius (Slettet)
Ja, det tror jeg gerne, men at noget er nyt og frisk og trænger sig på, er ikke i kontrast til skønlitteratur.
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