
Labour Pains

22. juni 2012 af 12mari (Slettet) - Niveau: B-niveau


Nogle der har læst Labour Pains af Normavenda Mathiane ( South Africa, 1990) ?

Og kan være til lidt hjælp ?

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Svar #1
24. marts 2020 af abbydail

Til andre der har brug for lidt hjælp med historien, så er der svar på disse spørgsmål (ift. historien Labour Pains)

What is the genre? Is this indeed a short story?
Why has the author chosen this particular setting for her story?
Describe the characters in the story?
Describe the composition of the story.
Discuss the point of view, who is the narrator? and what does the author wish to achieve with this?
Why is it called Labour Pains?

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