
Engelsk stil

25. august 2004 af zenzz (Slettet)
The extract of the short story ”After long absence” is written by Janette Turner Hospital. It tells the story of a woman, who has lived a very suppressed childhood and adolescence in a strongly religious family. After a long absence, she has returned to her native town, Brisbane, where she is reflecting on her past and her relationship with her family in general. In a very religious family, it is very difficult for a young girl to say no, and the consequences of a separation could be worse than the problems with the surroundings. This short story is dealing with these problems, which is told by the girl after she has developed into an individual.

At the time she was young the other kids in the community often teased her – only because of her religious background. That way I can make the interpretation that the other kids have a different religious understanding, probably protestants. It was not only the kids who persecuted her. One day in school the class was supposed to be vaccinated, but the narrators religion was against it. The teacher victimized her in front of the entire class, and even used the word “killer” – a very harsh way being treated in the 1st. grade. The only classmate who helps the girl is a boy named Patrick Murphy, a catholic boy. They are both different from the others, and that way they may understand the problems associated with feeling like a stranger in one's own house – their neighborhood. When she was a child she could not break away from the religion, and during the short story she considers which consequences it has had for her childhood and adolescence. Because of the difference of opinion she has a very abnormal relationship with her parents; in one way she loves them, in another she despites them. The author has indirectly described their opinions about religion through the distance between their countries – there is a big distance from Australia to Canada. Moreover, it was the daughter who escaped to Canada; this could be a symbol of an escape from the religion. In the middle of the text, the author reveals facts about a dead brother in the family. He died of diphtheria, a disease it is possible to immunize people against – this could give the reader an idea of which religion the family believe in. I am convinced, that it is the Jehovah’s Witnesses: they do not drink alcohol (if they follow their religion) and they cannot be vaccinated or receive any blood from persons outside the religious community. Every night before dinner the family has to listen to bible quotes and they do not drink alcohol. Another symbol of their almost fanatic religious conviction is the text over the refrigerator:” Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17), but it does not give the reader a specific answer concerning which kind of religion the family is a part of.

The mother is more dedicated into her religion than the father – and the author gives the reader small hints about it from the beginning until the end. In the start the narrator says:”… I decide not to add that it is one of the few things we can do in absolute harmony.” The mother cannot understand her daughter, but the father shows a little good will towards his daughter by sipping of the white wine. Another sign of the mother’s devotion into her religion is revealed when the father’s aunts say: “He was led astray by your mother’s family. We do wish he hadn’t been taken in by such… such religious fanatics.” – here the author draw a thick line between the fathers background and the mothers background.

Er der nogle af jer der gider kigge det her igennem, og rette evt. fejl... og evt. omformulere sætningerne hvis de kan blive bedere..

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