

29. november 2009 af susifusi (Slettet)

Hej, jeg har skrevet noget på engelsk, er der nogen der vil rette det for mig. TAK

1. Vi har om hvordan det er i USA, Danmark og England.
2. I USA er der en stor forskel mellem de rige og fattige forhold til Danmark.
3. De fattige har ingen penge eller et hus.
4. I Danmark er der ikke forskel mellem de rige og fattige.
5. Man har mange muligheder i Danmark.
6. Staten og kommunerne hjælper de mennesker der er fattige og giver dem et sted at bo.
7. I Danmark betaler vi mere i skat end USA.
8. Men i Danmark betaler vi ikke til at gå til lægen eller til skole.
9. I USA skal man selv betale til at gå til lægen og gå i skole.
11. I England betaler man også lav skat forhold til Danmark.
12. I England er der også forskel mellem fattige og rige.
13. I dag lever der mere end 19 mio. mennesker under fattigdom i England.

1. We have about how it is in USA, Denmark and England.
2. In USA are there a big difference between rich and poor condition to Denmark.
3. They poor have no money and a house.
4. In Denmark are there no difference between rich and poor.
5. You have many the possibility in Denmark
6. The state and the municipalities helps they people there are poor and give them a place to live.
7. In Denmark we more in tax than USA
8. But in Denmark pay we not to go to doctor and go to school.
9. In USA must you self pay to go and go to school
11. In England pay you also than condition to Denmark
12. In England are there also between poor and rich.
13. Today live there more 19 mio people under poverty in England

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #1
29. november 2009 af mthos (Slettet)

Det er umuligt at oversætte fra dansk til engelsk ved bare at oversætte hvert ord for sig. Resultatet giver ingen mening.

Hvis du brugte Google Translate, ville mange af dine fejl faktisk forsvinde, men du har brug for at blive eksponeret til engelsk meget mere, hvis du vil lære det.

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #2
29. november 2009 af exatb

1. We have are learning about how things are it is in USA, Denmark and England.
2. In USA are there is a big difference between the rich and the poor condition if compared to Denmark.
3. The y poor have no neither money nor and a houses.
4. In Denmark are there is no difference between the rich and the poor.
5. You have many the possibility opportunities in Denmark
6. The state and the municipalities help s the poor y people there are poor and give them a place to live.
7. In Denmark we pay more in taxes than USA
8. But in Denmark we do not pay for medical care and schooling pay we not to go to doctor and go to school.
9. In USA you must pay yourself for medical care and schooling pay to go and go to school
11. In England they also pay low taxes compared pay you also than condition to Denmark
12. In England are there are also differencies between the poor and the rich.
13. Today, more than live there more 19 mio people under live in poverty in England

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