
Engelsk eksamen

10. juni 2003 af Xabbu (Slettet)
Jeg skal op i engelsk på fredag, og vil så høre om der er nogen som ligger inde med noter til nogle af de tekster vi opgiver:
Det er:

Animal Farm kap. 2 + 10

The Boys from Brazil kap. 6,7,9

Stone (Edward Bond)

The Ballot and the Bullet (Malcolm X)

Chaos or Community (Martin Luther King)

The Vilgilante (John Steinbeck)
The Picnic

Love is...

God Save the Queen / No future

Seeking the holy grail (Fra: Denise Stobie: Exploring King Arthurs Britain, London 1999, s. 61 - 66)

English kings and their continential possessions.
Richard I and the third crussade
(Fra T. Warner: A brief Survey of British History s. 34-39)

Great Britain (Oxford) s. 82-86 (T.K. Deary)

Det er så dem. Noget af det er sikkert ikke lige det folk har læst og har noter til, men nu er det hele her. Jeg vil blive meget glad for såvel små som store noter, for det er altid rart med uddybninger til sine egne.

På forhånd tak


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Svar #1
10. juni 2003 af RE (Slettet)

prøv engelske/amerikanske opgavesider a la planetpapers.com

Svar #2
10. juni 2003 af Xabbu (Slettet)

Tak tak.. Jeg har fundet lidt derinde, men kan stadig bruge mere hvis der er nogen som ligger inde med noget.


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Svar #3
10. juni 2003 af Casanova (Slettet)

Animal Farm: http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/animalfarm/

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Svar #4
10. juni 2003 af 1. Charlotte (Slettet)

Nu, hvor vi er igang allerede, er der så nogle, der sidder inde med noter om:
Our Man In Havana
The Boogeyman (stephen King novelle)
The Veldt (novelle)
In Two Minds (bog, skuespil)
Arnold Schwarznegger
The View From Up close
I Have A Dream (Martin Luther King JR.)
Teach Your Children Well
The Way Up To Heaven
The Red Line (novelle)

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Svar #5
13. juni 2003 af SP anonym (Slettet)

for at fortsætte:

-A Fetish for Love
-On the Pulse of Morning
-Shooting an Elephant
-Please Don’t Shoot the Trees
-The Remains of the Day
-Odour of Chrysanthemums
-The Yellow Wallpaper
-Death of a Salesman
-In Defense of Science and Technology

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Svar #6
16. juni 2003 af 1. Charlotte (Slettet)

Alletiders at der ikke er så mange der har læst samme ting..
Personligt har jeg dét problem at jeg skal op i morgen og ikke engang har en bog, som vi har ret meget for i! Det er den bog der hedder Our Man In Havana af Graham Green. Jeg har kun skod-noter dertil! De hjælper ikke meget! Jeg skal ned på biblioteket idag og skaffe den der fu*cking skod-bog. Men jeg har jo nok ikke tid til at læse den hele, så please anyone, der har læst den!! HELP!

Er der ingen, der har forslag til hvor jeg kan finde nogle noter til bogen? Det nytter vist intet at søge på Yahoo eller Google.

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Svar #7
16. juni 2003 af SP anonym (Slettet)

Til 1. Charlotte:
Jeg har fundet en side som måske kan hjælpe dig om bogen: "Our Man in Havana":

Også tror jeg faktisk også, at jeg har lidt noter til novellen "The Boogeyman"

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Svar #8
16. juni 2003 af 1. Charlotte (Slettet)

Tak Maria!
Jo, det hjælper lidt.. Boogeyman? Kunne jeg dgodt tænke mig! Du kan enten skrive dem her eller sende dem til min email ([email protected]). TAK!!

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Svar #9
16. juni 2003 af SP anonym (Slettet)

Til Charlotte: Jeg har desværre opdaget, at jeg har lånt mine noter ud til min veninde. Men der er lidt her, som du måske kan få noget ud af...

Description 1:
The Boogeyman
Lester Billings speaks to his psyciatrist about the Boogeyman that is killing all his children. Their first child Denny, was afraid of the dark in his own room - a room in which the closet door kept creeping open.

After Denny's reported Crib Death, they move their second child, Shirley out of their room and into her own room - Denny's old room. She too becomes a victim of the Boogeyman, although the official explanation is Brain Convulsions causing her to swallow her tongue.

By now Lester has pretty good ideas of the cause, but their third child becomes a victim too. Lester soon finds out that this doctor has a lot to hide... Like the face of the boogeyman behing a mask of the doctors face!

Description 2:
'The Boogeyman', one of the earlier stories of Stephen King. In a sense this is a straight tale of childhood fears come to life, yet there is much more going on than that. Lester Billings is talking to a psychiatrist about the murder of his children, the murder he claims he committed. He goes on to say it was the Boogeyman, but his claim still stands. Throughout his talk he refers to his family with contempt, to the extent of admitting he fantasised about killing his kids, 'that was a bad summer for me, you see'. He hit Denny when he wouldn't stop crying, only concerned his son might be a 'sissy'. He wouldn't move an obviously traumatised Shirl because he couldn't admit he was wrong. And of course he moved his third child out of his room so the Boogeyman would get the child, and not himself. Did the Boogeyman exist? It doesn't really matter, and the ambiguity remains, because even when we do see the monster its through Lester Billings' eyes, and he's as nutty as fruitcake. So either the Boogeyman got the kids, or Lester killed them himself, but the final act doesn't change what Lester Billings did do.

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Svar #10
16. juni 2003 af SP anonym (Slettet)

Description 2 er nok mere fortællende end den første. Description 1 er nok en mere en indledning, dvs. det kan være det du kan begynde med at sige til eksamen.

Held og lykke med eksamen! Jeg håber, at du kunne bruge det til noget!

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Svar #11
16. juni 2003 af SP anonym (Slettet)

Glemte at skrive mit navn. Så der er kommet til at stå anonym istedet for Maria18.

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Svar #12
17. juni 2003 af x1 (Slettet)

Jeg har lige prøvet at uploade min stil om "The Boogeyman", det lykkedes dog ikke...
Men jeg kopierer den lige herind, så håber jeg, du når at læse den og kan bruge den - den er brand-god!!! (til 1.Charlotte)

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Svar #13
17. juni 2003 af x1 (Slettet)

The Boogeyman

The human mind is a mystery, and it is unknown if we are born to be good or born to be bad. Either way we know that our experiences affect the mind strongly. It makes us who we are. It can make us frightened of almost anything, and we do not know what that fear makes us do. We might lose control and act unpredictably.

In “The Boogeyman” by Stephen King we are introduced to Lester Billings, a troubled man who has lost three children all killed one by one by the boogeyman. He feels responsible, needs to release his guilt, and has therefore come to tell his story to Dr. Harper. The reader is only provided with the facts about what goes on between Billings and Harper and can only make conclusions based on their sayings and actions, the story is written in 3rd person narrative.

Billings feels that he has no reason to consult a priest or a lawyer because he is not a catholic and he does not believe that he has done anything wrong. At the same time we see throughout the whole story that words like “Jesus”, “Christ” and “god” often are used in his speech. This obvious contradiction shows us that Billing has an unstable personality. He is very self centred and arrogant in way of behaving towards other people. He feels superior to women and talks openly and calmly about being a wife batter and a child abuser, (p.41 l.40): “…I started to slap her, just like the old days.” This demonstrates his need to be in control, but at the same time we see that he is liable to change personality and therefore in a position to act unpredictably.

“He looked at the plain white composition ceiling as if seeing scenes and pictures played out there” (p.34 l.18). The fact that Billings has a strong imagination makes us wonder if he might have a split personality or if he is just filled with fear that makes him paranoid. His many hallucinations reinforce the idea of him being paranoid and not being in control of his actions.

One of the first things we hear Billings say is that he killed all his children, he says (p.34, l.11): “All I did was kill my kids.” He shows how relaxed he is about the killings. We are at the same time informed that the Boogeyman killed the children (p.35 l.27). The killings of the three children are different. For every time, the killing becomes more dramatic and the horror increases. At first he does not hear or see the boogeyman, he only sees a crack in the closet door. However, when the last murder occurs and Andy is killed, Billings sees and hears the boogeyman, which means that he is prepared for this to happen. Billings identifies him self with Andy and is therefore more affected by this murder. If we assume that Billings is the boogeyman then this shows how the monster is growing inside him and taking control over him. When we hear about the closet door being open just a crack we can transfer the meaning of it to Billings personality. Even though he behaves normally, he occasionally loses control and his façade cracks a little.

When Billings describes the boogeyman he often mentions seaweed and tells us that he reminds him of a sea monster from a comic book he has read (p.38 l.44). And maybe Billings does not accidentally live in Waterbury. The names that King has chosen are not without significance. If we look at the name Lester Billings and at the meaning of the words, we can see that “lest” means “in fear of” and “bill” means “to pay”. This could mean that Lester Billings is afraid to pay the price for his actions. We also find that Dr. Harpers name has significance. “Harper” makes us associate to a harpoon, which is used as a weapon to catch large sea-animals. This suits the ending of the story perfectly. Even though Billings has come to get this of his chest, he feels in the end that Dr. Harper knows too much and he is afraid of the consequences this could bring. Dr. Harper tries to “catch” Billings who is the boogeyman but he fails and is killed by the boogeyman. The closet door is no longer open “just a crack” but it is entirely open (p.44 l.9), the boogeyman has at this point taken control over Billings.

Like Stephen King explains to us in “Night Shift”, all fears add up to one great fear which is the final death. King describes how people are similar to the masks of Comedy and Tragedy. We are grinning on the outside and grimacing on the inside. But inside of us there is a central switching point, a transformer that is able to connect the wires from the two masks and create horror. Comparable to the character of Lester Billings that carries the mask of Tragedy inside of him, his mask is the boogeyman. Every time his inner and outer wires connect the boogeyman strikes and Billings has to face death.

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Svar #14
17. juni 2003 af 1. Charlotte (Slettet)

Tak No Name Frace og Maria!!
Det kan jeg helt sikkert bruge! Nu er det lige frem som om jeg ønsker at komme op i denne!! Jeg skal op om nogle få timer, så nerverne begynder så småt at komme...!!

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Svar #15
17. juni 2003 af SP anonym (Slettet)

held og lykke, knæk og bræk

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Svar #16
17. juni 2003 af SP anonym (Slettet)

Jeg håber, at du kommer op i en tekst, som du har tjek på. Held og lykke med eksamen! Skriver du ikke senere, hvordan det er gået?

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Svar #17
17. juni 2003 af SP anonym (Slettet)

>>>>rhino og 1. Charlotte:

Jeg har nogle noter til Shooting an Elephant og the red line. Håber det ikke er forsent. Skriv tilbage hvis I gerne vil have dem....

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Svar #18
17. juni 2003 af 1. Charlotte (Slettet)

Hey alle!

Jeg var jo oppe i dag! Og gæt engang hilken tekst jeg trak?! Jeg trak THE BOOGEYMAN - så det kunne jo ikke være meget bedre!!!! Jeg var så lykkelig at jeg var ved at springe ud ad vinduet, men så tænkte jeg at jeg var på tredje sal og det nok var pænt dumt at begå selmord af lykke...
Nu er det sådan at jeg ikke kan ændre på min skod-accant, og den har vist nok trukket ned, men min fine analyse af teksten gav mig 9!!! Så tak skal I ha' venner!

>>>Bubbles: ellers tak, har været oppe. Glad for at du ellers ville hjælpe!

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Svar #19
18. juni 2003 af Katrine (Slettet)

skide godt :) (jeg personligt hader the boogeyman hehe)

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Svar #20
18. juni 2003 af SP anonym (Slettet)

Tillykke med dit 9-tal! c¨,)

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