
Engelsk essay om organdonation HJÆLP!

28. april 2014 af Jyden1996 (Slettet) - Niveau: B-niveau

Hej studieportalen, 
Jeg er simpelthen den dårligste i verden til at rette mine engelsk opgaver så jeg tænkte om der var nogen der ville hjælpe mig med at rette dette lille stykke:

These four texts all discuss the same dilemma. Around the world millions of people are waiting for transplantations to change a broken or non-existing organ. There are various reasons for this, and people’s ability to ignore the need of organ donors are by far the best reason. The consequences from the absence of the much needed organs, are massive waiting time which will lead to death for those who lacks a vital organ.

Shortage of transplantable organs is not the problem though, a lot of organs are useable for others, but the issue in America, Britain and Denmark is that for people to become organs donors they must sign a opt in in order for them to become organ donors before and after their death. Experts predicts that should the government rewrite the “opt in” rule into a “opt out” rule, would it be possible to raise the amount of organ donor. (mentioned in text 1)

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Svar #1
29. april 2014 af policemanmem

These four texts all discuss the same dilemma. Around the world millions of people are waiting for transplantations to change a broken or non-existing organ (jeg tror, jeg ville skrive damaged or absent organ). There are various reasons for this, and people’s ability to ignore the need of organ donors are by far the best reason. The consequences from the absence of the much needed organs (fjern komma) are massive waiting time which will lead to death for those who lacks a vital organ. (hvis der ikke er andre konsekvenser end ventetider, bør det være ental (the consequense) med tilsvarende bøjning af verbet).

Shortage of transplantable organs is not the problem though; a lot of organs are useable for others, but the issue in America, Britain and Denmark is that for people to become organs donors they must sign a opt in in order for them to become organ donors (det er dobbelkonfekt - har du allerede skrevet én gang!) before and after their death. Experts predicts that should the government rewrite the “opt in” rule into a “opt out” rule, would it be possible to raise the amount of organ donor. (mentioned in text 1)

Generelt ser det ganske fint ud.
Lige et par kommentarer:

1) Husk kongruens mellem subjekt og verballed! Verbet skal bøjes i overensstemmelse med subjektets person og tal. Det danske relativpronomen 'som' eller 'der' kan både være ental eller flertal, alt efter hvad det henfører til: "The man who lives next door is my neighbout" vs. "The people who live next door are my neighbours"

2) Engelsk har ligefrem ordstilling. Det vil sige, at subjektet kommer før verballeddet, uanset om det måtte være anderledes på dansk. 'Han kendte svaret' -> "he knew the answer" - 'efter at have spurgt kendte han svaret' -> "after having asked, he knew the answer"

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