

07. januar 2019 af ksjd (Slettet) - Niveau: A-niveau

Hej! Er der nogle, som kan kigge på en ultra kort stil og give evt. feedback? Det drejer sig om en stil på A niveau, som jeg gerne vil lave bedst mulig, og vil gerne se hvilke fejl jeg har lavet, så jeg ikke gentager det. 

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Svar #1
08. januar 2019 af Stygotius

Jeg vil gerne kigge på den, men vil ikke rette den og give evt.rigtige løsninger på mulige fejl.

Svar #2
12. januar 2019 af ksjd (Slettet)

     Feminism became effective in 1880, and the word was for the first time applied in France. Later, the Feminism got spread out to the United States of America and England. At present we hear a lot about feminism in for instance the media. Nowadays there are introduced campaigns like #Metoo, where both women and men fight against for instance harassment and sexual violation. If you are fighting for equal rights between a man and woman, then you are a feminist. If you do not want a man to have higher ‘status’ than you, for instance if he gets a higher income than you, then you are a feminist. Chimanda Ngozi Adichie is a feminist, who is articulating her messages and postures about equality between the genders. She spreads her words in 2015 to a college only comprised of women.
     Adichie engages her audience with a use of lingual effects including rhetorical devices. Adichie begins and ends her address by saying, “Congratulations”, which creates a sort of circelkomposition, because the speech ends where it starts. Already in the beginning of the speech, she uses tricolon, also called the three-stage rocket, for instance, ”Its mission, its story, its success(..)” (p.1, l.6) She might use this as an effect to attract the attention of the audience. She uses more effects, and an example could be her choice of pronouns. Adichie directly applies to her audience by for instance saying,” You are ridiculously lucky(..)” p.1, l.10, which creates a bond between her and the recipients. Besides that, she is applying to the audience, she also uses a kind of rhythmic, when she makes use of the rhetorical device, anaphor. (p.8, l.69-86) In these paragraphs she mentions ”I knew” several times, which enhances her message. Furthermore, Adichie, uses metaphors for instance, “Wellesley will open doors for you.” (P.9, L.204) We know that this cannot happen in practice, but it creates a picture like, when you are educated of Wellesley, you will have a lot more opportunities and privileges. Adichie influences her audience by creating a solidarity between her and them when she says,  ”(..)but we can try, we can make a concerted and real and true effort. (..)Always try.” (P.9, L.189). All these examples show how she uses her language to express her messages and postures. Adichie applies the effects to convince her audience, and she might also want to create motivation. Though these effects, she uses other lingual effects too.  
     She engages her audience by using forms of appeal, and chiefly pathos. When Adichie uses pathos, she appeals to the feelings of the audience. It can be humor, hate, love, sympathy, and so on. Almost all these feelings can be seen in the speech of Adichie. First, she comments on the female president, Hillary Clinton, which creates pride, and appeals to the feelings of the audience. Furthermore, she speaks on the basis of her experiences (P.7, L.27-P.8,L.94), which creates a sort of credibility, because she relates her messages with reality. The part when she includes her mother, would be the most touching part, because of her audience are women, and women always support their mothers. Furthermore, when she speaks about her mother, she appeals to humor, “She called me yesterday(..)and to tell me to remember to use a lot of lotion on my legs so they would not look ashy.” Another example of pathos is, when she talks about a man she has dated, “A loud, unpleasant man.”(P.7,L.30) Adichie speaks like she loathes him, but later she adds, that it is not all men who are like the one she met (P.8, L.75) Therefore she does not generalize. It is not only pathos that the speech appeals to, but also ethos. Ethos deals with the credibility of the narrator. In this speech, it says that “I’ve been fortunate to have received a few prizes so far(..)” (P.10, L.11), which can be a reason why to listen to her words. 
  The themes that the text is touched by the most, are women privileges and to try and courage. Several times she mentions the word, “try”, which almost all her messages are based on. It says that when she where younger, she had the grades to be a doctor, but that was not what she wanted to do with her life. Therefore, she took jump of the seesaw and tried something new, “What I felt then was not courage but a desire to make an effort. To try.” (P.9,L.174) Her audience is women, who have become their Wellesley degree and therefore also privileges. What she wants to tell them, is that there are having a world waiting for them, and that they must try to change things, if they want to do it. They must be brave, stand united, and fight against what their purposes are. This speech might be an eye-opener for the women, before they choose what they are going to spend the rest of their lives on. Adichie gives a few examples of how she has tried different things in her life, and it all might not have succeed, but she still tried, and she seems to be proud of it. (P.9,L.185)
Based on the analysis, there can be concluded that the feminist, Adichie, engages her audience with a use of both rhetorical devices and the forms of appeal, pathos and ethos. The themes that dominates a lot is to try and courage. 

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Svar #3
12. januar 2019 af Stygotius

Fede typer =  ting der bør rettes  

xxxx  =  manglende ord

Hej! Er der (nogle) nogen, som kan kigge på en (ultra kort) ultrakort stil og evt. give (evt.) feedback? Det drejer sig om en stil på A niveau, som jeg gerne vil lave bedst muligt, og jeg vil gerne se hvilke fejl jeg har lavet, så jeg ikke gentager (det) dem

Feminism became effective in 1880, and the word was for the first time applied in France. Later, the Feminism got spread out to the United States of America and England. At present we hear a lot about feminism in for instance the media. Nowadays there are introduced campaigns like #Metoo, where both women and men fight against for instance harassment and sexual violation. If you are fighting for equal rights between a man and woman, then you are a feminist. If you do not want a man to have higher status than you, for instance if he gets a higher income than you, then you are a feminist. Chimanda Ngozi Adichie is a feminist, who is articulating her messages and postures about equality between the genders. She spreads her words in 2015 to a college only comprised of women.
     Adichie engages her audience with a use of lingual effects including rhetorical devices. Adichie begins and ends her address by saying, “Congratulations”, which creates a sort of circelkomposition, because the speech ends where it starts. Already in the beginning of the speech, she uses tricolon, also called the three-stage rocket, for instance, ”Its mission, its story, its success(..)” (p.1, l.6) She might use this as an effect to attract the attention of the audience. She uses more effects, and an example could be her choice of pronouns. Adichie directly applies to her audience by for instance saying,” You are ridiculously lucky(..)” p.1, l.10, which creates a bond between her and the recipients. Besides that, she is applying to the audience, she also uses a kind of rhythmic, when she makes use of the rhetorical device, anaphor. (p.8, l.69-86) In these paragraphs she mentions ”I knew” several times, which enhances her message. Furthermore, Adichie, uses metaphors for instance, “Wellesley will open doors for you.” (P.9, L.204) We know that this cannot happen in practice, but it creates a picture like, when you are educated of Wellesley, you will have a lot more opportunities and privileges. Adichie influences her audience by creating a solidarity between her and them when she says,  ”(..)but we can try, we can make a concerted and real and true effort. (..)Always try.” (P.9, L.189). All these examples show how she uses her language to express her messages and postures. Adichie applies the effects to convince her audience, and she might also want to create motivation. Though these effects, she uses other lingual effects too.  
     She engages her audience by using xxxxx forms of appeal, and chiefly pathos. When Adichie uses pathos, she appeals to the feelings of the audience. It can be humor, hate, love, sympathy, and so on. Almost all these feelings can be seen in the speech of Adichie. First, she comments on the female president, Hillary Clinton, which creates pride, and appeals to the feelings of the audience. Furthermore, she speaks on the basis of her experiences (P.7, L.27-P.8,L.94), which creates a sort of credibility, because she relates her messages with reality. The part when she includes her mother, would be the most touching part, because of her audience are women, and women always support their mothers. Furthermore, when she speaks about her mother, she appeals to humor, “She called me yesterday(..)and to tell me to remember to use a lot of lotion on my legs so they would not look ashy.” Another example of pathos is, when she talks about a man she has dated, “A loud, unpleasant man.”(P.7,L.30) Adichie speaks like she loathes him, but later she adds, that it is not all men who are like the one she met (P.8, L.75) Therefore she does not generalize. It is not only pathos that the speech appeals to, but also ethos. Ethos deals with the credibility of the narrator. In this speech, it says that “I’ve been fortunate to have received a few prizes so far(..)” (P.10, L.11), which can be a reason why to listen to her words. 
  The themes that the text is touched by the most, are women privileges and to try and courage. Several times she mentions the word, “try”, which almost all her messages are based on. It says that when she where younger, she had the grades to be a doctor, but that was not what she wanted to do with her life. Therefore, she took jump of the seesaw and tried something new, “What I felt then was not courage but a desire to make an effort. To try.” (P.9,L.174) Her audience is women(,) who have become their Wellesley degree and therefore also privileges. What she wants to tell them, is that there are having a world waiting for them, and that they must try to change things, if they want to do it. They must be brave, stand united, and fight against what their purposes are. This speech might be an eye-opener for the women, before they choose what they are going to spend the rest of their lives on. Adichie gives a few examples of how she has tried different things in her life, and it all might not have succeed, but she still tried, and she seems to be proud of it. (P.9,L.185)
Based on the analysis, there can be concluded that the feminist, Adichie, engages her audience with a use of both rhetorical devices and the forms of appeal, pathos and ethos. The themes that dominates a lot is to try and courage

Sandsynlig karakter: 02-4

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Svar #4
12. januar 2019 af Stygotius

Det du skal sørge for, er først og fremmest:

-ikke at skrive danglish, men engelsk

-at lære noget om udvidet tid

-at lære engelsk kommasætning

Svar #5
13. januar 2019 af ksjd (Slettet)

Hvis jeg retter stilen, til hvad jeg mener der er rigtigt, udfra dine markeringer, kan du så kigge på den igen, og se om jeg er på rette spor? 

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Svar #6
13. januar 2019 af Stygotius

Det er en upassende lang tekst at smide i hovedet på andre til rettelse  -oven  i købet en ekstra gang.

For  en gangs skyld vil jeg imidlertid se den hurtigt igennem for dig.

Svar #7
13. januar 2019 af ksjd (Slettet)

   Feminism became effective in 1880, and the word was for the first time used in France. Later, Feminism became spread out to the United States of America and England. At present we hear about feminism in for instance the media. Nowadays there are campaigns like #Metoo, where both women and men fight against for instance harassment and sexual violation. If you fight for equal rights between a man and woman, then you are a feminist. If you do not want a man to have higher ‘status’ than you, for instance if he gets a higher income than you, then you are a feminist. Chimanda Ngozi Adichie is a feminist, who articulates her messages about equality between the genders. She spreads her words in 2015 to a college only comprised of women.
     Adichie engages her audience with a use of lingual effects including rhetorical devices. Adichie begins and ends her address by saying, “Congratulations”, which creates a sort of circle composition, because the speech ends where it starts. Already at the beginning of the speech, she uses tricolon, also called the three-stage rocket, for instance, ”Its mission, its story, its success(..)” (p.1, l.6) She probably uses this as an effect to attract the attention of the audience. She uses more effects, and an example could be her choice of pronouns. Adichie directly applies to her audience by for instance saying,” You are ridiculously lucky(..)” (p.1, l.10), which creates a bond between her and the recipients. Besides that, she applies to the listeners, she also uses a kind of rhythmic, when she makes use of the rhetorical device, anaphor. (p.8, l.69-86) In these paragraphs, she says  ”I knew” several times, which enhances her message. Furthermore, Adichie uses metaphors for instance, “Wellesley will open doors for you.” (P.9, L.204) We know that this cannot happen in practice, but it creates a picture like, when you are educated of Wellesley, you will have a lot more opportunities and privileges. Adichie influences her listeners by creating solidarity between her and them when she says,  ”(..)but we can try, we can make a concerted and real and true effort. (..)Always try.” (P.9, L.189). All these examples show how she uses the language to express her messages and postures. Adichie uses the effects to convince her audience, and she might also want to create motivation. Besides these effects, she uses other lingual effects too.  
     She engages her audience by using different forms of appeal, chiefly pathos. When Adichie uses pathos, she appeals to the feelings of the listeners. It can be humor, hate, love, sympathy, etc. Almost all these feelings can be seen in the speech of Adichie. First, she comments on the female president, Hillary Clinton, which creates pride, and appeals to the feelings of the audience. Furthermore, she speaks on the basis of her experiences (P.7, L.27-P.8,L.94), which creates a sort of credibility, because she puts her messages into a perspective to the reality. The part where she includes her mother, would be the most touching part, because her audience is women, and women primarily always support their mother. Furthermore, when she speaks about her mother, she appeals to humour, “She called me yesterday(..)and to tell me to remember to use a lot of lotion on my legs so they would not look ashy.” Another example of pathos is, when she talks about a man she has dated, “A loud, unpleasant man.”(P.7,L.30) Adichie speaks as she loathes him, but later she adds, that we must not generalize, just because of a single man. (P.8, L.75) It is not only pathos that the speech appeals to, but also ethos. Ethos deals with the credibility of the narrator. In this speech, it says that “I’ve been fortunate to have received a few prizes so far(..)” (P.10, L.11), which can be a reason why to listen to her words. 
  The themes that the text is touched by are privileges, to try and courage. Several times she mentions the word, “try”, which almost all her messages are based on. It says that when she was younger, she had the grades to become a doctor, but that was not what she wanted to do with her life. Therefore, she jumped off the seesaw and tried something new, “What I felt then was not courage but a desire to make an effort. To try.” (P.9,L.174) Her audience is women, who have achieved their Wellesley degree and therefore also privileges. What she wants to tell them, is that they have a world waiting for them, and that they must try to change things. They must be brave, stand united, and fight against their purposes. This speech will probably be an eye-opener for women, before they choose what they will spend the rest of their lives on. Adichie gives a few examples of how she has tried different things in her life, and it all have not succeeded, but she still tried, and she seems to be proud of it. (P.9,L.185)
Based on the analysis, I can conclude that the feminist, Adichie, engages her listeners with a use of rhetorical devices and the forms of appeal, pathos and ethos. The themes that dominates is to try and courage. 

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