
Oversættelse fra dansk til engelsk

27. september 2005 af MeWannaGoBoom (Slettet)
Efter normannernes erobring af England I 1066 var engelsk I en længere periode almuens sprog, mens fransk blev talt ved hoffet og af overklassen. De to sprog levede side om side i hen ved tre hundrede år, og moderne engelsk er en blanding, hvor ca. halvdelen af ordene stammer fra angelsaksisk eller skandinavisk og den anden halvdel fra fransk eller latin. Enkelte af de franske låneord er dagligdags ord (f.eks. middag og samtale) men en meget stor del viser, at fransk var den herskende klasses sprog (f.eks. regering, skat, prædiken, forbrydelse, hær, kunst og maleri).
Fra det 15. århundrede kan man tale om moderne engelske, men det er først i det 18. århundrede, at det dannede London-sprog bliver anset for at være nationalsproget. Der er dog stadig mange forskellige dialekter i Storbritannien.
I tidens løb har sproget fået en simplere form og har samtidig optaget en lang række nye låneord både fra europæiske sprog, specielt latin, græsk og fransk, og fra andre sprog, som englænderne er kommet i kontakt med, f.eks. arabisk (madras), malayisk (bambus) og hindi (pyjamas og shampoo). De sidstnævnte kendes også som låneord på dansk.
I nyere tid har engelsk fået stadig større betydning uden for England, hvilket bl.a. kan ses af de mange engelske låneord i andre sprog. Selvom der er flere mennesker, der taler kinesisk, er der næppe nogen tvivl om, at engelsk gennem sin kulturelle og politiske betydning er det mest udbredte internationale sprog i dag.

Engelsk oversættelse:
After the Norman (Normen?) conquering of England in 1066 was the English in a longer period the peasants’ language, while French was spoken at the Court and by the upper-class. The two languages lived side by side almost for three hundred years, and modern English is a mix, were about half of the words comes from the Anglo-Saxon or Scandinavian and the other half from French or Latin. Single (some?) of the French loanwords is everyday words (e.g. dinner (midday) and conversation) but a great part shows that French was the ruling class’ language (e.g. government, treasure, sermon, crime, army, art and painting).
From the 15th century one can talk about modern English, but it is (not?) till (until?) the 18th century, that the formed London-language being considered the national language. Though there are still many dialects in Great Britain.
Over the time the language became a simpler form and contemporarily obtained many new loanwords from both European languages, especially Latin, Greek and French, and from other languages, which the Englishmen have been in contact with, e.g. Arabian (madras), Malaysian (bambus) and Hindi (pyjamas and shampoo). The last is also known as loanwords in Danish.
In modern time has English become a still greater meaning outside England, which e.g. can be seen by the many loanwords in other languages. Even though there are more people that are speaking Chinese, there is hardly any doubt about English through its cultural and political importance is the most widespread language today.

Ville være rart at få kigget den igennem for fejl. På forhånd tak!

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #1
27. september 2005 af Mac3 (Slettet)

After the Norman ((Normen?)) CONQUEST (conquering) of England in 1066 (was the) English WAS FOR (in) a long(er) period the peasants’ language, while French was spoken at the Court and by the upper-class. The two languages lived side by side FOR almost (for) three hundred years, and modern English is a mix, wHere about half of the words comes from (the) Anglo-Saxon or Scandinavian and the other half from French or Latin. FEW (Single (some?)) of the French loanwords (is) ARE everyday words (e.g. dinner ((midday)) and conversation) but a HUGE/CONSIDERABLE (great) part shows that French was the ruling class’ language (e.g. government, (treasure) TAX, sermon, crime, army, art and painting).
From the 15th century (one) WE can talk about modern English, but it is NOT UNTIL ((not?) till (until?)) the 18th century, that the formed London-language IS (being) considered the national language. HOWEVER, (Though) there are still many dialects in Great Britain.
Over the time the language HAS OBTAINED (became) a simpler form and AT THE SAME TIME (contemporarily)ADOPTED (obtained) many new loanwords from both European languages, especially Latin, Greek and French, and from other languages, (which) the English(men) have been in contact with, e.g. Arabian (madras), Malaysian (BAMBOO (bambus)) and Hindi (pyjamas and shampoo). The LATTER (last) ARE (is) also known as loanwords in Danish.
In modern time has English become a still greater INFLUENCE (meaning) outside England, which AMONG OYHER THINGS (e.g.) can be seen by the many loanwords in other languages. Even though there are more people (that are) speaking Chinese, there is hardly any doubt THAT (about) English through IT'S (its) cultural and political importance is the most widespread INTERNATIONAL language today.

Det i parenteserne mener jeg skal slettes, det med store bogstaver skal indsættes.

Svar #2
27. september 2005 af MeWannaGoBoom (Slettet)

ok, takker :)

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