
Engelsk grammatik hjælp

16. april 2008 af bacardi_boydkdk (Slettet)
Jeg har denne engelsk tekst som jeg har kommenteret ud fra en artikel. Men jeg har det svært med de grammistike ting, og vil hører om der var nogle der gad og pege på de ting jeg skulle lave om.

A) Comment on and give your opinion on why an increasing number of kids skip classes or drop out of school, and explain what you think can be done to stop this trend

Why does children skip classes or drop out of school can have many backgrounds. I think the most normal backgrounds are that they cannot keep up with the pace or the school just bore them or the person could have some problems at home or social problem with his/her friends and stuff like that.
I can give you one good example which just has happen in our class this year; Mads Westmark dropped out, because he couldn’t keep up with the pace. But one of the reasons why he couldn’t keep up with the pace was because he skips classes all the time because it bores him.

He said to me that he will apply to HG (2 years) because he felt like that HHX (3 years) was too hard for him, and that’s why he cut from classes. Well my personal opinion for his stupid action, Is that I don’t understand why he just wasted 1 year of his education, because he thought that he could finish a HHX. Well one of the reason why he picked this education, is because his friends from the old school picked this education, and he just followed their footsteps, which equalize to be a bad decision.

To prevent children from skipping school is hard in some cases. However, it would be a great start to begin with the patents, because your parents are like your role model, and if your parents are slacking with your ground discipline, then it will make it hard for their children to se whats right and wrong in this community. A harder upbringing could prevent the children from loosing their respect to the parents. If the parents cannot live up to this level, then they should send the child to a boarding school or wilderness-therapy, where they have adults who has knowledge how to handle these children

In the ghettos, the crime is a larger problem, but if the children are brought up in a better way, the criminals cannot trap the children. Building youth-centre where the children can seek hide to does this.

Tak på forhånd

Svar #1
16. april 2008 af bacardi_boydkdk (Slettet)

Er der slet ikke noget at rette?

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Svar #2
16. april 2008 af AWS-idag (Slettet)

Undgå sammentrækninger i skriftsprog.

Svar #3
16. april 2008 af bacardi_boydkdk (Slettet)

Oka tak.

Men jeg tænkte mere på mit sprogbrug og om jeg havde sat forkert ordstiling osv.

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Svar #4
16. april 2008 af AWS-idag (Slettet)

linje 1: slet does, det havde skulle været do og stå efter children, men i sammenhængen skal det udelades; Why children skip CLASS or drop out of school can have many backgrounds.
l. 1: I think the most normal backgrounds are that EITHER they cannot keep up with the pace, the school just bore them, the person could have problems at home or social problem with his/her friends OR THINGS SUCH AS.
l. 5: had happened. Dropped out uden komma.
l. 7: keep up with IT, nævnt lidt mange gange. Class (ental).
l. 9: class (ental).
l. 11: Well,. ReasonS.
l. 14: Preventing children...
l. 15: role modelS.
l. 17: what IS.
l. 18: loosing respect to their parents.
l. 19: adults who HAVE.
næstsidste l.: Youth-centers eller A Youth-center. Det sidste forstår jeg ikke.

Husk at undgå sammentrækninger i skriftsprog; Couldn't = Could not.


Svar #5
16. april 2008 af bacardi_boydkdk (Slettet)

Mange tak for det ;)

Jeg vil lige gå den igennem en sidste gang inden så ;=

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