
Hjælp til mundtlig engelsk!!!!!!!

02. juni 2010 af xlouisex (Slettet) - Niveau: 9. klasse

Jeg har virkelig brug for hjælp til at komme i gang med forberedelserne til den mundtlige engelsk eksamen. Jeg har valgt at snakke om Gun violence , og der vil jeg snakke om disse: (fra min outline)

2: What I want to talk about
- The attack at Columbine High School 20. April 1999
- What was the two student’s motive?
- What happened to the killers?
- How did the attack affect the rest of America?
- How do the media affect young people?

3: Conclusion
- After the attack
- How does it affect the world

Er der nogle, som har nogle idéer til, hvordan man skal starte samtalen og hvor meget man skal gå i dybden med emnerne, som jeg har valgt. Jeg er begyndt på at skrive ned, hvad jeg gerne vil sige. jeg vil meget gerne have noget feedback på det.

I have chosen America as my main topic and Gun violence as my under topic. I have chosen to focus on gun violence in the USA, because I think that it is an important subject to consider regarding violence among young people.
I believe that the gun policy in America has an enormous influence on the crime committed with guns among both young and elderly citizens. The fact that Americans can go out and buy a gun so easily, I think is one of the main reasons that the gun violence problem is larger in America than in other countries. In Denmark for example it is not a common thing to have a gun at your house or having the possibility of touching one as it is in the US. I do not think that the possibility of getting a gun is the reason why people commit violence, but because there is a lot more criminal acts involving guns happens. You can say that it is not the gun that shoots humans it is the human holding the gun. If other countries had the same policy concerning firearms I think that the problem would be as large as it is in America. The gun laws in America are very different from the gun laws in Denmark. In America almost every man, woman and family has a gun. When you visit an American family there will usually be a gun in the house – they call it protection. But the question is do they only use it for protection? You have heard stories about young children there have committed gun violence for no particular reason ‘’Just for fun’’. But it wasn’t just for fun at Columbine High School 20. April 1999. When Erik Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 13 people and injured 21 others they were only 18 years old and they where the high school seniors. Today people look at them as murders and massacres, instead of seeing two young teenagers there had been bullied all there life and always looked down at. They wanted revenge and they got it. Time Magazine explains to us, that abuse in High Schools is normal, so we should not look to this as this cause. It's got to be those computer games like doom that have caused these too highly intelligent kids to commit mass murder, or they were into "Goth" so that's the cause of the problem, and of course they did not believe in God, and they had access to guns. I think that a child there has had a rough childhood weather it’s at home or in school wants to act out. It could lead to suicide or an attack on a school or in the society. It is a lot easier to act out in anger when there is a gun in your house. Media, whether it is violent films or news media, I also think has a responsibility. We are being exposed to violence through media at a very early age, and I think that our minds are getting used to it. It is disturbing that our society has taken a turn in a very wrong direction where violence is part of our everyday life. In the news media people are being shot and bombs are blowing buildings up, and it doesn’t even affect us. In the films we also see people get killed and we are amused by it. I will not justify the media, but I understand that violence sells. But I think we affect each other in the way that we want them to show us violence and they want to give us, what we want. It is what I would call a vicious spiral. I think we need to ask our self the question: ‘what will happen next – will torture entertain us in the future?’
In a world filled with fear, I think it is important that we change it. No one can be satisfied with this world of violence. I find it difficult to find a solution to this problem. I think that if it was possible to change the gun policy in the USA and the media it would make a great difference. Unfortunately I do not think that is possible.

Håber, der er nogle, som vil give mig nogle gode tips og noget feedback!

på forhånd tak

Louise :)

Svar #1
02. juni 2010 af xlouisex (Slettet)

come on! er der ingen, som vil hjælpe*????

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #2
08. juni 2010 af rabi

 ville gerne hjælpe da jeg skal op til det samme emne, men der er en virkelig dum reklame fra carlsberg sport som ikk vil væk!!!! 

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #3
15. juni 2010 af lulurouge1 (Slettet)

Hey jeg har

Brugbart svar (8)

Svar #4
15. juni 2010 af lulurouge1 (Slettet)

jeg mener, jeg fik 12 !!! skal jeg sende mit oplæg, det som jeg sagde til eksamen??  

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #5
26. april 2011 af nielsen110 (Slettet)

 louiseisse - du må gerne sende det til mig :)  [email protected]

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #6
03. april 2013 af skinkemaster (Slettet)

du må også meget gerne sende det til mig [email protected]

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #7
15. maj 2016 af KathrineJensen98 (Slettet)


jeg mener, jeg fik 12 !!! skal jeg sende mit oplæg, det som jeg sagde til eksamen??  

Har du den stadig ?

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #8
09. maj 2019 af anne152u

hej tænke på om du har det der oplæg du fik og jeg måtte se den er helt lost og skal aflevere på mandag? mvh annemette rigtigt god aften 

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #9
10. maj 2019 af hejjjjjjjjjj09

Til Annemette ^

Hvis det skal være i stil med det der står oppe i den gamle del af tråden. Hvad så med at snakke om "the second amendment" (den del af deres grundlov som siger, at alle skal have retten til at bære våben)? Måske forklare hvad det er, hvordan forskellige politiske partier bruger det til at argumentere for/imod en ny våbenlov. Mange mener at våbenlovene bør strammes, så kunne du jo evt. argumentere for dette (hvis det også er din mening), ved at snakke om at the second amendment i virkeligheden er rigtig gammel nu (fra 1791) og om hvorvidt man overhovedet har været klar over, hvordan våbene ville udvikle sig dengang. Her kunne du evt. også snakke om hvordan mange republikanske partier i USA argumenterer for, at folket skal have lov til at have våben fordi det er amerikansk, og er en del af stoltheden i at være fra Amerika fordi det står i deres grundlov. Kig f.eks. på NRA ift. dette. 

Du kunne også snakke om den historiske baggrund ift. hvordan den amerikanske borgerkrig har været medhjælpende til, at racismen og "dem mod os"-ideen er blevet integreret i det amerikanske samfund hvilket bl.a. har haft en stor indflydelse på brugen af pistoler da store dele af "behovet" for at eje en pistol i virkeligheden kommer fra en unødvendig frygt for det fremmede som netop linker helt tilbage til borgerkrigen. 

Du kunne også snakke om Marilyn Manson ift. Columbine. 

Ved ikke om jeg skal uddybbe noget af det mere? Det er bare lige nogle af de ting jeg kan huske fra da vi havde om skyderier i engelsk i år :), sig endelig til hvis jeg skal finde mine notater til emnet frem? Bare husk at du skal finde kilder til at bakke alt det du siger op. Min veninde havde om skoleskyderiet i florida og den følgende "march for our lives" til en prøveeksamen sidste år. Måske jeg kan skaffe den. 

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