
Bedømmelse af skriftlig eksamensopgave

22. juni 2018 af Aide (Slettet) - Niveau: A-niveau

Jeg har for kort tid siden fået svar på mine skriftlige eksamener, og jeg er lidt overrasket over resultatet i skriftlig engelsk A (STX).

Umiddelbart har jeg ingen intentioner om at klage, men ikke desto mindre er jeg interesseret i at vide, om der skulle være grundlag for det. Det skal lige siges, at antallet af ord i min opgave er indenfor det krævne antal (900-1200).
Jeg lægger derfor min besvarelse op her, og så må de, der har tid og lyst, meget gerne bedømme den. På forhånd tak. :-)

"A – Fiction: Self Defense

In modern times, political issues on gun control and the taboos of being homosexual are discussed

profoundly in society. Therefore, legalization and legislation on both guns and homosexuals is a

reoccurring theme in discussions.

In the short story “Self Defense” (2014) by Samuel Wilkes, both topics are present and although not

directly discussed by the narrator, they play an important role in the understanding of the story.

The story “Self Defense” is about two former prisoners who have just escaped prison and want to

start a new life. The narrator, Norman, wants to stop being criminal, but nonetheless, his friend and

fellow criminal, Daniel, does not care about this and persuades Norman to rob a house with him

when they run out of money and gas for their car. This, however, turns out in Daniel being shot and

killed by the residents of the house, hence the title “Self Defense”.

The narrator, Norman, tells the story in past tense, but on the way, he reveals that something

presumably criminal is going to happen as can be seen in the quote:

“He knew we were taking his car, but would later deny it when questioned.” (lines 2-3)

The quote indicates that the owner of the car Daniel and Norman drive, namely Stuart, will be

questioned, therefore indicating the presence of a criminal act.

This engages the reader in the story from the beginning and supplies the short story with a thrilling


Furthermore, the narrative technique is characterized by a weighing focus on Daniel and his actions

and thoughts which is an indication of Norman’s admiration and likely infatuation with Daniel. An

example of this can be seen in the quote:

“It’s hard to put in words, but it was there. (…) I could honestly say I loved the man.” (lines 44-45)

Norman listens to and shows interest in Daniel’s sexual details of his experience in a strip club they

went to together even though he “(…) couldn’t care less” (line 83), and he does not comment on

Daniel’s driving when he is driving unsteadily. At the same time, Daniel shows no interest

whatsoever in Norman’s thoughts for which an example could be his awkward experience at the

strip club which Daniel “(…) obviously couldn’t care less about (…)” (line 83).

Therefore, it seems that Norman is captivated by Daniel as a person, and he is fascinated by everything he does, which suggests an “uneven” relationship between the two which can ultimately

be unhealthy for both sides. The heavier part (which here is Norman) might feel betrayed while the lighter part (Daniel) may feel misunderstood. However, it seems that Daniel either does not

understand that Norman is in love with him or takes advantage of this to secure his own survival

and well-being. The latter can be concluded from the quote:

“I’d always been his bitch. Just his property to do with as he pleased.” (lines 122-123)

Since Norman accepts being Daniel’s property and does not tell him off in the short story, it must

imply that he is aware of him being used by Daniel, but that his love for him is too strong to care,

again suggesting that the relationship between Daniel and Norman is non-uniform.

In the short story, the narrative technique is essential to examine while interpreting the story,

because it contains several symbols of the probable themes in the story. Firstly, the narrator uses the

words “shot” (line 7), “dead” (line 19) and “killed” (line 135) independently in that order without

direct context to the killing of Daniel. The words are used before the murder and are symbolic since

they indicate “gun control” or “gun violence” as a probable theme. The use of the words also

reveals the narrator’s ironic narrative technique, and another word that indicates this is seen in the


“The moon hid that night – a new moon I’m told.” (line 144)

The “new moon” could be a picture of Daniel’s and Norman’s supposed “new start” which ended

up being the same as before – criminal.

Finally, the title “Self Defense” can symbolize the logic act of the old man who shot and killed

Daniel, because he trespassed. It also indicates that the reader should expect a short story about

whether self-defence is a valid reason to shoot and kill someone. After reading the story, one could

argue that the purpose of the title instead is to symbolize Norman’s act after the shooting of Daniel

– namely to flee from him and his control. It could mean self-defence to flee, because he risks

getting shot, or it could be self-defence to run away from Daniel’s control and in turn learn to live

alone and become mature.

The theme of being homosexual is particularly present in the ending of the short story where the

narrator utters:

“Just had to go waste all our gas money on love we could’ve had for free. Love that he had the

whole five and a half years while we shared that cell together. Then again, I’ve learned that love

and sex can be two completely different things.” (lines 190-192)

This ending conclusion by Norman is vital for an interpretation revolving around the homosexual

theme, since Norman indicates his desperation to express his unfulfilled wishes and thoughts on his

relationship to Daniel. The quote also makes the reader reflect upon the difference between love

and sex, and at the same time, the reader is informed that such uneven relationships as of Daniel’s

and Norman’s exist where the “heavier” part might be too apprehensive to ask if the other person

feels the same way.

Ultimately, it can be said that the short story “Self Defense” – directly and indirectly – addresses

both gun violence and the troubles of being homosexual in the modern society which makes it ever

so relevant to interpret and discuss the meaning of."

Svar #1
23. juni 2018 af Aide (Slettet)

Jeg kan også indsætte opgavebeskrivelsen her:

"Write an analytical essay (900-1200 words) in which you analyse and interpret Samuel Wilkes’ short story “Self Defense”. Part of your essay must focus on the narrative technique and on the relationship between Daniel and the narrator."

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