

09. april 2020 af Medine10 - Niveau: 7. klasse

Hej jeg skal finde 10 fejl i denne tekst og jeg har fundet 9 af dem, men jeg mangler 1 som jeg bare ikke kan finde. Håber i kan hjælpe.


These days it is possible to watch films in many places: at the cinema, on TV, on the internet etc. But most people still prefer the cinema to watch films instead of their own house. There are many reasons. First of all, the cinema screen is much bigger, so the experience is more complete. Secondly, at the house, people don't concentrate on the film. They do other things at the same time. For some people, this is an advantage. They text there friends under the film. And they can eat their dinner. But the cinema is still the best!

Tak på forhånd :)

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Svar #1
09. april 2020 af Soeffi

#0. Hvilke fejl har du fundet?

Svar #2
09. april 2020 af Medine10

Jeg mangler at finde to fejl, og jeg kom til at sætte den forkerte tekst ind. Her er den rigtige tekst.

These days it is possible to watch films in many places: at the cinema, in TV, on the internet etc. But most people still prefer the cinema to watching films at their own house. There is many reasons. First of all, the cinema screen is much biggest, so the experience is more compleat. Secondly, at house, people doesn't concentrate on the film. They do other things at the same time. For some people, this is a advantage. They text there friends under the film. And they can eating their dinner. But the cinema is still the best!

1) On tv

2) Watch

3) Instead of their own house

4) Are

5) Bigger

6) Complete 

7) The house


Jeg skal aflevere denne opgave om mindre end 20 minutter, så jeg håber I kan svare lidt hurtigt. Tak

Svar #3
09. april 2020 af Medine10

Det ligemeget jeg har afleveret

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Svar #4
09. april 2020 af Soeffi


These days it is possible to watch films in many places: at the cinema, in TV, on the internet etc. But most people still prefer the cinema to watching films at their own house. There is many reasons. First of all, the cinema screen is much biggest, so the experience is more compleat. Secondly, at house, people doesn't concentrate on the film. They do other things at the same time. For some people, this is a→an advantage. They text there→their friends under→during the film. And they can eating→eat their dinner. But the cinema is still the best!


...to watching...: Hvis man på dansk siger (frem) for at eller til at efterfulgt af verbum, så kan man på engelsk bruge to efterfulgt af -ing form.


...at their own house: Dette er rigtigt selvom at home nok foretrækkes. At house er derimod forkert som nævnt senere.

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Svar #5
10. april 2020 af Stygotius

Ordet "complete" skal staves rigtigt

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Svar #6
13. april 2020 af Stygotius

ad # 4

Grunden til at  det skal hedde "to watching" er at ordet "to" her en præposition, ikke infinitivmærket "to" (= at).

Efter en præposition har man altid verbet i ing-form. Cf. "I look forward to seeing you".

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