
Engelsk essay grammatik

06. oktober 2013 af Papegøje123 (Slettet) - Niveau: B-niveau

·         To be successful in school, you have to fight for it. It is not something that just comes. But you must learn something  from your teacher, and you also have to make your homework good. Don’t do your homework to fast, take a good time about it. You need to be better to read, work out and be diligent. And how can you be better. Learn and hear what you teachers says in the school.</o:p>


·         If you have success in the school, you also have success in your life. Because if you are good in school, making your homework and have good marks. Then you get a good education. And later in your life, you can use the education, for example when you have to get a job, and earn money. It is because you had success in your school. Many people don’t have jobs. That’s because they didn’t have success in school. And they didn’t want to learn something in school. But also many people really have good jobs. Because they wanted to learn. And they had success. There you see, if you really want a good future, you must work for it. You also have to hear what you’re teachers says, it is them and you self which can give you a good education, future and success. </o:p>


·         The teachers influence on a child`s success, because it is their duty to teach something to the child, and to give a good lesson. The parents influence on a child`s success, because they need to help and support the child, and talk about how it is going in school. The classmates influence on a child`s success, because the child`s mates, helps to give the child a good day in the school.  </o:p>


·         Good schools are schools where you feel good, and have good classmates and good teachers. Bad schools are schools where you don’t feel good, don’t have classmates and where you are being bullied. And nobody going to help you.  </o:p>


·         There are elite secondary schools in Denmark, but there is not elite school in Denmark. Elite school is for those who are very smart and intelligent. I don’t want any elite schools in Denmark. I don’t think it is fair, because when someone comes to you, and says “ha-ha, I’m  smarter than you, ha-ha and you are stupid” </o:p>


·         I think my school results it okay. But I want to get better in English. And how can I improve my own school result. I need to listen more in the English lessons. </o:p>


·         I don’t think there is anything more important than school. Because the school is the key to your future.                                                                                                                                                            I would like to change that, our school should begin at 10 o`clock.

hvis i har nogen gode forslag til, hvad jeg kunne skrive om eller hvad der kunne gøres bedre, så skriv venligst. :)</o:p>

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Svar #1
06. oktober 2013 af rakijovic

Ét er sikkert -- du er dælme glad for Danglish. ;)

Udover dét er der kongruensfejl og dansk kommaliderlighed. Det vil tage sin lille tid at få muget ud i teksten, og dét har jég ikke tænkt mig at gå ombord i søndag aften kl. 22.20.

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Vriendelikheid is net sinisme wat 'n jol gekry het! ◄ |||| ► Ljubaznost je samo cinizam što je dobio piće! ◄ ||||

► Prietenia este doar cinism care a băut puțin alcool ! 

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