
Rettelse af et engelsk læserbrev (vil gerne have 10)

27. november 2013 af EtEllerAndetRandom (Slettet) - Niveau: 7. klasse

Hej, jeg håber på at jeg får minst 10 i dette læserbrev, så i må MEGET gerne komme med nogle forslag, til hvad jeg kunne gøre bedre og kritik. Hvis i ser nogle grammatiske fejl eller stavefejl, skal i også rette dem.

Håber i vil hjælpe.

Dear dad 
how are you? I miss you so much. It was so weird, not to spend Christmas with you. But i had a great time in Denmark with my mom. Next year i will spent it with you. I started with curling my hair, and put on makeup. Then i put on my dress, and it was black, and had these kind of pallets on. When my mom and i was ready, we went over to grandma and grandpa's and as usually, grandma had the kitchen full of food. The table was so beautiful with lots of decoration and the most beautiful dishes with green and red patterns, like the christmas colours. The smell was lovely, i could feel the slobber in my mouth just about to fall out of it. My stomach hurt and it rumbled all the time, i havent got nothing to eat, the whole day. After the waiting in hours, the meet was finally ready, and i was so hungry that i could eat a whole horse. We talked about Christmas gifts, and how excited we were. After the lovely and delicious dinner, we went to the living room, and waited for my grandma to come with some sweets. When she finally came with some sweets and candy, we could finally open presents. It was so great to open presents the 24th December, like the Danish tradition. We danced around the Christmas tree and sang Christmas carols. It’s so cozy to do the Danish tradition. After that, we were ready to open the presents. As i have told you, it’s always granddad there have to read the to and from cart out loud. He read the first card out loud, and i heard my name. It was me. The first present was actually for me. I was so excited to open the first present. It was little and broad, and it was from aunt Julie. It was a makeup brush and a dry shampoo. Just what i wished for. The next present was also for me. I walked against my granddad and took the present. It was from a boy in my school. I smiled and my family looked curious. Then my mom asked who it was from. I felt shy, and answered with a quiet voice "It’s from a boy that goes on my school". They made the mystery look and smiled. The to and from card was a big red heart with lots of glitter. I opened it carefully. It was a necklace. A silver necklace with a big red Diamond, not a real one of course. I putted it away, and i was ready for the next presents. After we had opened all the presents, we all wanted to try it on. It was beautiful presents this year. Everyone was happy and smiling. And thanks dad for the lovely present. I loved the print on that shirt, it was just what i wished for. It has been a good Christmas this year, hopefully it will also be next year. I’m looking forward to celebrate Christmas with you next year daddy.
XOXO Your Nanzy. 

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Svar #1
28. november 2013 af rakijovic

Nå, "skal" vi det, lille pus? Pas på med kommandanttonen; det er sjældent den fører til noget konstruktivt.

I.ø. kan jeg ikke helt se hvordan dette er et læserbrev (=kort debatindlæg der offentliggøres i avis el. lign. og er forfattet af en læser, ikke en på redaktionen ansat). For mig at se er det snarere et personligt brev meller fader og barn.

(Dét med juleaften 24. december er ikke en typisk dansk tradition, skal du se... Du kan ikke "få 10 i dette læserbrev", men derimod et tital for en aflevering.)

- - -

Vriendelikheid is net sinisme wat 'n jol gekry het! ◄ |||| ► Ljubaznost je samo cinizam što je dobio piće! ◄ ||||

► Prietenia este doar cinism care a băut puțin alcool ! 

Svar #2
29. november 2013 af EtEllerAndetRandom (Slettet)

Kan ikke lide måden du skriver til mig på ! Jeg er ikke så god til Engelsk. Jeg har brug for hjælp, ikke negative kommentarer. Lad vær med at kommenterer på mine ting, hvis du skal være så negativ. 

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