
rettelse af FSA mundligt oplæg

26. maj 2008 af 215 (Slettet)
vil blive rigtig glad hvis nogle gad at rette mit oplæg.

Why did I choose this topic ?

I choose this topic because it’s something that interest and because is some thing we never will forget

What is apartheid ?

Apartheid means separation in African, the language of much of the whites in South Africa has the language. Apartheid is a racist ideology. It is based on that it is important to separate the different races, and that the white race should have the power and lead the society. This system was developed in South Africa for hundreds of years ago, but was first shown as a comprehensive policy under the name of Apartheid in 1948, the Nationalist Party in South Africa.
They were splitter in 4 different races:
It was you’re skin color that leaded you to you’re race.
The goal with apartheid was that the white population should eventually be able to live a life without being connected to colored and black people.

How was the laws under apartheid system ?

the law under apartheid had only one goal and it was to To ensure the white power and privileges, and prevent the other races - especially the black – to have access to the power and the economic, political and cultural resources. The white population made over 200 laws about the race separation and so did the white population prevent the black population to get the power. Some of the most important laws was :

The Registration Law: all citizens over the age of 16 should have an identification card all the time. On the identification card could you read which race the man belong in. It was the embedsmænd who decided which race you belonged in. the way they decided which race you belonged in was through the pencil test. the embedsmænd took an pencil and stuck in to the persons hairstyle. If the pencil fell out of the hair was it a white person.

The law about Separated Facilities: the 4 races had may not use the same facilities and be in the same locations. The white people there own territory. The black, the colored and the Asians had there own areas that they should be.
for example, beaches, parkbænke, lifts, public toilets, railway, barriers in public buildings separated in those groups.

The Law about mixed marry: a black man may not marry a white girl and Otherwise

The law about unmoral: made it illegal to have sex between white and non-white.

The law about Separate habituation: This law gave the white City Council rights make special town areas and apartment areas also called townships to the black,
colored and Asians, so they were kept away from the white areas. Those townships were located far from the city centre and the white apartment areas.

Law for Prevention of Illegal settlement: this law gave the authorities right to forcibly remove people from public and private land. This law was for example used to force the black people out of the township, which was founded to them.

Law about the Promote ting of Bantu-autonomy: The law made it possible to have all the blacks in a certain reserves, so-called bantustans. Each tribe should have its own 'bantustan'(A bantustan or homeland was territory set aside for black inhabitants of South Africa)

What meant apartheid for the education?

The apartheid system made the harder for black people to get an education then the white people. It was because of the Law about bantu education, it says that black children should be educated after an other syllabus then the other children. Half of the teaching should be educated on the children's own language. Besides was there
introduced rules for how much children should learn. for example meant the government that black children not should learn math because they didn’t need it. The black children should been used as cheap worker in mines and in fabrics.
The bad education got the children to start an protest against the government at the blacks townships Soweto in 1976. Military and police tried to stop them, and 16 children was killed by police shots.

What meant apartheid for the black people daily life ?

As you already know was it the skin color that decided where you should live and where you could go. More then 3 million black people were forced to remove to the Bantustans. At the Bantustans tool the government the black peoples citizenships so they couldn’t leave the country. It was very difficult to live in the bantustans. The earth was very bad and the population density was very big. Many men’s choose then to work at fabrics and work there. Most of the mens worked there in 10-12 months and visit there families in a month and then he goes back to his work. It meant that many women needed to take care of the children and earn some money.

What opposition was against the apartheid system in South Africa?

It was primary the black people that organized the opposition against the apartheid system, and most known opposition group is ANC African National Congress.
The opposition was in the beginning directed against the laws. That took the rights from the black people. for example took the laws the black peoples right to vote. Then they started to demonstrate against police brutality in dealings with those who took part in demonstrations, strikes and protests. Coloured, Asians and less white was also active in the fight against apartheid. Not at least the young white who loved in a person from an other race, and felt how hard it was for the black people. The laws in the apartheid system made it illegal to marry on from an other race. So few white dared to stand up in the public in the opposition against apartheid.

When and how was ANC formed?

ANC was formed at 1912 with the name South African National Congress. It was a little political party of black people’s where they meet up and began to protest against the new earth law. The new earth law gave the white people more of the earth than the black people. The white got 87 % of the South African areal and the last 13 % got the black people. It was also illegal to buy some earth from the whites side.

In 1923 they changed the name to African National Congress (ANC). In the 1920s was the movement still really small and in 1930s was is so small that that the party didn’t have any meaning. In the 1940s they formed the Youth branch, after they formed the youth branch began the party to be more active, they began to organized a lot of non-violent Strikes, protests, boycotts and demonstrations.

Which ressources used ANC?

ANC’s goal was to abolished apartheid and to introduce democratic socialist regime based on equality for everyone. The first step to this regime was to give the black people the right to vote. In the first decades hold the party to the non-violent metodes. even so were many members been harassed by the police and arrested or imprisoned. In 1948 raised the number of members as a result of the Nationalist Party took the power they regularly discussed whether it was necessary to take violent ressources, and some of those who spoke for the use of violence. In 1960 arrange PAC (Pan-African Congress) big demonstations against the passport laws, but then were both PAC and the ANC banned. After ANC got banned they decided go from non-violent to violent. In 1961 they formed ANC an armed branch called Umkhonto we Sizwe or the Nations Spear. They made sabotage fabrics and also organized from the neighbor land but the actions were never very effective because the South African government fought back with the military and spy cam. In 1990 become banning against the ANC abolished, and thanks for that they stoppet the guerilla fabrics but some of members and supporters attended in 1990s repeatedly in battles with supporters from the Inkhata movement which cooperated with the Nationalist Party in an attempt to deprive the ANC influence. From 1990 spent ANC With having a large praksis of democracy metodes. Nelson Mandela tried to negotiated With white minority abouth the democratic changes for every race. Since 1994 have ANC worked as an normally political party.

Which role played Nelson Mandela?

Nelson Mandela was born in 1918 and was a famous person in the fight against apartheid and was the person who made South Africa to an democratic land. He came into ANC in 1944 and become the leader of ANC in 1949. He was there when ANC decided to make an position with violent, and participated in all of the oppositions, until he in 1962 was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison. The year after was he and several other black people accused for having planned acts of sabotage and violent episodes from the prison, and then was Mandela sentenced to be in jail for lifetime. In 1985, offered the then South African President Botha to release Mandela if he stopped to use violence as a political tool. But Mandela rejected the offer with the argumentation that Botha should end apartheid and stop the violence against the black people. Mandela was in prison until 1990 and was in the meantime been symbol for the black opposition to the apartheid regime. In February 1990 was he released, and shortly after he was elected to by the Vice-President of the ANC. In 1991 was he elected to be the President, and in 1993 received he together with South Africa's white president de Klerk the Nobel Peace Prize. In april 1994 was he elected as the country's president by the first free elections, and he sat on the post until the next elections in 1999, when he choose to end his political career because of age. Nelson Mandela was a symbol freedom and equality.


Which events were of particular importance for the abolition of apartheid ?

Freedom Declaration:

In 1955 decided ANC with the Indian Congress and a congress of the white democracies to hold an united People's Congress to create a vision for a new South Africa. 3,000 delegates came to the congress and got a document.
Freedom Declaration, which said: "South Africa belongs to all who live in the country, black and white, and no government can rightly claim without power above the people's will

Sharpville massacre:

The 21 marts in 1960 protested thousand of demonstrators in the cities Sharpville and Langa against the apartheid systems citizenships. The Protestdemonstrationen took place in front of police stations and it got the police to be angry and began an open fire against them. 69 people were killed and over 200 injured. the Massacre started other demonstrations. And then began the police suddenly came in to ANC and asked every for identification and 100 people without ID and arrested them. The 8th of April 1960 banned the parlament ANC. It could cost 10 year jail if anyone tried to promote the originations propose. It did not got ANC to leave it, but it got the ANC go from violent to non-violent.

The Soweto – rebellion: in 1976 started a rebellion in the biggest township in South Africa, the South-Western Township or shorted as Soweto. 20,000 school children protested against the bad education in black schools. The police tried to stop them and began to shoot them. 16 children were killed and it the rebellion to spread out to other parts of South Africa. In this rebellion were more than 100 been killed. This violent rebellion got some of the members from NP ( National Party) to talked about abolish the apartheid system.

Mandelas released 1990 and the abolish on ANC was taken

When Nelson Mandela was released in 1990 and when the ban of the ANC was taken, was it a signal that the apartheid regime was ready to accept Mandela and other ANC people as an equal partners. It was an important turning point in the process towards the elimination of apartheid

What opposition against apartheid was in Denmark

In 1963 in Denmark request 100 members of the Parliament in that people like us should boycott products from South Africa, but the social democratic parliament was against it the governmental sanctions and companies like F.L. Smidt and ØK that made business with South Africa. In return came a tension at 1970s and long row of political groups of Committees the worked with the blacks in South Africa to abolish apartheid. Especially at Soweto – rebellion.

How ended apartheid ?

Apartheid ended after a long period. ANC did even before the Nationalist Party took power in 1948 opposition to race separation and with white domination. In 1986 started a discussion between ANC with Nelson Mandela and NP. The discussion started because NP felt like the Apartheid system was out of control. In 1985 came some violent demonstrations. 21 black people was killed by the police shoots and 1500 was arrested be the police. It opened the eyes for the party NP. In 1989 came F.W. de Klerk to the power and realeasen Nelson Mandela from his jail and abolished the ban on ANC. After some discussion between Mandela and F.W. de Klerk , decided F.W . de klerk got the blacks the vote rights back and could was the apartheid system ended in 1993.

der kan godt være nogle steder jeg skrevet i nutid og datid, men det er fordi at sætningen ikke ville kunne passe i mit hoved.

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #1
26. maj 2008 af bloodyhell (Slettet)

er du sindsyg! Alt det der kan du da ikke holde på 5 minutter!!!!!

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #2
26. maj 2008 af wupti-ani (Slettet)

Jeg har slet ikke læst det hele igennem, men så lige noget i de første linier ->

Du skriver:
I choose this topic because it's something that interest and because is some thing we never will forget

Jeg vil skrive:
I choosed this topic because it is very interesting and it is somthing we will never forget (og så fortælle hvorfor man aldrig vil glemme det)...

Er dog ikke helt sikker, men syntes bare at det lydder mere rigtigt :)

Svar #3
27. maj 2008 af 215 (Slettet)


hvorfor ik. jeg har 8 min . og jeg tror ikke at min lære bare vil stoppe mig når jeg er igang med noget .

Svar #4
27. maj 2008 af 215 (Slettet)


hvorfor ik. jeg har 8 min . og jeg tror ikke at min lærer bare vil stoppe mig når jeg er igang med noget .

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #5
27. maj 2008 af Mussy06 (Slettet)

#4, du skal nok ikke regne med de 8 minutter, man siger ca. 5minutter (+,- 1-2 min.), og jeg kan LOVE dig for, at din lærer og censor SAGTENS kan stoppe dig, om du så stadig er igang. Det med de fem minutter er der ikke for ingenting.


Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #6
27. maj 2008 af Mussy06 (Slettet)

#2 Første fejl, jeg lige lagde mærke til. MAN KAN IKKE SIGE CHOOSED. Lad være med at rette noget til noget forkert.

Svar #7
27. maj 2008 af 215 (Slettet)

ok har måske skrevet formeget. skal nok cutte det lidt ned. MEN VIL NOGEN SÅ RETTE DET ?

Svar #8
27. maj 2008 af 215 (Slettet)

lidt formeget

Svar #9
27. maj 2008 af 215 (Slettet)


nu har jeg cuttet det lidt ned.

blev fra 5 sider til 3 sider.

jeg håber stadig at i vil korrekturlæsning min tekst

Why did I choose this topic ?

I choose this topic because it’s something that interest me, and because is something we never will forget. The reason why this topic interests me is because the apartheid system was so an evil system and I can’t understand why the white people tried to stop it from the start.

What is apartheid ?

Apartheid means separation on the African language. The Apartheid system was a racist ideology. It was based on separating the different races, and that the white race should have all the power and lead the society. This system was developed in South Africa for hundreds of years ago, but was first shown as a policy under the name of Apartheid in 1948. It was the Nationalist Party (NP) that introduced South Africa for apartheid.
At the Apartheid system were they splitted in 4 different races:
It was you’re skin color that decided which race you should be in.
The goal with apartheid was that, the white population should be able to live a life without being connected to colored and black people.

What meant apartheid for the education?

The apartheid system made the harder for black people to get an education then the white people. It was because of the Law about the Bantu education, it said that black children should not learn the same thing that other children learned. Then came a rule for how much children should learn. For example meant the government that black children not should learn math because they didn’t need it. The black children should be used as cheap workers in mines and in fabrics.
The bad education got the children to start a protest against the government at the black’s townships Soweto in 1976. Military and police tried to stop them, and 16 children were killed by police shots.

What meant apartheid for the black people daily life?

As you already know was it the skin color decided which race you was in. More then 3 million black people were forced to remove to the Bantustans. At the Bantustans took the government the black peoples id card so they couldn’t leave the country. It was very difficult to live in the Bantustans. The earth was very bad and the population density was very big. Many men’s choose then to work at fabrics and work there. Most of the men’s worked there in 10-12 months and visit there families in a month and then goes he back to his work. It meant that many women needed to take care of the children and earn some money

Which opposition was against the apartheid system in South Africa?

It were primary the black people that organized the opposition against the apartheid system, and the most known opposition group at that time was ANC, African National Congress.
The oppositions were in the beginning directed against the laws, that took the rights from the black people. For example took the laws the black peoples rights to vote. They started to demonstrate
against police with brutal dealings with those who took part in demonstrations. Colored, Asians and some whites were also active in the fought against apartheid. Not at least the young whites who loved in a person from an other race, and felt how hard it was for them. The laws in the apartheid system made it illegal to marry on from an another race. So few white people was in the opposition against apartheid.

When and how was ANC formed?

ANC was formed at 1912 with the name South African National Congress. It was a little political party of black people’s where they meet up and began to protest against the new earth law. The new earth law gave the white people more of the earth than the black people. The white got 87 % of the South African areal and the last 13 % got the black people. It was also illegal to buy some earth from the white’s side.

In 1923 did they change the name from South African National Congress to African National Congress (ANC). In the 1920s was the party still really small and in 1930s was is so small that that the party didn’t have any meaning in the Government. In the 1940s they formed the Youth branch, after they formed the youth branch began the party to be more active, they began to organize a lot of non-violent Strikes, protests, boycotts and demonstrations.

Which role played Nelson Mandela?

Nelson Mandela was born in 1918 and was a famous person in the fight against apartheid and was the person who made South Africa to a democratic land. He came into ANC in 1944 and become the leader of ANC in 1949. He was there when ANC decided to make a opposition with violent, and took part all the oppositions, until he in 1962 was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison. The year after, was he and several other black people accused for having planned sabotage and violent episodes from the prison. After the police found it out got Mandela his sentence prolonged to lifetime. In 1985, offered Botha the South African President at that time, to release Mandela if he stopped to use violence as a political tool. But Mandela rejected that offer, with the argumentation that Botha should end apartheid and stop the violence against the black people. Mandela was in prison until 1990 and was in meantime been a symbol for the black opposition to the ending of the apartheid regime. In February 1990 was he released, and shortly after was he elected to by the Vice-President of the ANC. In 1991 was he elected to be the President, and in 1993 received he together with South Africa's white president de Klerk the Nobel Peace Prize. In april 1994 was he elected as the country's president by the first free elections, and was the president until the next elections in 1999, where he choose to end his political career because of age. Nelson Mandela was a symbol freedom and equality.

Which events were most important for the ending of apartheid?

The Freedom Declaration:

In 1955 decided ANC with the Indian Congress and a congress of the white democracies to hold a united People Congress to create a vision for a new South Africa . 3,000 delegates came to the congress and got a document with the Freedom Declaration , which says: "South Africa belongs to all who live in the country, black and white, and no government can rightly claim without power above the people's will

The Soweto – rebellion:

In 1976 started a rising in the biggest township in South Africa, the South-Western Township or shorted as Soweto. 20,000 school children protested against the bad education at the black schools. The police tried to stop them and began to shoot them. 16 children were killed and it got the rising to spread out to other parts of South Africa. In this rising were more than 100 been killed. This violent rising got some of the members from NP ( National Party) to talk about end the apartheid system.

Mandela released 1990 and the ban on ANC was taken

When Nelson Mandela was released in 1990 and the ban of the ANC was taken. It was a signal that the apartheid regime was ready to accept Mandela and other ANC people as equal partners. It was an important turning in the process to the elimination of apartheid.

What opposition against apartheid was in Denmark?

In Denmark request 100 members of the Parliament in that people like us should boycott products from South Africa in 1963, but the social democratic at the parliament was against the boycott and companies like F.L. Smidt and ØK that made business with South Africa was also against .

How ended apartheid ?

Apartheid ended after a long period. ANC did even before the Nationalist Party got the power 1948 tried ANC to stop race separation and the white domination. In 1986 started a discussion between ANC with Nelson Mandela and NP. The discussion started because NP felt the Apartheid system was out of control. In 1985 came some violent demonstrations. 21 black people was killed by the police shoots and 1500 was arrested be the police. It opened the eyes for the party NP. In 1989 came F.W. de Klerk to the power and released Nelson Mandela from his jail and unbanned ANC. After some discussion between Mandela and F.W. de Klerk , decided F.W . De Klerk to give the black people the vote rights back and ended the apartheid system in 1993.

215 ;)

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #10
28. maj 2008 af annapops (Slettet)

Efter hvad jeg ved må man altså ikke skrive hele sætninger, men kun stikord.

Svar #11
28. maj 2008 af 215 (Slettet)

jeg skal abre øve på det

Svar #12
28. maj 2008 af 215 (Slettet)


Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #13
29. maj 2008 af KNG (Slettet)

#5 Mussy på banen igen ..

#0 Du skal virkelig korte ned i det. Mit oplæg fyldte 600 ord og jeg nåede lige akkurat at blive færdig. Prøv at læse det op i et almindeligt tempo uden at skynde dig igennem det, mens du tager tid - du vil blive overrasket, hvor hurtigt de 5 min. går.

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #14
29. maj 2008 af Mussy06 (Slettet)

#13, nå da, jeg troede ellers, du var stolt af mig.

#0, lad være med at lave flere indlæg om det samme.

Svar #15
29. maj 2008 af 215 (Slettet)

nej jeg vil lave flere

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #16
29. maj 2008 af zgtaf (Slettet)

#13, ja, men problemet er, jeg tvivler stærkt på, at 215 til den aktuelle FSA kan huske alt det han har skrevet. Derfor vil der højst sandsynligt gå noget tabt. Så man skal ikke regne med man kan huske det hele :)

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #17
29. maj 2008 af zgtaf (Slettet)

#15, hvor gammel er det lige du er? -_-' vi prøver jo bare at hjælpe dig her, du kunne godt være lidt taknemmelig..

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #18
29. maj 2008 af KNG (Slettet)

#16 Rigtigt.

#15 Eow 215, skær ned eller dump!

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #19
29. maj 2008 af KNG (Slettet)

#14 Glemte lige min egen lille mussy. Jojo, far er stolt af dig.

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #20
29. maj 2008 af Mussy06 (Slettet)

#19, ironien hersker i min verden.

Men det er godt Vati, held og lykke med dine studentereksaminer.


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