
Skriftlige eksamen - Klage

20. juni 2008 af toffiedk (Slettet)
Hej :)
Nogen der vil kommentere min opgavebesvarelse på STX Engelsk B skriftlig eksamen?
Ligger normalt på 10, men fik 02 og fatter ikke hvorfor!

B. The Dress

The community contains a lot of different perspectives and views on what a perfect family life is. What is a perfect relationship between siblings? And how do you as a mother manage to enable a good relationship between mother and daughter? Do we manage to satisfy ourselves and the way we are living our family life, or do we all need some kind of an accept in life to manage living a perfect family life? What happens when our family life is torn between? In the present society we are having problems being true to ourselves and our fellow human beings which often causes conflicts. This is exactly some of the main subjects the short story The Dress written by Julia Darling in 2006 is dealing with.
We are introduced to the feminine third-person narrator named Rachel, who is accusing her sister Flora for having stolen her new dress, bought for the occasion of their mothers’ birthday. You could say that the relationship between Rachel and Flora is very common for sisters at almost the same age. In a way relationships between sisters or siblings will always be influenced by jealousy. The fight about the dress is influenced by the indirectly jealousy between the sisters. As mentioned in the quotation below it becomes some kind of an occupation for Flora having the dress, wearing the dress and feeling the dress. And it also reflects her rising jealousy towards Rachel.
“It made her feel taller, braver, cleverer, and Rachel was all those things already”
One could say that there is a gap among Rachel and Flora which causes the dress and as the story continues the gap among them are getting bigger and bigger. As they are sitting in the restaurant celebrating the mothers’ fortieth year old birthday Rachel is confronting Flora about the missing dress of hers. But Flora refuses several times that her being the guilty one and is also being very provoking in her sentences. As mentioned in the quotation below you could see and example of Flora being very unrealistic and provoking.
“”What are you angry about?”asked Flora in a lightly whipped voice, as she chewed a prawn.”
It also seems like it is not the first time Rachel experiences those kinds of actions from her sister Flora. The fact that Rachel already in the beginning of the story starts looking after her dress at her sister’s room tells us that it is not the first time Flora has taken some of her belongings. As the mother, Rachel and Flora returns from the birthday dinner at the restaurant to the house, Flora suddenly admits that she has taking the dress and she had been wearing it on a café with her Italian boyfriend Alberto and suddenly the red drink she was drinking slept out of her hands and landed at the front of the dress. As the dress was impossible to clean, she buried the dress in the garden.
The Mother in the story is represented as a mother being very careless about her daughters. She is not trying to solve the problems between her daughters as a mother should do. She seems to be very ignorant about the wellbeing of her daughters and in a way you could say that she is also being very ironic, it seems like she is aware of the unstable relationship between her daughters but she has in a way chosen to be discreet and careless about the problems. A discussion like this between her daughters is normal and there is nothing to be worried about, as mentioned in the quotation below:
“Communication between her daughters was often like this; barbed and dangerous.”
The mother is represented as being very calm and silent about the way she is living life, she does not want to take any chances and expects her daughters to behave in the best way. The way the mother controls her way of living life has a huge impact at the discussions and the communication between her daughters. As she mentions in the story:
“…, who wanted life to be calm, a flat sea with no sudden breezes. She liked emotions to be explored in safe rooms, with a clock.”
There are being mentioned a lot of symbolism in the short story The Dress. As the three girls are “celebrating” the birthday at the restaurant, another birthday party is also being held.
“In the centre of the room there was a colourful, boisterous party, who kept exploding into wild shouts and shrill laughter.”
This could be a symbol of the mother so deeply trying to create a birthday party with all its expectations to it as happy laughter and cheerful human beings. And suddenly her own birthday turns into the “daily” discussions between her two daughters. The two birthdays are in a way contrasts to each other; the birthday of the mother is influenced by a discussion between her two daughters, while the other birthday is the perfect definition of what a real birthday should be like. And also the fact that Flora buries the dress in the garden confirms us about the fact that she in a way has been obsessed about the dress – which was not hers. I find the structure in this story very interesting. In a way it is structured as a symbol of the condition of the mother. Sometimes the structure is very frustrating and sometimes it is very fluently. In the introduction we meet Rachel in the house and suddenly we are located on a café with Flora and her boyfriend Alberto and last but not least we are introduced to the mother’s work as a bereavement counselor. Although the structure seems a bit frustrating I think the structure of the story agree on the plot of the story. There are also being used a couple of flashbacks in the story which also has a huge impact at the story.
What happens when all the fronts of a perfect family disappears? What happens when family members start being unfaithful to each other and the only one to trust and believe in is your self? What happens when you face what real life in fact is about? This is some of the themes the short story The Dress is dealing with. Rachel is having huge problems with the relationship to her sister Flora, but in the meantime Rachel and Flora are both struggling with their mother “trying” to sort things out. They are struggling with their mother, their mother who should take some kind of a responsibility to their own actions. In the end the mother suddenly faces the truth, and she is left alone in a big house where her daughters once lived. In this community a lot of girls are having big issues not only about the relationship among siblings but also about the relationship among mothers/parents. We have all individually needs to a perfect relationship between our families, but haven’t we all got compulsory needs which require faithfulness, trust and stability among our fellow human beings?

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Svar #1
20. juni 2008 af o1-studie (Slettet)


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Svar #2
20. juni 2008 af Occulta (Slettet)

Jeg ville umiddelbart vurdere den til et 4-tal. Der er en del basale fejl i grammatikken (kongruens, genitiv, adj/adv osv) + en pæn portion ordvalgsfejl.
Stilen kunne have haft godt af en grundig korrekturlæsning på grammatikken + redigering i sætningskonstruktionerne, så sætningerne blev mere elegante, og der var færre gentagelser.

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Svar #3
20. juni 2008 af –Zeta– (Slettet)

Jeg fik selv 12 i engelsk b i sin tid, så jeg kan måske komme med lidt kritik. De ting jeg påpeger skal dog tages med et gram salt, idet jeg naturligvis ikke har opgavesættet ved min side eller kender til opgaveformuleringen. Derfor kommenterer jeg ikke det tekstmæssige indhold i stilen.

Lad os starte med at kigge på det formelle. Teksten indeholder knap 1200 ord, hvilket i mange øjne er for lidt til engelsk B. Normalt skal man styre efter 1500-2000 ord (3 hele sider). Der er desuden for mange citater - det ville min engelsklærer i al fald syntes. Desuden er der nok for mange hypotetiske sætninger, som ikke passer ind i stiltypen, uanset om det er et essay eller ej.

Af decideret sprog- og grammatiske fejl, er der er en del tunge fejl - fx er der en del kongruens fejl (navnlig ved tredje person ental), genitiv fejl og syntaks. Der er nogle kludrede sætninger, der indimellem afspejler den danske sætningsopbygning.

Skulle jeg have vurderet teksten, ville en karakter nok lyde på et godt 7-tal.

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Svar #4
20. juni 2008 af Occulta (Slettet)

Mht. antallet af ord er der faktisk lige i overkanten i stilen her. Opgaven lyder på 700-1000 ord. En overskridelse er ikke i sig selv katastrofal - kun hvis man skriver noget overflødigt eller gentager sig selv (hvilket er tilfældet i stilen).

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Svar #5
20. juni 2008 af –Zeta– (Slettet)

Tak for notitsen. Jeg sprang på hovedet og antog, at kravene for stx og htx var harmoniserede. Vores opgave var tredelt, og jeg husker, at kravene var respektive 300 (resume), 500 (diskussion) og 700+ (essay) ord for de forskellige dele jf. opgavebeskrivelsen.

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Svar #6
07. september 2008 af neze (Slettet)

foresten er rachel ikke fortælleren.. så du har også misforstået teksten

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Svar #7
27. september 2008 af *OB* (Slettet)

omfg det er sku da klart du har fået 02, hvis du før har fået så gode karaktere så sys jeg du skal læse den still igen, der er gode træk, men dit sprog er mega dårligt...

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Svar #8
02. november 2008 af Marie-lp (Slettet)

Der er nogle fejl i den sproglige afdeling, ja.

Jeg tror dog, at en stor del af årsagen til, du ikke har fået en bedre karakter er, at din analyse er forholdsvis overfladisk.

Der er mange ting at tage fat på i denne novelle: Flora, som tager sin søsters kjole, fordi hun ønsker at påtage sig Rachels identitet - familiens elendige kommunikation, som til slut symboliseres af den begravede kjole, som aldrig vil komme op igen. Moderen, der til hverdag arbejder som terapeut, men alligevel ikke har styr på sit liv, og i øvrigt ikke kan udkommunikere nogle af de eksistentielle tanker, hun formodentlig går rund med.

Du skal tænke på, at novellen er skrevet i en postmodernistisk periode, hvor samfundskritik er den væsentligste del af litteraturen, og mangel på kommunikation er klart et af de største temaer.

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Svar #9
12. november 2008 af neze (Slettet)

jeg skrev valgte at skrive om det samme, er gået meget mere i dynten fik 7 pil op:)

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Svar #10
24. november 2008 af Marie-lp (Slettet)

Jeg skrev den også og fik 12. :)

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Svar #11
13. januar 2009 af stiinestiinestiine (Slettet)

 Jeg er meget enig med Marie, du mangler at tage fat på nogle af de samfundsrelaterede emner, som de eksempler marie giver.

Men Marie-lp, kan vi ikke se din stil så? :-)

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Svar #12
01. februar 2009 af mette-møller (Slettet)

Ja kunne også godt tænke mig at læse din stil..!


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Svar #13
13. marts 2009 af Marie-lp (Slettet)

Det kan I i hvert fald :) There you go..

The Dress

Throughout the last decades lack of communication has developed into a way of living for many people. The post-modern society focuses on the individual and thereby breaks down important relations between families, friends and colleagues. This is a period that interferes with the traditional family structure and makes individuals lonely and materialistic, because identity is a fanciful concept that is hard to find.
The short story “The Dress” written by Julia Daring brings up some interesting subjects in its themes and symbolism. “The Dress” tells the story of a typical modern family: divorced parents and two daughters who live with their mother. The mother who works as a bereavement counsellor is rather important in the short story, because she is the only thing her daughters have in common, but in spite of that she does not at any time step into character and gather her small family. When the omniscient narrator speaks on her behalf she seems unconcentrated and tired of the constant fighting between Rachel and Flora. (Pp. 9, l. 76) “The mother’s head ached. She wanted the meal to be over. She wanted her daughters to make an effort. She filled up her daughters’ wine glasses and raised a glass in the air. “Larry, leave off!” squawked the woman”. The reader gets to know what the mother is thinking, and her not being able to speak her mind makes people care less about her and her opinion. When she raises her glass to make a toast to herself, she is interrupted by the birthday party in the next room. No-one is thinking about the mother’s birthday as a happy occasion, but as a duty that is to be over any minute. The mother clearly feels lonely – every time she tries to light up the mood, the conversation changes to be about Rachel’s dress and the implicit issues with it. Although we do not hear much about the girls’ father, we get the idea that he and the mother are separated or divorced. The father lives someplace else, and perhaps the mother has not moved on yet, which is quite ironic since she works as a bereavement counsellor and therefore should be able to “heal” herself. As mentioned before, the mother has some issues with handling her two daughters. Probably because she is already filled up with her own problems and therefore is short of time and energy. In the end when Flora admits that she stole the dress, the mother – by her profession – should have dealt with the confrontation in a much more constructive way than she does. What she doesn’t understand is the reasons why Flora stole the dress – she just degrades her daughter to a simple thief, when all Flora wanted was to be acknowledged for her personal values.
Rachel and Flora are presumably in their late teens born a short time apart, which makes it hard to justify that Flora stole the dress – but of course there are underlying reasons why she did it and also why Flora gets this furious. The short story is structured in a way that makes the reader identify with each woman – separately. It starts in medias res and the only thing we are told is that Rachel is angry with her sister and as it goes along that her dress is missing. (Pp. 8, l. 14) She stared at the place where she had left the dress, ironed and ready to wear that night for their mother’s birthday. (...) Rachel picked up the hanger and threw it onto the floor. She wanted to hurt someone”. We get the impression that Rachel is a methodical person, and that she does not let her emotions carry her away when they are inappropriate. She is thinking that she wants to hurt someone, but she never does. Flora on the other hand is way more irresponsible. Her room is messy and she does not clean her dishes after she ate. The fact that she takes her sister’s dress shows that she wants to put on Rachel’s identity. (Pp. 8, l. 35) “It seemed to Flora that the dress was meant for her, not Rachel. It made her feel taller, braver, cleverer, and Rachel was all those things already”. Flora who is probably the younger sister wants to be the same things as Rachel and therefore she justifies her action by thinking that Rachel already possesses those values. It is mentioned that Rachel does not trust Flora, because she locks her room and that makes it easier for Flora to take the dress, as she does not wreck any trust. Rachel exaggerates her reaction a bit. Her anger is probably not caused by the missing dress alone, but the fact that Flora disturbs her plans. As the more responsible sister, Rachel may be used to dealing with a lot of problems – also in connection to the parents’ divorce. Both Rachel and Flora seems to have personal issues that they cannot talk about with each other, and therefore the problems are being projected into something concrete and less personal – like the dress. The dress therefore symbolizes different things. As mentioned the dress symbolizes identity when Flora steals it and puts it on, but when she stains it, it is interesting why she buries it instead of telling her sister that she is sorry. The reason why she does chooses to act this way is that the general lack of communication breaks down the simple understanding and forgiveness a nuclear family usually has. Therefore it seems easier for Flora to bury the dress and act like she doesn’t know what happened to it than to actually communicate with her sister. (Pp. 12, l. 196) “So the mother drank the rest of the wine and sat looking out at the black night, listening to footsteps in the street of people coming home from the bars in lively skittish groups. And the dress lay in the tired earth, smelling of dead birds in a porch in an empty house, and was forgotten”. The dress now symbolizes the different problems each of the women have that none of them are able to talk about and therefore they are lying in the dirt. The main issue is probably the divorce that the mother has not recovered from and the girls do not know much about. The fact that Flora buries the dress is also symbolic. (Pp. 12, l. 170) “Flora had taken the wet dress outside, and found a trowel. An icy wind blew the leaves from the trees. Weeping, she had dug a hole at the bottom of the garden, among the magnolia bushes. The earth has smelled of dead birds and empty houses. She had buried the dress, covering it with soil, then kicked dead leaves over the disturbed ground. The disturbed ground symbolizes Flora’s facade that she tries to maintain to cover up her pain and her problems that she cannot talk to anyone about. This is exactly the important theme in this text: lack of communication, which is something that is very characteristic for the post-modern society and it destroys many relationships and families on the inside. Several places in the story the three women speak past each other and not one of them has a clue of what is going on in the minds of the other two.
The post-modern society is still developing and unfortunately some bad things come with it – for example the bad communication. It is hard to break down the appearances of people, and therefore it is rare that we really get to see a person’s true identity, and if you think about it, it is rare that we ourselves let down the parades and show people our real self to the world around.

Words: 1.296


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Svar #14
05. april 2009 af madskahler (Slettet)

hvordan er the dress opbygget? hvad er morens rolle i teksten? og hvad er der af sympoler?

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Svar #15
28. november 2009 af Mie0811 (Slettet)

Rigtig flot stil. Da du fik denne til eksamen, hvor lang tid brugte du så på at analysere den? og valgte du at lave en struktur over indholdet inden du gik igang? (:

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Svar #16
19. januar 2011 af skovgaardp (Slettet)

Jeg fik selv 12 i engelsk b i sin tid, så jeg kan måske komme med lidt kritik. De ting jeg påpeger skal dog tages med et gran salt, idet jeg naturligvis ikke har opgavesættet ved min side eller kender til opgaveformuleringen. Derfor kommenterer jeg ikke det tekstmæssige indhold i stilen.

Lad os starte med at kigge på det formelle. Teksten indeholder knap 1200 ord, hvilket i mange øjne er for lidt til engelsk B. Normalt skal man styre efter 1500-2000 ord (3 hele sider). Der er desuden for mange citater - det ville min engelsklærer i al fald syntes. Desuden er der nok for mange hypotetiske sætninger, som ikke passer ind i stiltypen, uanset om det er et essay eller ej.

Af decideret sprog- og grammatiske fejl, er der er en del tunge fejl - fx er der en del kongruens fejl (navnlig ved tredje person ental), genitiv fejl og syntaks. Der er nogle kludrede sætninger, der indimellem afspejler den danske sætningsopbygning.

Skulle jeg have vurderet teksten, ville en karakter nok lyde på et godt 7-tal.

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