
HJÆLP ENGELSK!!! Nelson Mandela

30. august 2011 af SanneG1 (Slettet) - Niveau: C-niveau

Jeg har læst teksten, men jeg kan ike rigtig svare på den nederste opgave :( Er her nogen som vil hjælpe? Det vil betyde meget, da jeg skal aflevere på torsdag. På forhånd tak, Amalie :-)

Nelson Mandela WORKSHEET A
On 10th May 1994 Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa.
Mandela’s political party, the African National Congress (ANC), had just won the
country’s first ever democratic elections. The minority white population had held
power for the previous 300 years, and from 1948 to the early 1990s the country had
lived under a system of apartheid (meaning “separateness” in Afrikaans, one of the
languages spoken in South Africa) which forced blacks and whites to live in separate
areas, study in separate schools, and use separate public services (everything from
hospitals to public transport).
Mandela, who called apartheid a “human disaster”, wanted the different races to live
together as equals in South Africa. After the 1994 elections he said: “Never, never
again will this beautiful land experience the oppression of one by another”.
Mandela knew a lot about oppression, because in 1964 the government had sentenced
him to life in prison for his political work in the ANC, which at the time was an
illegal organization.
During his trial in the city of Pretoria, Mandela told the court that he hoped South
Africa would one day become “a democratic and free society in which all persons live
together in harmony and with equal opportunities”.
The world did not forget about Mandela while he was in prison: many governments
and other organizations put pressure on the South African government to set him free
and end apartheid. Finally, in 1990, the government released Mandela from prison
and began to talk to the ANC about creating a democracy for the country.
Mandela was president of South Africa until 1999, when he decided to retire from
political life. He is still very busy, however: even at the age of 87 he travels around
the world to meet important politicians and give speeches. He is one of the most
admired public figures in the world, and people always want to hear what he has to

Many South Africans refer to Nelson Mandela as ‘Mkhulu’, a word from the Xhosa
language. Fill the gaps below to complete the crossword and reveal the meaning of
1. Nelson Mandela still travels around the world to ___________ speeches.
2. He went to ___________ in 1964.
3. ___________ is one of the South African languages.
4. Mandela wanted all South Africans to live together in ___________.
5. He thought apartheid was a ___________ for the people of South Africa.
6. He was South Africa’s ___________ black president.
7. Under apartheid, people of different races lived mostly ___________ lives.
8. Mandela was put on trial in a ___________ in Pretoria.
9. Under apartheid, people of different races could not go to the same ___________.
10. The government ___________ Mandela from prison in 1990.
11. South Africa is now a ___________.

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