
engelsk hjælp.

27. august 2013 af sofiat (Slettet) - Niveau: B-niveau

Hej, jeg har skrevet den her engelsk stil som skal aflevers på torsdag, men da jeg ikke er særlig god til engelsk, og at rette, søger jeg hjælp


Mange tak på forhånd!

The world about us.

The Vietnam War was around 1965-1975.
The movie “The world about us” is about 4 American Soldiers, who have been in the Vietnam War.
The movie is more a documentary, which tells us about the 4 Americans soldiers life, in the war, and how they are handling their lives now.

Steve’ reason for joining the war was, that he wanted to help the country, that he was living in. He was 16 when he was volunteering for the military. He did not know what he was going into. He thought that he would be a strong person, when he returns home again, but he did not know, what he was working into.
When Steve came into the military training, he had to sign a paper, which tells him not to be violent.
The training taught Steve to kill communists, and he gets very good at it. At the war, he gets a lot of experience in the jungle. He learns to survive with what he has back. One time he was starting to like killing people, but some time after that, he begins to have a lots of guild feelings. If he wasn’t going into the war, he couldn’t live like this, and he would have a normal life.
When the USA wanted Steve, to come back, they leaded him to a plain, and took him back to USA. Steve were happy to see his family after such a long time, but the problem was, that he could not be around them, because he has a lots of memories from the war. One day, Steve’ mum wakes him up, and Steve forgot that he was not in the war, so he grabs his mother, around her throat, so she could not breads. That made him afraid of what he could do to his own family, so he packed his stuff, and leaved them. That is also one of the reasons for Steve to live in the wood. Steve tells us that when he came back, there was no one who help him. They did not put him into a medical cheek, to see if his was okay. He said: ”they take us back from the war, and put us in the society”.
Steve prefer to live in the jungle, because he has more control over what’s happening. He ratter wanted be to isolated from the society.

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Svar #1
27. august 2013 af rakijovic

Well, darling,

Umiddelbart springer kongruensfejl og kommaliderlighed i øjnene (nogle steder skulle der ikke engang have været komma på dansk (2004-reglerne), såvel som du tyr til homonymer nogle gange (ord som udtales ens, men staves forskelligt og har forskellige betydninger). Andre gange går der helt Danglish i den ("so she could not breads").

Hvordan danner vi ejefald på engelsk? Apostrof og...hvad mere?

Du roder i de grammatiske tider (hopper mellem nutid og datid); vælg én tid og brug denne konsekvent.

Ydermere har du ikke helt styr på nogle uregelmæssige verber, såvel som sproget / tonen i enkelte passager er lige lovlig informel.

- - -

Vriendelikheid is net sinisme wat 'n jol gekry het! ◄ |||| ► Ljubaznost je samo cinizam što je dobio piće! ◄ ||||

► Prietenia este doar cinism care a băut puțin alcool ! 

Svar #2
27. august 2013 af sofiat (Slettet)

Hvordan skal jeg rette op på det? 

jeg vil gerne gør det bedre. please hjælp.

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