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11. februar 2008 af schoedts12 (Slettet)

Da jeg skal aflevere min synopsis i morgen tænkte jeg, at det var en god ide, at få tjekket den igennem for grammatiske fejl og generelt bare få en second opinion af den.

Håber der er en venlig sjæl der vil hjælpe.

A literary and argumentation analysis of speeches by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama

I am interested in the different usage of rhetoric (linguistic argumentation, the three kind of appeals: Logos, ethos and pathos) in two chosen speeches by respectively United States Senator for Illinois, Barack Obama & United States Senator for New York, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
At my gymnasium I am among other things studying Communication & IT, therefore and concerning the ongoing American election I will take a revealing look at two of the most leading presidential candidates usage of rhetoric and literary in two of their speeches.

I will make an analysis of the usage of rhetoric in two speeches by respectively Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama with the purpose to give an account of the two Senator’s usage of argumentation. In addition to that I will compare the two speeches with the purpose to give an account of the different ways of argumentation.

Literary and argumentation analysis of United States Senator for Illinois, Barack Obama’s speech about the Iraq War, Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Barrack Obama speech in a higher shade than Hillary Clinton, out of a personal point of view. The speech’s argumentation is not based on facts and data (logos).
To a great extent Barrack Obama uses the appeal forms ethos and pathos which you among other things can find expression in through his frequently usage of appeals to the recipients feelings and the recipients trust in him as a person.
With his usage of pathos he appeals to the present mood.

Besides that, he makes use of more different literary devices:
? He gives the listeners a feeling of that he is making a personal application to them.
? He makes a repeat of the first word in several sentences (Anaphor).

The speech’s linguistic level:
? Relatively simple complex that does the speech easy to understand for the general public but still sounds professional.
? The readability index is 40 and the text should therefore be considered a little difficult to read. There were 77 sentences, 1644 words, and in average 21.3 words per sentence.

Literary and argumentation analysis of United States Senator for New York, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s speech about the Iraq War, Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Contrary to Barack Obama’s usage of argumentation Hillary Rodham Clinton also uses facts and data (logos) in her speech to apply to the recipient’s logic. When she is using logos she appeals to the recipient’s intellect and the factual evidence and by that she keeps it to the subject and concentrates herself on factual, objective and logical argumentation.
Contemporary with Barack Obama she is also using the appeal forms ethos and pathos and literary devices:
? A common use of personal pronominal in pluralism

The speech’s linguistic level:
? Relatively simple complex that does the speech easy to understand for the general public but still sounds professional.
? The readability index is 41 and the text should therefore be considered a little difficult to read. There were 126 sentences, 2440 words, and in average 19.3 words per sentence.

There are differences between they way the two Senators are talking about the Iraq war and the way the present their arguments.
Putting into perspective
This subject can be putted into perspective with one of the first course we had in the first year of school where we learned how linguistic argumentation (the three kind of appeals: Logos, ethos and pathos) could make an influence when it comes to believe in another person’s arguments.
In addition to that the subject can be putted into perspective with the importance to present oneself well in the media.

List of references
Rasmussen, Finn: Massemedier og politisk kommunikation. 1. Edition. Published by Columbus, 2007.

Internet pages:
“Senator Clinton Speaks on the Senate Floor on Iraq, July 18, 2007”,
Visited the 27th of January 2008

“Remarks of Senator Barack Obama on the Iraq War, March 21, 2007”,
Visited the 27th of January 2008

Ps. ikke tag jer af opstillingen da det ser anderledes ud i word :D

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #1
11. februar 2008 af TanteOda (Slettet)

Kommenteret ihh til stikprøver (har derfor ikke læst hele din tekst til bunds).

- Mangler en del kommaer

- Når du skriver "in two of their speeches" (andet afsnit), mener du så to taler fra hver?

- I will make an analysis - bør omformuleres, 3. klasse sprog.

- Barrack Obama speech in a higher shade than Hillary Clinton - hvad mener du med higher shade.. indforstået sniksnak.

- the recipients feelings and the recipients trust in him as a person. - him? Hvem?

- he is making a personal application to them - kunne godt tåle en omformulering.

- There are differences between they way the ... I am, you are, he/she/it is + mangler et ord + stavefejl/forkert ord registreret. Hele sætningen er syg...

- when it comes to believe in another person’s arguments. - does not compute.. hvad mener du?


Svar #2
12. februar 2008 af schoedts12 (Slettet)

Jeg er bevidst omkring manglende kommaer - er begyndte at rette det.

Jeg mener én tale fra dem hver (to i alt) - hvad ville du rette det til?

"higher shade" - i højere grad.. har dog slettet det for kan godt se hvad du mener med sniksak (danskengelsk eller hvad man kalder det)

Him = Barack Obama.. har rettet det..

Forstår ikke jeg har kunne overse den sætning du påpeger :S den er jo helt forkert.. they/the.. har rettet

when it comes to believe in another person’s arguments = når det kommer til at tro på en anden persons argumentation/argumenter

tak for kommentarerne :)

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