

20. oktober 2004 af M18 (Slettet)
hej er der nogen der lige vil kigge den her lille stykke tekst igennem for fejl?

Today Denmark is the leading country as regards the employment of wind power. Over 3000 windmills are already sat up, and the number is growing steadily. The largest wind farm of Europe, which is placed on the Jutlandic west coast, is the ideal place to use the energy of the wind, produces electricity enough for a city with about 10000 inhabitants.
Beside the production of energy, the wind millers are also takes part in the reduction of the quantity of coal and oil, which is being burned by the power stations. This is probably of great significance for the environment, and at the same time it contributes in the limitation of the followings of the so-called greenhouse effect.

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #1
20. oktober 2004 af **Hellagood** (Slettet)

Jeg ville sige "to" efter regards..

Og noget andet end "sat up" måske "installed" - hvis det er sådan man staver til det.

Også ville jeg bytte om på growing og steadily.

Der mangler et eller andet efter wind i 5. linje måske "it" alt efter hvad du mener med sætningen.

Jeg ville skrive hele sætningen fra "the wind millers" om til: "the windmills are also taking part in the reduction of the quantity of coal and oil - this is being burned by the power stations."

Så ville jeg erstatte "followings" med "consequenses" - hvis det er sådan man staver til det!

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