Engelsk Grammatik
Hej allesammen:)
Er der nogen der vil kigge på disse sætninger og fortælle mig, om jeg har brugt mådesadverbierne korrekt i sætningerne???
1.He lived happily for another ten years.
2. The man screamed hysterically when he quickly ran down the street.
3. The general told them to face the situation courageously.
4. The ambulance drove carefully away from the scene of the accident.
5. The funeral procession moved solemnly through the cemetery.
6. He walked up the hill quickly.
7. He may not be too bright but he can work well with his hands.
8. The boy pronounced the word badly.
9. She had to lean heavily against his shoulder.
10. Though the manager was impatient, he answered all questions calmly.
11. She speaks Russian fluently.
12. The shop assistant answered curtly when I asked him politely where I could find the species.
13. The girl played the concerto by Mozart beautifully on the clarinet.
På forhånd tak
Svar #1
29. september 2010 af Stygotius (Slettet)
1.He lived happily for another ten years.
2. The man screamed hysterically when he quickly ran down the street.
3. The general courageously told them to face about the situation ( courageously) .
4. The ambulance drove carefully away from the scene of the accident.
5. The funeral procession moved solemnly through the cemetery.
6. He walked up the hill quickly.
7. He may not be too bright but he can work well with his hands.
8. The boy pronounced the word badly.
9. She had to lean heavily against his shoulder.
10. Though the manager was impatient, he answered all questions calmly.
11. She speaks Russian fluently.
12. The shop assistant answered curtly when I asked him politely where I could find the species.
13. The girl played the concerto by Mozart beautifully on the clarinet.
Det er slet ikke dårligt !!!
Svar #2
29. september 2010 af NikolaiHP (Slettet)
Der er et eller andet lusket ved nummer 3, jeg kan bare ikke helt dreje den.
Svar #3
29. september 2010 af Stygotius (Slettet)
Det kan jeg godt forstå. Jeg har vrøvlet helt vildt. Drop "about" ...........sorry !!!
Svar #4
29. september 2010 af Stygotius (Slettet)
...........og behold "courageously" hvor du havde sat det, -til sidst. Det var helt ok.
Jeg ville nok sige:
"The general told them to take courage and face the music"
Svar #5
30. september 2010 af KRISen (Slettet)
The general told them to courageously face the situation
da det lægger sig op ad "them"
Svar #6
30. september 2010 af Stygotius (Slettet)
KRISens forslag er rigtig dårligt !!!
Der er ingen grund til her at bruge en "split infinitive".
Svar #7
30. september 2010 af Elenaa (Slettet)
Mange tak for svaret allesammen:) I er bare de bedste:)
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