
hjælp..... omskriv fra nutid til datid..

06. september 2019 af AnnaRit - Niveau: A-niveau

Jeg skal opskrive denne teskt fra nutid til datid og kan slet ikke finde ud af det...

The Jaguar breaks (broke) down on Wilshire. I am (was) driving and the sunroof is (was) open and the radio is (was) on and suddenly the car jerks and begins to pull to the right. I step on the gas pedal and press it to the floor and the car jerks again and pulls to the right. I park the car, crookedly, next to the curb, […]. I pull the keys out of the ignition and sit in the stalled Jaguar on Wilshire with the sunroof open and listen to traffic passing. I finally get out of the car and find a phone booth at the Mobil station on the corner of La Cienega and I call Martin, but another voice, this time a girl’s, answers and tells me that Martin is at the beach and I hang up and call the studio but I am told by an assistant that William is at the Polo Lounge with the director of his next film and even though I know the number of the Polo Lounge I don’t call.

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Svar #1
06. september 2019 af Moderatoren

Hvad har du problemer med? 

Ved du hvordan du finder datidsformen af ordene? Eller hvordan du kan finde ud af det?

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Svar #2
06. september 2019 af Stygotius

Du har jo lavet en meget  sjusket opgave. Du har ikke gidet omskrive halvdelen af de pågældende ord. 

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