
Engelsk grammatik

03. marts 2013 af MarieHansen19 (Slettet) - Niveau: A-niveau

Har studset over denne opgave længe, og kan simpelthen ikke kunne finde nogen metafore? Nogen derude, der kan bidrage med en hjælpende hånd? Ville være super!! :-) 


Read this excerpt from David Gaffney’s  short story You And You Alone.
Write a short analysis where you focus on metaphors and comment on the title.

Angela and Rowan loved each other. Utterly, thoroughly, completely. All was love. Angela was crammed to the brim with pulsating pink jelly; Rowan was on a speeding motorbike screeching down a long curving road.
But there were small imperfections; a fraction of time when the speeding motorbike shuddered and gasped, a tiny fissure in the pink jelly. And the cause of these wrinkles, were the ex-lovers. Neither Angela nor Rowan was young, so over the years they had collected an assortment of ex-wives, husbands, boyfriends, and girlfriends. Not to mention the many flings, flirtations, and encounters they had each enjoyed. Although they rarely met any of the exs, the knowledge of their existence and of the intimacies their partner had shared with these strangers oppressed them. At night Angela would wake up and imagine she could see the ex-lovers swaggering up and down in front of her, pointing and laughing. Rowan said he sometimes felt as though he was lying under many thick, heavy blankets, and the blankets were all the exs.
This went on. Dark cavities appeared in the pink jelly. The speeding motorbike coughed and puttered, threatening to stall.
Something had to be done, and the solution was simple. They would kill all of their ex-lovers. When the ex-lovers were dead, the couple would be utterly content and it would be jelly and motorbikes wall to wall.

Brugbart svar (1)

Svar #1
03. marts 2013 af Stygotius

-mener du "metaforer" ??


Hvad med:

crammed to the brim  

 pulsating pink jelly

a speeding motorbike

a long curving road.

Dark cavities appeared in the pink jelly

The speeding motorbike coughed and puttered, threatening to stall.


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