
Engelsk brev

16. april 2006 af martin88a (Slettet)
Håber nogen gider se på dette brev ville blive utrolig glad så.

På forhånd tusind tak .

Dear Sirs

Flexecutive is a firm how helps people getting flex-jobs. We write to you because we want to extend the circle of customers. The advantage of cooperate with us are that you will become a more attractive company, which can attract the best employees from around the world. The employees will become more active and fresher. In my experience it can be very difficult for the employees to choose between work and family. I had worked in a leading food company. On that moment the other employees look doubting at I was on flexible hours. But now I know for certain that this attitude has changed.

I will request that we can arrange a meeting to discuss this arrangement.

I look forward to hearing from you

Yours faithfully

Svar #1
17. april 2006 af martin88a (Slettet)

Her er en ny fobedret udgave håber virkelig nogen vil se på det.

Dear Sirs

Flexecutive is a firm how helps people getting flex-jobs. We write to you because we want to extend the circle of customers. We can offer knowledge about how to implement more flexibility in the work force. The advantage of cooperate with us are that you will become a more attractive company, which can attract the best employees from around the world. The employees will become more active and fresher. In my experience it can be very difficult for the employees to choose between work and family. I had worked in a leading food company. At that time the other employees look doubting that I was on flexible hours. But now I know for certain that this attitude has changed.

Brugbart svar (0)

Svar #2
17. april 2006 af Mac3 (Slettet)

Dear Sirs

Flexecutive is a firm (how TROR DU MENER WHO, MEN DET ER DET FORKERTE ORD) helps people getting flex-jobs. We write to you because we want to extend (JEG VILLE FORETRÆKKE EXPAND I DETTE TILFÆLDE) the circle of customers. We can offer knowledge about how to implement more flexibility in the work force. The advantage of cooperate (COOPERATE SKAL VÆRE -ING FORM) with us are (KONGRUENS)that you will become a more attractive company, which can attract the best employees from around the world. The employees will become more active and fresher (IKKE PJATTET MED DETTE ORD, SE OM DU KAN FINDE ET ANDET, DER BEDRE UDTRYKKER, HVAD DU VIL SIGE). In my experience it can be very difficult for the employees to choose between work and family. I had worked (TID)in a leading food company. At that time the other employees look (TID) doubting (FORKERT ORDVALG) that I was on (IKKE ON, MEN WORKING) flexible hours. But now I know for certain that this attitude has changed.

Er brevet færdigt her? Det håber jeg godt nok ikke. Jeg synes bestemt du bliver alt for personlig i sidste del af forretningsbrevet. Faktisk mener jeg, at du bør slette sidste del fra "I had worked..." og finde på noget andet.

Svar #3
17. april 2006 af martin88a (Slettet)

Jo men det var fordi man skulle skrive om hendes erfaring inde for branchen

Svar #4
17. april 2006 af martin88a (Slettet)

Her er et nyt bud

Dear Sirs

Flexecutive is a firm which helps people getting flex-jobs. I write to you because we want to expand the circle of customers. We can offer knowledge about how to implement more flexibility in the work force. The advantages of cooperating with us are that you will become a more attractive company, which can attract the best employees from around the world. The employees will become more active and pleased. In my experience it can be very difficult for the employees to choose between work and family. I have worked in a leading food company. At that time the other employees looked down on me, because I was working flexible hours. But now I know for certain that this attitude has changed.

I will request that we can arrange a meeting to discuss this arrangement.
I look forward to our next meeting.

I look forward to hearing from you

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