
skriftlig engelsk eksamen

19. maj 2008 af johnali (Slettet)
Hej er der nogen der vil se min skriftlig engelsk eksamen på A niveau igennem?

The IRA was created in 1919 as a successor to the Irish Volunteers, a militant nationalist organization founded in 1913. The purpose of the group was to remove British military forces from Northern Ireland and to unite this country with Ireland.
IRA has no leader but consists of little dense cells under the leadership of the Army Council.
In 1969, the IRA split into the Official IRA and the Provisional IRA. The Official IRA took a more socialist line while the Provisionals, or Provos, became more militant, initially defending Catholics against loyalist attacks, then going on the offensive. The Official IRA still exists, but when people now refer to the IRA, they nearly always mean the Provisional IRA.

Michael Collins was an Irish revolutionary leader and Director of Intelligence for the IRA. He played a major part in Ireland's history after 1916. Michael Collins had been involved in the Easter Uprising in 1916, but he played a relatively low key part. It was after the Uprising that Collins made his mark leading to the treaty of 1921 that gave Ireland dominion status within the British Empire. His objective was to free Ireland from Britain and he would do anything to achieve this goal. He was shot and killed in August 1922, during the Irish Civil War.

The political violence that broke out in Ireland between 1916 and 1923 had its origins in Irish nationalist demands for home Rule within the UK and British Empire and unionist resistance to these demands. BY 1914, this issue was at an impasse with the British government prepared to concede Home Rule or self government to Ireland. This led to the formation of unionist and nationalist armed militias respectively the Ulster volunteer force and Irish volunteers.

And in may 1914 British Parliament give Ireland regional self government within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Its implementation was postponed until after the First World War, amid fears that opposition to home rule by Irish Unionists and illegal gun running by the Ulster Volunteer Force and the Irish Volunteers would lead to civil war.

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Svar #1
19. maj 2008 af TanteOda (Slettet)

OVERALL: Mange meget lange sætninger, og skal det være sådan, mangler der naturligvis kommasætning i stor stil!

The political violence that broke out in Ireland between 1916 and 1923 had its origins in Irish nationalist demands for home Rule within the UK and British Empire and unionist resistance to these demands. BY 1914, this issue was at an impasse with the British government prepared to concede Home Rule or self government to Ireland. This led to the formation of unionist and nationalist armed militias respectively the Ulster volunteer force and Irish volunteers.

- Hvorfor står Rule med stort? Og ikke Home med stort?
- UK, skriv det ud
- Første sætninger er way too long - mangler kommasætning
- Hvorfor BY?
- self-government
- Ulster Volunteer Force
- Irish Volunteers (eller Irish Volunteer Army)


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Svar #2
19. maj 2008 af Rochester (Slettet)

Jeg har skrevet det før - men jeg siger det gerne igen.

1) ...er direkte plagiat fra Encyclopædia Britannica. Opslag: Irish Republican Army
2) ...er direkte plagiat fra HistoryLearningSite. Opslag: Michael Collins (Link: www.historylearningsite.co.uk/michael_collins.htm)
3) ...er direkte plagiat fra Wikipedia. Opslag: Irish Republican Army (Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Republican_Army)

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Svar #3
19. maj 2008 af Rochester (Slettet)

Tror du virkelig, at lærerne er snotdumme, snævertsynede mennesker? Held og lykke med din engelsk A eksamen!!!!!!!!

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Svar #4
19. maj 2008 af Rochester (Slettet)

Hov, den anden sidste sætning i 2) er direkte fra http://www.militaryhistoryonline.com/20thcentury/articles/MichaelCollins.aspx, imedens sidste sætning i 2) er direkte fra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Collins. Differentieret kildevalg!

Svar #5
19. maj 2008 af johnali (Slettet)

Det er til mundligt prøve.

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Svar #6
19. maj 2008 af Rochester (Slettet)

Okay, det var ikke let at "læse" ud fra titlen på indlægget. Men det havde jeg allerede gættet, idet man jo næppe får lov til at gå på Studieportalen, for at få rettet sin skriftlige engelske eksamensstil under eksaminationen.

Men det ændrer ikke min opfattelse på den direkte kopiering. En mundtlig prøve går vel ud på, at man selv formulerer sig og bruger eget ordvalg. Men lad det ligge. Man ligger, som man har redt...

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