
engelsk oversættelse?

25. februar 2009 af AneBanane (Slettet)

hej. er der nogen der måske gider kigge min engelsk oversættelse igennem for fejl? jeg ved der er mange af dem men engelsk er ikke lige min stærke side. evt. bare de mest brutale fejl hvis det er for uoverskueligt. jeg sætter også den danske tekst ind hvis det er til hjælp.
jeg håber der er nogen der vil hjælpe lidt.. (krydser fingre)

Where does future come from?

Recently in an interview a famous Danish future scientist was asked, if she made use of an advanced, special made-up crystal ball, when she spoke of future, or if she had special clairvoyant abilities.
“none of them”, was the answer from Gitte Larsen. “I admit, that my colleagues and I, are experts on future, but to me it is very different from predicting it. Our fundamental message is that everyone takes part in creating it. If you really believe that you can predict the future, you accept at the same time that there are only one possible future, and in that way you become a kind of victim of the course of history. If you however assume that there are more possible futures, the human being becomes an active agent.
The future scientist’s job today is as exact and as imaginative as possible to describe how different future sceneries can look like. And here it is important to consider the human factor that the human act and chooses both conscious and unconscious. For an example hasn’t it been difficult to predict that one day there would come mobile phones where you can see each other while you are talking. But are people going to use them for anything? And if they are, what will it in that case have of consequences? Maybe none.
When it comes to predict the things that really matters, how humans are going to live and relate to the world in the future, it becomes considerably more difficult: how do we work, what do we buy, and – maybe the most important thing – what do we think? Human behaviour contains a flood of possibilities, and these are the one we have to aim our future eyes at.
For that reason future scientists normally don’t discuss what is going to happen in more than 10-20 years from now on.
To describe a development longer through the future does not really make sense. Sometimes we do it, but that is more for the fun of it.”

den danske tekst der skulle oversættes:

Hvor kommer fremtiden fra?

i et interview for nylig blev en kendt dansk fremtidsforsker spurgt, om hun benyttede sig af en avanceret, specialkonstrueret krystalkugle, når hun udtalte sig om fremtiden, eller om hun havde særlige clairvoyante evner.

"ingen af delene", lød Gitte Larsens svar. "Jeg indrømmer gerne, at jeg og mine kolleger er eksperter på fremtiden, men det er for mig noget ganske andet end at forudsige den. vores grundlæggende budskab er, at man selv er med til at skabe den. hvis man rent faktisk tror på, at man kan forudsige fremtiden, så har man samtidig accepteret, at man kun har én mulig fremtid, og at man dermed bliver en slags passivt offer for historiens gang. hvis man imidlertidig antager, at der er flere mulige fremtider, bliver mennesket i stedet en aktiv medspiller (brug her ordet 'agent').

fremtidsforskerens job i dag er at beskrive så præcist og fantasifuldt som muligt, hvordan forskellige fremtidsscenarier kan se ud. og her er det vigtigt, at man tager hensyn til den menneskelige faktor, at mennesket handler og vælger, både bevidst og ubevidst. det har for eksempel ikke været særlig svært at forudsige, at der en dag ville komme mobiltelefoner, hvor man kan se hinanden, mens man snakker. men vil folk bruge dem til noget som helst? og hvis de vil, hvad vil det i så fald få af konsekvenser? måske ingen.

når det drejer sig om at forudsige det der virkelig betyder noget, hvordan mennesket  kommer til at leve og forholde sig til verden i fremtiden, bliver det betydeligt sværere: hvordan arbejder vi, hvad køber vi, og - måske allervigtigst - hvad tænker vi? menneskelig adfærd indeholder et væld af muligheder, og det er dem, vi skal rette vore fremtidsøjne mod.

af den grund diskuterer fremtidsforskere normalt ikke, hvad der vil ske mere end 10-20 år fra nu.

at beskrive en udvikling længere ind i fremtiden giver ikke rigtig mening. vi gør det en gang imellem, men det er mest for sjov."

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Svar #1
25. februar 2009 af Erik Morsing (Slettet)

Det med fed skrift skal du kigge på en ekstra gang

Recently in an interview a famous Danish future scientist was asked, if she made use of an advanced, special made-up crystal ball, when she spoke of future, or if she had special clairvoyant abilities.
“none of them”, was the answer from Gitte Larsen. “I admit, that my colleagues and I, are experts on future, but to me it is very different from predicting it. Our fundamental message is that everyone takes part in creating it. If you really believe that you can predict the future, you accept at the same time that there are only one possible future, and in that way you become a kind of victim of the course of history. If you however assume that there are more possible futures, the human being becomes an active agent.
The future scientist’s job today is as exact and as imaginative as possible to describe how different future sceneries can look like. And here it is important to consider the human factor that the human act and chooses both conscious and unconscious. For an example hasn’t it been difficult to predict that one day there would come mobile phones where you can see each other while you are talking. But are people going to use them for anything? And if they are, what will it in that case have of consequences? Maybe none.
When it comes to predict the things that really matters, how humans are going to live and relate to the world in the future, it becomes considerably more difficult: how do we work, what do we buy, and – maybe the most important thing – what do we think? Human behaviour contains a flood of possibilities, and these are the one we have to aim our future eyes at.
For that reason future scientists normally don’t discuss what is going to happen in more than 10-20 years from now on.
To describe a development longer through the future does not really make sense. Sometimes we do it, but that is more for the fun of it.”

Svar #2
25. februar 2009 af AneBanane (Slettet)

okay tusind tak!!

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Svar #3
05. marts 2017 af frederikkors (Slettet)


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