
Analyse af "style of writing"

19. november 2020 af maggijo01 - Niveau: A-niveau

Skal analysere et uddrag fra artiklen “Innocence lost: what did you do before the internet?” 

Hvad kan man sige om dette uddrag? Sproger et vel formelt, men hvad ellers? Adjektiver, retoriske virkemidler osv... Håber noget gider hjælpe..;) 

"I began to investigate what it was that marked my generation out – what was the “innocence” lost, if any? I was surprised then to discover many of the neuroscientists, cyber-psychologists and tech ethicists who spend their lives pondering the cultural and moral ramifications of the digital revolution have come to believe that there is something special in my generation, and the recollection of our shared analogue past.

It’s not that digital immigrants are smarter or more talented than the digital natives that came after us. Our uniqueness, it seems, lies in the fact that we are the last of a dying breed and as such, living, breathing receptacles of a soon-to-be lost plane of human experience: empty yawning hours and days of nothing much at all."

Svar #1
22. november 2020 af maggijo01

Er der ikke en, der bare kan sige et par ting om den?;) Det ville være en kæmpe hjælp...

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